Will we ever going to get a good game based on D&D?
I wanna chain those dragons up, slice their wings off and keep them in the dark while using their fire breath to temper metal for the rest of their life.
No because D&D is shit
>implying implications
Dragon's Crown and D&D Shadow over Mystara are both DnD based. Mystara is even an officially licensed WotC product.
So are Neverwinter the MMORPG, Sword Coast Legends and Daggerdale.
What are you saying?
Natural response when seeing dragons.
You are a shit.
D&D sounds cool in theory but in reality it's about of smelly autists trying to act and be creative. You could say every CRPG is superior to D&D just for the virtue of not having to deal with that shit.
Maybe 20 years ago. Nowadays, with popular media spin on it, everyone wants to do that shit.
So it's even worse than before? I've watched critical role and even with professional voice actors it's lame as shit.
If you decided to shit on it, nothing I say or show will change your mind.
Have a good day.