Post casual filters in video games

Post casual filters in video games.


Digimon World?







not really, you could get a good ultimate from him and plow a good portion of the game with it



Fucking Next Order cucking me out of muh Kabuterimon for this piece of shit

You can unlock a certain digimon that will allow you to block evolution paths.



I know that now, it was just the first couple of generations where I was dumb enough to use the gym instead of grinding

It's kinda wierd how that works. The very first champion digimon I got was some fucking robot guy who had a single attack which costed 2k MP. My digimon had 1100 MP when it evolved so it never could attack without me ordering to do so.

What's the story behind this? I'm new

Not surprising that Urbossa died fighting him.

Dsp spent half an hour trying to get through this simple section because he didn't pay atention to the croutch-jump tutorial.