Destiny 2 Won't Use Dedicated Servers On PC

>Bungie's head of PC David Shaw confirmed that server infrastructure for the game was "complicated" and that they "do not have dedicated servers for Destiny 2 on PC"

>No Steam
>No servers
>P2W microtransations

Why would anyone care about this game again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>No dedicated servers

I don't understand

I don't.


le trash man.jpeg

>server infastructure is "complicated"
Cross play?

There are basically hub cities, glorified chat rooms, where you create a party, and then enter an instance on a players machine.

It's as much an MMO as Diablo 3 is.

>People will defend this

Not only that but it's going to be on the fucking

Ah ok, I never played the first one since it never had a PC release. I thought it was a regular MMO .


>No dedicated servers still

I don't think I ever had a PvP match on Destiny that didn't feel fucked, and I know how to setup a router. All they had to do was give it servers and actual content and Destiny could have been a good game

Ready for that 20 tick 150 ping matchmaking goodness.
I guess they realized that with OW - there is an actual interest in total shittery shooters.

Because I liked the first game and this is fixing most of my nitpicks with it

>>No Steam
Can we stop pretending this is a bad thing?

I don't give a shit about destiny you're just a retard.

>All the supers are now just reskinned roaming bullshit.
>All the pvp maps will be medium size
>Two primaries at once
>Agility, armor and recovery are now rng
>No new races
>No new classes
>30 fps
>1 raid

Way to go, Bungie

No user we must suck lord gabens cock because le edgy pz master race

>can only do 16 players at once

Holy shit no one cares about this game with or without dedicated servers, goddamn.

Bungie hasn't been relevant in almost 2 decades.

>implying there will be any dedicated server in AUS otherwise
much better this way

>30 fps
On console

its not an MMO
this is what happens when fags go "lol who cares about genres nerd it's mostly the same shit as wow because it's online and you play with other peeps :)"

>our face when in ten years, no multiplayer games will release with dedicated servers even moreso than they don't release now

That shit will be sad for you embarrassing multiplayer fags. It'll be like the crying from the 90s with dial up lag all over again, except it will be constantly. For every single fucking multiplayer game. Just like old times.

>scorpio specs have not been announced

>1 raid
Can we finally use matchmaking?
End game is so shit if you don't have friends with a specific console and Destiny.
Who in their studio is so damn stubborn about people being allowed to use matchmaking for raids?

Sad thing is user that it being some cooperative FPS without dedicated servers is just as ridiculous.
This happens when people with no standards buy video games.

Why are we regressing when it comes to online capabilities?

Watch the stream, raids have limited matchmaking now

>always favor playing with ameribros
>have slightly increased latency compared to closer servers
>can stand it just fine because I extensively played QW back on the 90's on fucking dialup
this is just like when characters train wearing those weights in dragon ball, just to later remove them so they're even stronger

let's sabotage the game on PC to prove that Sony is the future.

How so?

Oh man is it gonna be one of those retarded things where they'll advertise it as being a dx12 game, only be available on Windows 10 and it'll rub like ass on the highest end hardware?

So is their goal to have this die faster than the first?

>For Honor
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Has there ever been a multiplayer game without dedicated servers that didn't turn out to be a blunder?

At least we still have le funny Deadpool quip robot lmao!

i guess it's like a lobby system but with clans. you can choose to ally yourself with a person's clan during a raid as a solo player. It's intended to also work as clan recruitment.

Why couldn't they just do full matchmaking like with strikes? I don't want to team with serious clanfags.

I hope not because I don't want to deal with people using hax

Sup Forums's underage babies attest to the success of overshit every day. Where do you think actiblizz got the idea?
It worked once so theres no need to ever bother with it again.

>Agility, armor and recovery are now rng
What does this mean

Wait, Overwatch does not have dedicated servers?

>implying people give a shit about scorpio

Wildlands and Warframe

>the argument is 60 fps

he said wasn't a blunder lol

The garbage known as Modern Warfare 2.

they didn't want full matchmaking because they think that the raids are too tough and with matchmaking you'd get people who rage quit and troll along with people quitting mid raid more frequently since rejoining wouldn't be as much a hassle if they could jump in too easily

>blizzard hosting shitty pc port
mike got cucked big time

So its basically a glorified coop game

Of course it does

Space Marine was fantastic

Selling millions is blunder now?


don't worry the PC master race is equipped with the best hardware available for the best peer to peer experience, they won't notice the difference.

Why is this going to be on if it doesn't have server side multiplayer?

People are just going to hack their characters, this is going back to the Diablo 1 days with open Battle net

Nice job Bungie



>Space Marine was fantastic
That may be so, but it was ruined due to the DLC and dedicated servers fucking up the online play.
Not to mention losing all of your online progress if you had to reinstall the game.

probably just so they can release 3 next year

Space Marine didn't have dedicated servers. That was the point. Besides the obvious host is in Malaysia or something the multiplayer was actually rather good

>sales means the game was good

The people that want to premake for raids aren't affected if they just allow full matchmkaing. No one other than the people choosing to use it are affected.
I don't understand this "it won't work, don't allow it" mentality.

>No one other than the people choosing to use it are affected.

not true


>Space Marine was fantastic
>host drops out
>entire match is paused
I hated that shit.

no dedicated*
I know that.

those stats are tied to armor instead of subclass nodes so he's saying you'll have to grind for armor with the stats you want.

int/disc/str no longer exists.

Explain. I can never find an argument against full matchmaking other than it's not going to be a good experience for them.

>unironically defending ubishit

some people don't want to just wait in queues all day and not having it as an option means there will be more people willing to LFG the old fashion way instead of just being lazy.

Your account can cross between being played on PC or console, but PC and console version players can not play together.

Peer-to-peer is absolutely Goddamned awful, whatever the game.

Consoles and console developers keep fucking things up.

Theres more money to be made by being cheap and cutting costs than spending on providing a quality game/service.

Thank the plebs.

no way I'm buying another p2p fiasco like for honor where 1 retard with a potato internet makes you disconnect

The game is shit anyways.
Here's a synopsis of the game's story. See if you can make anything of it.

Spoiler: There is no story.

>Started on Mac
> Bought by Microsoft
> Console developers

Bungie can make a fucking PC game, want to blame someone blame Activision.

That's just it though. They can CHOOSE to either do open matchmaking or LFG their way into an organized team.
Artificially forcing people to LFG on reddit when they'd rather just click a button and wait is not helping anyone.

I thought it was a bungled glitchy mess?

Was it actually fun? I saw a few streams when it came out and it seemed like a shitty corridor shooter that barely made it out the door

Nah, at their best they could succesfully dumb down FPS so it was accessible to consoles, and that was over ten years ago.
They are console devs.

maybe because their games are fun? if you will go beyond being pedo weeb who only plays dated nintendo and $60 visual novels (persona 5) garbage you will understand

The multiplayer was fun

oh yeah let me get right on generic open world watchtower climbing shooter simulator 2017

fuck off ubisoft cuck

>company from 90s are the same as from 2017
>company from 00s are the same as from 2017
>company from early 10s are the same as from 2017

can you be more retarded? do you know how many people would leave their company and how many new (sjw too) people would hop in?

While CE was a long fucking time ago, these guys know how to work outside the XDK. Halo 2 for Vista was a terrible port because it was reverse engineered out of the 200NT xdk.

hmm maybe i should have pulled the trigger on it then :/

Did you play Halo 4? Bungie is still bungie, they left all the sjws with microshit.

You can't even be sure of that, you don't know how much of the company has been replaced.
And first and foremost its a console dev because thats how they make their games - they think of how it'll work on a console first, and will always design every element around that.

It doesn't fucking matter.

They won't make scorpio run at 60 fps and normal boners at 30 fps, that would fuck shit over in pvp balancing

>I didn't even played the game the post

:* i got season pass too

PS before you embarass yourself again, not a single new ubi game has climbable towers

Too bad it's long dead and Eternal Crusade is nowhere near as good

it makes it easier to find people that way though

Characters are stored on bungie servers you stupid shit

Oh hell yeah it will be console first, because they still have to work with a publisher. What I'm getting at is the core team at bungie is still the same for the most part, and their experience with PC games will benefit them over an exclusive console developer.

>look at me i'm an easily amused ubicuck and there's nothing you can do about it

grats sure showed me

lets be real here for a moment...

even if the game had dedicated servers, steam, and the greatest writers in the world... you'd still would've found a reason to bitch, moan, and complain.

literally NOTHING pleases you jaded fucks. Stop acting as if bungie dropped the ball here, the reveal was great. i'm excited.

are you excited?

>listing "No Steam" like it's a bad thing

:* still butthurt

>P2W microtransations

confirmed never played the first game

Why are people fussed about this shit? The first game was awful.

probably some bullshit like warframe P2P?