Why did they say he was "mafia" instead of just admitting he was Yakuza?

Why did they say he was "mafia" instead of just admitting he was Yakuza?

also Persona thread

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Because he wasn't the yakuza? He was literally just a mobster.

No but you see in my head he was a Yakuza so

Yakuza is literally a japanese word for mob. It's not a hip club for handsome men with dragon tattoos.

So in the translation from Japanese to English it was literally translated.

What's the problem?

And mob is literally the english word for yakuza. Why would you want that one word untranslated?

Because the team translating this game is not the same team as the ones translating Ryu ga Gotoku and instead of leaving the word untranslated but romanized (yakuza) they instead opted for a translation (mafia).
Are you retarded?

Probably that there's another guy who says he's in the Yakuza in the game.

Though to clear up some misconceptions, there's THE Yakuza and the yakuza. THE Yakuza is an actual subset of the mafia culture in japan, split up by families and are wholly independent from the other Japanese Mobsters in the same way Crips and Bloods are separate from eachother in America. He is probably part of A mobster group, but not THE mobster group.

>Japan invented the concept of an organised crime ring

It's funny how retarded you people are, if you play with Japanese voice acting they literally don't call him Yakuza in that either.

Why do western games say magia instead of la Cosa Nostra?

Why do western games say mafia instead of this thing of ours?

They don't want to get into shit.

You're sorta right but Iwai says "Yakuza" specifically in his confidant. Not sure why they made the distinction.

Because this asshat wasn't a member of a Yakuza family. He was two-bit criminal that ended up making a fortune by expanding his crime area. The gun shop owner was actually part of a Yakuza family.

Do the Yakuza actually give a shit if they're represented in games and media? They didn't even know about the games CALLED Yakuza until they were asked to do that interview play thing.

Because Yakuza and regular mobsters are different things entirely, same way how you have nigger gangs who are a different thing than Cosa Nostra who are also different things than just regular ass mobsters that don't belong to any specific family.
Fucking retards.

They only call Iwai yakuza in the Japanese version as well. Fly-kun is still considered a mobster. Japan seems to differentiate them.

>They didn't even know about the games CALLED Yakuza
They aren't called Yakuza you retard.

Game would have been better if Makoto had been the traitor, seeing that self righteous piece of shit turn hypocrite to protect her family would have been satisfying as fuck. Fuck her.

>Japan seems to differentiate them.
So do people in the west.
Don't tell me you think every single gangster in america is from Cosa Nostra?

Mafia refers both to the Italian mob and a general term for any criminal group primarily involved in racketeering, arbitration, and oversight of illegal transactions. Yakuza specifically refers to members of the to the Yakuza. He was part of a crime syndicate, but not the Yakuza.

Yakuza isn't actually called Yakuza in Japan. Its actual name is Ryu ga Gotoku, and was localized simply as Yakuza for the western release.

This looks like a ps2 game

Holy fuck, so many retards in this thread. Kaneshiro was not Yakuza, he was a two bit mobster who had control of Shibuya. Notice how in Iwai's arc and at a part in the 7th Palace they use Yakauza to denote to real Yakzua members (and ex in Iwai's case) This is not rocket science. Also they use mafia in Japanese for Kaneshiro too so it's not the localization.

If you're talking about the Jake Adlestein interview, then that's bullshit. Jake Adelstein is a fraud. globalitewatchdog.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/jake-adelstein-tokyo-vice-japan-journalist/

>Americans think there is only one yakuza
Theyre a series of clans, not one organized network

This. The characters are actually saying mafia in those scenes.

And the later times when they actually do mention the yakuza, the translation uses yakuza.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

How's the cast of P5?
I assume it's much better than 4 just because Yosuke doesn't exist in it.

This thread is about the difference between mafia, mafioso, and yakuza, not the intricate differences between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Sumiyoshi-kai, dipshit.

Get rejected by someone she reminds you of? It's okay we'll accept the shallow person you are

Ryuji - retard sports jock with anger issues that lets fame get to his head. Has a bit of a brother and sister relationship with Ann
Morgana - cat that replaces any internal monologue the MC has, constantly talks down to Ryuji and worships the ground Ann walks on
Ann - kind airhead quarter gaijin girl that's sort of like Ryuji's sister and is a fembro
Yusuke - autistic artist that is financially irresponsible which leads to him starving himself regularly, squabbles with Futaba regularly
Makoto - straight man of the group, many times replaces Joker's role in the party as the person everyone listens to and has a sister complex, wants to be Futaba's big sis
Futaba - genius hacker of the group, shitty social skills but cute. Needs to be protected.
Haru - introduced too late to have any memorable bonding moments, nice person that admired the group's actions and has a hidden sadistic streak

I just assumed his gang was a bunch of street punks.

The Cleaner on the ship is clearly referred to as Yakuza.

I like them a lot. Better than 3's and 4's, in my opinion. Haru is introduced too late and Goro is a bit all over the place, but otherwise they're great.

Because he's not one?

Wow, this really tarnishes my trust towards the jewish people