
Based Nintendo. Think I'll buy 5. Just so that Nintendo make even MORE money.

Because it's the equivalent of five bucks and is just for collectors who want to display it.

>5 dollars
I'm confused why this is even a product but at least it's cheap.

>5 dollars for a cardboard box

>How can you defend this?

For autistic collectors who don't want another switch
The box art is really sweet though

First it was interchangeable plates for the 3ds and now is doing interchangeable boxes for your switch.

It's got a nice paintjob

Japs are buying this.

How can you defend this?

It also comes with stickers


There is demand for it.
Whats there to defend?

Padding for Switch sales numbers

This is normal in Japan.

Oh cool. instead of Chinese sellers listing their own empty switch boxes they can save money and just buy and resell the boxes for switch prices. Good job nintendo

>Kimishima: As you can see, of our various Switch SKUs we sold 10M units in 2017
>Investor: How many of those were empty boxes, Yakuza man?
>Kimishima: Let's not get bogged down with the details

It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money.

I'm not buying it & I think it's lame garbage for retards but that price isn't particularly unfair.

You'd be surprised at Japanese collectibles.
They could sell them Splatoon themed fucking plastic buckets for 10 bucks each and they will buy them.


They're making it easy for eBay scammers to sell empty boxes.

Going right next to this baby. Based Nintendo.

Can you imagine the fucking shitstorm if Sony or Microsoft did this.



>Can you imagine the fucking shitstorm if Sony or Microsoft did this.
no? what is there to defend?

Fuck tou, i lol'd.

Apparently this is a common thing in Japan so yes it is perfectly ok.

nah, I would call them retards too.

nintentards gonna nintentard, no point stopping dogs from eating shit

A shrine in honor of what an enormous faggot you are.

>Can you imagine the fucking shitstorm if Sony or Microsoft did this.
The difference is the demand is there in Japan. This shit wouldn't fly in the west with any of the big three companies, why do you think NOA don't have this on heir online store?

>Nintendo's face when

Post more 2D Audrey.

So rude.

Cry more Ryan

Japan is obsessed with Splatoon.

>How can you defend this?
so resellers of the box can charge high as fuck retardo prices compared to like the five bucks nintendy is asking for.

Since some people will buy the splatoon bundle but don't care for the box and want to make a bit of their money back by selling the box. to early adopters who already but the console but got a different box art on it.

I bet your one of those fags who is all upset that you cant make some money back off of selling that shitty box arent ya you jewish fag boy.

$5 for a collectors novelty box.
A resounding meh.

Just saves people from bugging retailers for the display boxes.

Nintendo literally said it's for people who bought a Switch already but like how this box looks. Splatoon is very popular in Japan. The box is $5. That's all there is to it.

>but the other company

Every time, shut up

It's a pretty fun game.

Now they are just showing off to Sony. It must be really fucking insulting to lose to a fucking empty box.

>How can you defend this?- 42 posts and 5 image replies shown.
The same way people defended the Wii U and Amiibos. Nintendo drones will shield anything.