Are you ready for the GOTYAY?

Are you ready for the GOTYAY?

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Look out persona!

>leave Persona to us

The youtube comments say it all


>let's advertise our game with a closeup of a nu-male crying into the camera
>yes perfect

I sincerely hope this fails

If you have to claim that your game is post-modern, then it probably isn't.

>combos are made using vinyl records and film
>protag is the most stereotypical hipster anyone has ever designed

It doesn't look bad overall desu but it is pretty funny, shame that people are shitting all over the game for that alone though.

The music is garbage. Straight audio garbage.

>Unity engine
Soiled it.

That trailer was so fucking hipster I grew a plaid shirt.

look kiddo, go back to your devil may cry.


Subtlety is the key to everything.
If you don't know how to make people understand your game on their own, then you probably don't have the capacity to do such thing.

I just got done playing SMT:A.
i love RPGs, but when turns take that fucking long, dude paper mario has these kind of interactive attacks but they dont tAKE THIS FUCKING LONG HOLY FUCK

Advertising your game is postmodern is postmodern

Will sell like hotcakes on Steam

>describing your own game as postmodern
How fucking pretentious can you get

I don't get it. The aesthetics are there and the designs for the worlds look pretty interesting sans some of the more, "Modern," areas. Why do they move like they are stuck in water? Why is the music sound so ugly and obtrusive? Why does combat look so dull? They can't possibly believe this going to be the next step in RPGs.

>The aesthetics are there
Unfortunately. I wish drastically different aesthetics were there.

And Switch

I hope it has romance options so I can get blacked like a good sjw.

The music from 0:57 sounds good for a one-time aggressive boss or something, but there's so much horrible build up and it'll probably be used in half the battles.

I can understand that. 90% of the character designs are straight boring and look so out of place. I liked some of the world schemes, but from that wonky movement to that dumbed down, "Paper Mario," battle system that I led to believe that this pure garbage. Why is this going to sell?

some interesting ideas, increase the speed by 2X and change the music and it could be good I guess.

I can accept the concept but the execution looks like garbage. Especially the battle system. Gimmicks are expected, but they should be interesting, not tedious bullshit.

>that edgy shit at the end
and then the disk drive started crying blood and when I restarted my computer there was a hyper-realistic dead girl and I couldn't click anything

>western RPGs

I'd be pretty excited for this if the combat wasn't so fucking slow

The music is pretty rad, the locations/situations seem pretty interesting and varied.
This is definitely their best trailer so far

I think that's what is getting me: the build up. It sounds like they slammed down on a MIDI keyboard for a few seconds and called it music then proceeded into something else.

>Turn-based RPG for kids with ADHD

God those battles are going to last FOREVER.

God, this looks so.. Portlandish

PC's or hipster Persona 5?

Is there actually a release date for this yet?

>uses katana

Unironically yes. Looks like Earthbound + Yume Nikki with a side of ironic hipster bullshit. Combat looks like shit but I'm sold on the aesthetic and world ambiance.

>I can't help but feel that I'd like this game better if the protagonist didn't look like he was about to give me a stern lecture on patriarchal microaggressions.

Well, he's not wrong

>YIIK is a Japanese Style RPG set in the 1990s, about eight strangers, a mysterious woman who vanishes in an elevator, and weaponized Panda plushies.
I can't wait for this to crash and burn and for the devs to blame it all on mysoginistic gamers.

I will never not look at this game and not think all the characters are self inserts.


Also, this is probably the worst trailer I've ever seen. I think it's trying to establish a certain weird, off-kilter mood, but it just look amateurish. Everything just looks disjointed (in a bad way), the scenes it's trying to show off as exciting and/or humorous are absolutely none of the above.

It looks like a bunch of assets thrown together and it's really fucking sad because I can tell they think they're coming up with something revolutionary.

There's just nothing worse when stupid, basic bitch normies are trying to come off as clever, it exudes a special kind of cringe that goes just a little bit further than cringe should have a right to. It's the same reason why reddit is hated.

>Earthbound + Yume Nikki
Everyone is doing this these days, look at Undertale and Omori

Blacks make the best Samurai. Shame this game had to make theirs a faggot hipster, thus killing any potential frame of interest.

>le weird beardman and his FuNkEy FrIeNdZ
>"hwe gowtta save bethany from qdobas"
>pc-esque music
I mean it looks alright visually but it's pretty apparent that the guy is just trying to ape all the recent Earthbound-like inde games.

I am very happy about both of those game's existence as well. The more the merrier, these sorts of games are my shit.

>that fucking music
>those lazy animations
>that horrid looking combat

Christ this looks truly bad.

>unironic postmodernism
go back to >>>/academia/

It annoys the shit out of me that they can look at what was basically a Dragon Quest clone in a modern setting and decide being as 'quirky' as possible with everything was the way to go
This voice acting.

Jesus Christ, I get that they are trying to imitate old PSX era RPGs, but those stilted animations that look like there is absolutely next to no frames look like shit.

That, and the actual visual style looks inconsistent as fuck.

>Set in 1999
>Is the most millennial thing ever
I don't get it.

>pretty nice looking low-poly-ish models
>but terrible animations
>in-combat minigames
>but they're incredibly overdawn and really fucking boring looking
>guest music by bo-en and toby fox
>it's not even that good compared to their other works
It might actually be decent if it wasn't the definition of half-assed.

>Claudio is obviously a white guy pretending to be a black weeaboo
>Rory is just saying his lines, not even acting

Yeah, never putting a cent into this game. I might pirate it, but buying it is out of the question entirely.


This dialogue makes me want to die

This whole game is sarcastic right? Like it's all a big joke and we;re supposed to laugh?

I haven't seen a game so expertly designed to repulse me since Battleborn came out.


You honestly could have just linked Combat.

You don't talk shit about Da Samoorai my dude.

I- I think that is actually it.
This is the greatest practical joke anyone's ever pulled and it has so many layers of meta hipsterdom it just completely flies over our heads because of it.
It has to be.


>cringey characters
>stupid title
>questionable battle system

>Excuse me, but perhaps you have mistaken this for another floor?

Hipster Irony allows people to frame their poorly thought out creative decisions in the context of cultural insight. You see, it's not that they have shit taste, oh no. It's that they're OPERATING ON A HIGHER WAVELENGTH than our pedestrian minds.

But really they're really just throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit something that resonates with the collective unconscious of that particular time. If they land a hit, they take credit for bringing the idea to the table. If it's a miss, they just say "Oh it's just some little thing I thought was cool haha" and then alter their own recollection to pretend they never cared about it that much anyway.

>head dev inserting himself as the main character


No but I'm ready to die.

>'Y2K' is a Killer7 EarthBound hipster hybrid heaven
Yass Queen sign me the fuck in

>This is so unrealistic. Hipsters don't know any black or asian people even though they're the loudest liberals ever.

>x-of the year
not a chance

>coming summer 1999

I'm glad it was never released

Is that YuriofWind?

If the main dude didn't look like a fucking cuck id probably be interested in this

>Takes place in "1999".
>No spiked bleached hair, frosted tips or fanny packs.
>One character is a literal copy paste modern day hipster (those didnt exist back then)
> Theres a weeb in a time before anime truly got big in America and talks about watching anime online when there was almost no streaming at the time with AOL dial up.

Come on guys.... At least do basic fucking research.

The joke: "Guy is too much into anime"

One of the most chewed out jokes out there, under no circumstance should anyone think it's funny in 2017. Furthermore, it's as simple as jokes get and can be glossed over in a few seconds. Instead, this piece of shit is milked for two minutes. How can you even criticize stilted voice acting if the script is so bad in the first place.

I think the writer is legitimately retarded. It's as if he himself wouldn't understand the joke if it wasn't stretched to two minutes, so had to really hammer it home so as to not get confused.

Everybody in the thread has noticed how slow this game is - I really think it's intentional because the devs can't process anything faster. I think this game may actually be made by retards and I would caution against criticizing it too much. I don't know about you, but I don't like laughing at the mentally retarded, I think it's in poor taste.

Holy shit I think you're right, that's probably him

Mfw I played the demo and actually enjoyed it a bunch.

it probably has some interesting social commentary about why trump is bad, capitalism is evil and communism is great but has never been done right, also Islam is a religion of peace. Egyptians were black africans and having an open relationship is cool.

This is not even hipster irony. I think these people are very earnest and unaware of how bad this entire thing is.

Man, I had to lie to say that it doesn't have an interesting vibe, but the SJW hipster shit ruins it instantly.

It looks moderately interesting, but the animations and voice acting are a a bit janky.


>Earthbound for grown-ups

men are so silly XD

This looks like the kind of game that would have a transgender bathroom in it for the dev to brag about on twitter

>Anthony Burch was working on this game the whole time

>Earthbound for Grown Ups
I really hope he meant Earthbound but with Grown Ups.

Looks like the kind of game that was designed to piss off Sup Forums as much as possible

wasn't earthbound more mature than this?

It is him I think but I guess he never mentioned to use it as a selling point


>tumblr ironic nerds: the videogame
obvious commercial advertising (shilling) thread, ignore or sage if you need to post

>Make a game that's full of obvious Hipster garbage such that it would be offensive to anyone who isn't a nu-male
>Post it on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums froths at the mouth and starts talking with people about it on other networks and websites, and broadcasts how much they hate it
>Actual hipster faggots find out about it, free of advertising cost

The Dragon's Crown debacle of Tumblr.


>every RPG with modern references is similar to Earthbound
tumblr was a mistake

GOD, I fucking hate video game culture
everything looks so bastardized, so plastic so out of context, so god damn comercial. there is no soul or passion in this game, they just slapped the most cliché retardation they could find so it could appeal to the most wide bunch of posers and mindless degenerates
I rather play a videogame made by Sup Forums with stupid meems


>I rather play a videogame made by Sup Forums with stupid meems
what are some games like this

0:08 garrysmod tier animation, homestuck-like characters

0:21 is that a fcuking AHEGAO


0:30 more homestuck

0:33 self insert hipster lumberjack goony beard man

0:40 more low fps run animation when the world is 60fps

0:44 SUDDENLY NEW 2D ARTSTYLE FOR CONVERSATIONS. Really? When you already had reasonably detailed models for closeup shots?

1:06 vinyl record based battle system. kinda neat, reminiscent of the timing challenge in Super Mario RPG but with less charm and more monotony.

1:18 same as above except you're doing it on a linear instead of radial graph. There seems to be a lot of waiting for things to happen.

1:30 city street scene - developer thinks "i want to make the feeling of pushing my way through a thick crowd". character is constantly being occluded by decorative npcs.

1:34 - hands have zero windup/telegraph animations

1:50 - again with the wait-then-mash-button mechanic

2:15 absolute shit tier audio quality for the last bit of dialogue which should be selling you on the game

2:39 holy shit, yet another save the princess cliche? Didn't these postmodernist developers get the memo that it's now blasphemy to make female characters the end goal of your games? How misogynist!

>music by Toby Fox

The GOAT had it and everyone loved it's music

Claudio seems like a cool nigga.