Rumor, Magic the Gathering MMO in the works

Rumor, Magic the Gathering MMO in the works.


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Wizards is incredibly incompitant

So like a regular card game sort which is incredably dumb and redundant or something like D&D online where it's just in name only?

They can't even make an online client for the card game. An MMO would be an incredibly retarded move. It's much more likely that 'Magic Digital Next' is a Hearthstone-like client for the card game that merges MTGO and Magic Duels.

>card game mmo
sounds incredibly retarded
>magic lore mmo
the settings in magic are just getting worse and worse so who cares

It will either be actually good or an incredible fuck up. I'm guaranteed hours of entertainment either way.

Apparently it might have been outsourced to Cryptic Studios.

If it's just running about a 3d work doing Magic Battles with ever encounter I'm in.

Will Eldrazi be a playable race?


Micro transactions the Game.

Blind as a Bat.

Not gonna change shit.
Wizards is always afraid of the people losing sight of their main product, paper cards.
They are killing magic duels because they are afraid it could take business away from their cards, they will fuck with their mmo if it ever becomes relevant.
Wizards are truly incompetent

I love magic and have been playing it since m14. But God damn wizard's technical "prowess" is astounding. I haven't seen any other company fuck up as many digital products as wotc

What plane would be the best setting?

I really want dominaria since I was never around for it. But I know wizards hates premending stuff because they're too lazy to address it interestingly with the characters they have now and instead just like to pretend it doesn't exist

Pre-apocalypse Dominaria, Shandalar, Ravnica, Mirrodin, Phyrexia

WotC absolutely despise computers and anything digital, so you can bet your ass it's going to be trash, no matter what it ends up being.

A magic the gathering mmo has been rumored for at least 2 decades now. Give up cardfags.

I mean, I'd be beyond hyped to explore Dominaria or Ravnica but I just know that if it ever happens Wizards will fuck it up immensely. Shandalar was the last good MtG game.

Lorwyn because an mmo has to be generic fantasy
Serious Answer: Ravnica is the most likely

>generic fantasy

I started playing Magic Duels just to get a handle on the rules. Thinking about buying a deck building kit after I get used to it. Anything else I should know?

Are you talking about NEXT? That's not going to be an MMO.

I doubt wizards would do a MTG game

Stop playing Magic Duels, don't buy a deckbuilder's toolkit and then you got 3 choices.

If you are willing to invest 300-500$ then you can go to your LGS and get some recommendations on modern/standard decks (I wouldn't recommend standard, its a money pit) and see how shit works
If you got friends then buy some planeswalker decks/duel decks or just build casual jank decks for 20$
Drop the game.

Yugioh is shitting itself right now and I need to pick up something else.

Well you could always download cockatrice which is the actual go to mtg online player. It has every card and itsnt automated so you can get the whole experience.

You have a couple of different routes you can go:
Standard (made up of the most recent few sets available). Standard is a good starting point since your required knowledge of cardpool is smaller. It's not terribly expensive but you have to make new decks every year or so as cards will rotate out of standard. The complexity and power-level is also lower than other formats. NEVER BUY BOOSTER PACKS OR SEALED PRODUCT. Buy/trade for singles, it's much smarter in the long run.

Draft. Draft events are you buying 3 packs then drafting cards from them with 7 other players. The advantages here are that you're on an even playing field with the other 7, so there's no dumb pay to win bullshit going on. It's also pretty skill intensive and every game is different since you make a new deck every time. Downside is that it's going to cost you about 10 bucks to draft since you have to pay for the 3 packs. Many stores offer prize support for their drafts so if you're good enough you can 'go infinite' and never pay for a draft again.

Commander. A primarily multiplayer format, these decks involve you picking one creature to be your commander and you build a deck based around that creature. The creature is always available for you to cast and can be recast multiple times if it gets killed/leaves play. Commander has the best support from Wizards of the Coast and the precons are good bang for buck. The cardpool leads to some fun cards being legal, but you have to deal with politics/multiplayer and the top tier decks are frustrating to play with. NEVER BUY BOOSTERS. Precon 'commander' decks are fine.

Modern/Legacy. Like standard but the cards never rotate. Power level is much higher as is the cost. This is an investment to be sure, but you make a deck and you get to play with it forever. You need to be familiar with more cards than standard but it's a satisfying couple of formats. NEVER BUY SEALED PRODUCT/BOOSTERS.

Or just casual.

Zendikar, why is this even a question ? Every other answer is wrong.


what a bad idea

zendikar is a retarded plane when you think about it
sure adventuring is all fine, but there barely seems to be anything OTHER than adventuring on that plane, which makes your adventures not adventures but normal everyday life

and ravnica is more colorful

But if it was Zendikar they could make it a soul's game, make all the enemies Eldrazi :3

Pokemon tcgo is the only good tcgo on the market, also because it's the cheapest (literally no IAP)

>not dominaria

fuck off kiddo

>sure adventuring is all fine, but there barely seems to be anything OTHER than adventuring on that plane,
That sounds like every MMO universe.

Tons of Heroes
Very few farmers.

nah, there's plenty of mankirks wives and shit, just they're background NPCs

>start playing
>all the trainer challenges with shit starter decks
Kill me. This shit is not fun.

>tfw you have to buy the dlc booster pack to get better cards and better spells

I want a game like phantom dust but incorporating creatures and artifacts

Don't do trainer challenges just grind theme ladder with the blue deck untill you can afford the lunala theme deck, then use that to grind ladder and get your currency

The fuck are you talking about

>tfw you'll be an planeswalker materializing his cards

Well I already completed the first batch of trainer challenges and, in the process, bought the Incineroar deck, based off guidance from the /vp/ pastebin.

>The fuck are you talking about
Looks like you don't know about Magic the Gathering, user.

Not him but why are you discussing MtG to an user talking about Pokemon TCG?

>mads being too classy to wave his middle finger around

>why are you talking about MtG in a MtG thread?
Maybe because it's a MtG thread?

Europeans are just cucks

Is this that Magic digital next people were talking about or is it another project?

Incineroar is cool but honestly trainer challenges are a waste of time once you got a good theme deck, grinding ladder rewards are extremely good and strongly incentivise you to try to get 10 wins a day

I only play magic duels, I don't want to spend hundreds into paper and I don't want to play some online game with the Ui from windows 95

Fight me

>I don't like the basis and true soul of MtG
Or you're just a braindead NEET?

We don't know

>can't use guns

Even if they did and it actually works, it will still focus around Jace and those other faggots.

Yay, I can't wait to pay real money for virtual cards that will disappear once the servers get shut down!

>tfw MtG will never do a Ciri planeswalker


Honestly being able to go back and forth between plains would be best. Have each of them as their own seperate Hubs and maybe live the life of a planeswalker. Maybe your race can dictate where you start.

Getting bored of the straight corners of Ravnica? Head over to Lorwyn and enjoy the pretty scenery before the Great Aura shows up and makes everything awful.

Done with that? Try Zendikar for some fun romps in gorgeous environments that can come alive and kill you. Ontop of all the other things that are already alive that want to kill you!

That getting to boring? Fuck off to Innistrad and then leave because fucking hell nothing good happens on that plane ever.

Sling over to Kaladesh and enjoy some goddamn car races, or save up some money and buy a floating Aether powered airship.

This could be a really cool thing if at all true and not made by morons.

You can't blame them too much. YuGiOh demonstrated why putting all your cards up on a computer program is a terrible idea for a card game.

I kind of hope it's not card related, honestly.

The thing about MtG is that it has a universe that is only represented by cards, which makes it immediately more appealing for this sort of project than Yugioh.

It could work, it could work very well but like says it would be a complete shit show. Could another more capable company do it? Sure, wizards is also trying to make a movie right now I'm pretty sure so they are just trying to cash in as opposed to making "labor of love" projects.

>I kind of hope it's not card related, honestly.
WotC has been jewing people with super expensive tradable pieces of cardboard for 24 years, why would they stop now?

It basically just needs to be MTG: Shandalar but multiplayer and 3D.

have not played magic a long time. did they drop jaceleague already?

Because an actual mmo with powers based on the cards would lead to much better design.

Learn new spells as you journey to different plains and gain powers that can only be found there!

I know Wizards isn't the sharpest pencil in the drawer but goddamn I just want them to make the right decision because IT'S RIGHT THERE IN-FRONT OF THEM.

No. God no.

I mean I liked the idea of having main characters that we know since then we don't have to introduce them every fucking time we go to a new plain to tell a story but with maybe two exceptions they are all giant bores.

This last set had zero creativity

Pauper is an option too, if you want to play on MTGO.It's an eternal format, but only commons are allowed, so it's pretty high power level, and super cheap.

They don't need to.
They have no competition

Magic Duels is like crack for me. I know it is not the best implementation of MTG, but that hasn't stopped me from putting an embarrassing number of hours into Duels. I am kind of sad I can't discuss Magic Duels on Sup Forums (it falls in between Sup Forums, /tg/, and /vg/) more often. It is clear there are at least some MD players on Sup Forums, but it never gets discussed, so unfortunately I have to go to the Magic Duels subreddit to discuss this game.

I am really hoping Magic Digital next will be an updated implementation of the MTG card game. I am not very interested in an MTG related spin-off game to be honest.

As much as I hate it you're right.
Yugioh used to be a competitive rival until they went pants on head retarded and never came back from it.
Hearthstone and other Online CCGs never last because you don't have a physical collection sitting in your room to pick back up after 2 years.
I hear Pokemon is doing okay right now but it will never be considered a true rival because of the complexity differences.

Yugioh just went full retard and decided the smartphone version of their game is the main game now

I could take a lot of shit. Pendulums, Links. but this is too far.

Smartphone games are cancer and bring in the worst audience.

>They are killing magic duels
Please cite a source, otherwise I will dismiss this as a fear mongering shitpost.


First Expansion - Phyrexian invasion

It'll be pay to win bullshit, just like the cardboard.

Could be interesting but probably won't be
>you start off mono-color
>can choose to go dual color for more options/less power and maybe even three-color

There's nothing to discuss. Nobody wants to spend hundreds (thousands) of dollars on a bunch of paper in today's world, especially when there's way more entertaining games out there that are free to play or a fraction of the price. Furthermore there are already plenty of ways to play MtG for free through online clients like magicworkstation.

Wizards are desperate as fuck, especially because their official online client is complete dogshit.

Also Hex: Shards of Fate exists, which pretty much blows MtG the fuck out of the water

Pokemon has the best model right now for mixing paper and digital. You buy paper cards, you get codes to get cards online. And you play online for free, they give you enough stuff to effectively play casually without paying out a single cent. I'm actually tempted to buy physical cards to get into it at the LGS scene, and to get more shit in the online version. The theme deck stuff is easy to get into and reasonably fun. Not actually sure what the standard more competitive stuff looks like, though.

this will never happen

>you will never get banged by three smelly survivor cocks

Any chance to realize any MtG world into a wide explorable 3D environment is a chance I'd pay for me, no matter how badly it tanks after release.

apparently it's already in development

A card game MMO where you can actually challenge NPCs and players in a game world would be amazing.
Add in quests for cards/packs and I'd give up regular MMOs

I'd just like to point out that there already WAS a 3D Magic the Gathering game.

This is the only screenshot we got so far, whatever it is. It's from a recent Hasbro report for shareholders.

And it looks like dogshit.

Looks alright to me

> blatantly attempting to copy Hearthstone
> alright

Why would they release some no-life game to cannibalize the fanbase of their other no-life game?

>Magic MMO
That sounds awful

Umm if anything Heathstone copied magic.

Yep. See: Magic Duels, and the last DotP.

umm sweetie no


Not even close, HS is way simpler to appeal to normies.

Oh love, yes.

>not a Hearthstone MMO

Umm deary,

But hearthstone is a shallow pile of mediocrity, christ magic duels is bad but at least it's not simple

>copying a top tier UI
I bet you like the clunkiness of duels. HS may be a shitty RGN-fest of a card game, but it controls perfectly. The only bad thing there is that they're still using that stupid combat animation that only wastes time. In fact, it'd have been better if they had also copied HS's simple animation, only with every creature attacking at the same time.