So this is the power of Yumifags

So this is the power of Yumifags

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Bon Appetit ruined Yumi
It ruined everyone actually.

This is a yoma destroyer.

>when the mechanical infant is more adult than the actually adult

the japs love of infantilizing their women as a sexual thing is something I just can't understand or get behind. I hate running into it in any of their ecchi games. Make me cringe.

I don't get this fetish

This is pretty damn cute in a completely non-sexual way.

japanese have shit taste, and already prefer their women to have the personality of cardboard, so put two and two together.

I don't recall it ruining Yagyuu. I only half paid attention but her interaction with Daidouji was a good reminder that she doesn't have a Hibari obsession so much as a chip on her shoulder over being an older sister.

love JAVs but hate the hi pitched squeeling they do to really lay on the sumbisive ness because god forbit a man feel even close to being emasculated, even slightly. it reminds me of the story the girl told about her jap bf and she jumped him one day because she was horny, and through the entire thing he acted weird, then after he told her "you were too lustfull, I did not feel like a man."

>love JAVs

I don't. Only thing good about almost all of them is the cover art. I've accepted at this point that the cover art tease is just going to be better than the actual content.

Japanese aren't men

This is your new main character for the series, say something niceee about her.

She's a growing girl.


She needs to buy larger shirts.

I'm glad Imu will never be popular enough for this to happen to her.

are you me

feels simultaneously good that best girl will never have to deal with this shit but bad that they'll never get any good cards/fanart in general either.

>not even wearing a diaper
It's shit. Either go all the way or not at all.




the cover art is usually photoshop too. Poetically the Japs have great dirty talk but I am unable to understand their moon language, but the few translated works i have seen are great.

don't bully ryoki

>fellow Imu fans
Always does the art good to see.

You're too cute for this world, also I want to steal her scarf

I was too eager to type properly.


Prize figure quality at a premium price.

I ordered this.
I don't even like it.

i want her to be popular enough to get at least a figurine.
any senran that don't have a fig are just treated like trash in the gutter being forever dominated by the top 10 most voted senran

You have a problem, user.
I hope you didn't preorder Racing Ikaruga too.

The Niitengo is the best she's going to get. At least the blow is softened by how shit most SK figures turn out.

something niceee about her.

Maybe one day.
At least she got a daki and mousepad.

I didn't know it existed.
But now I want an Ikaruga fig.

Shame Figuarts didn't release anyone after Asuka.

I'm surprised that there's no Renka, Hanabi, Kafuru, Ryouki, Dai, Rin, Naraku, nor Kagura chibi figurine yet. I would kill for a Hanabi one.

They'll be made for the next game most likely.

Where's that pic where the Senran girls have pacifiers on their vajajays? I want it for reasons.

True, they eat a lot of soy which is full of estrogen. That's why they all look like ladyboys, too.

Sad thig is, since its Yumi there's probably gonna be an upswing of diaper art or something. Stupid bitch can literally do no wrong.

She a perfect mix of adorable and sexy. Is there a word for that?

>She a perfect mix of adorable and sexy. Is there a word for that?


Heeeeey. Watch it mister.

I'm gonna marry Yumi!

Just kidding, I'm REALLY gonna marry Yozakura!

>2 new paradise episodes added
>it's another Shiki wants to post stuff about other people in her blog episode
>it's another Daidouji vs Rin episode

And I tought there would be a little more creativity because most would involve teams instead of just one character, silly me.

>Bon Appetit ruined Yumi
>implying there was anything to ruin
she was bad from the beginning

but I agree that it somewhat ruined other girls

We've been over this, Boco. Asuka is sexable.


t smelly dumb chaosfag
Justice Yumi was best Yumi.
She looked better with Hyuga eyes too.

I like that.

>Justice Yumi was best Yumi

In the sense that she had ANYTHING going for her beyond aesthetic appeal, perhaps.


As a pedophile myself Im glad normies are getting into the best taste of children

And now she doesn't have anything.
From my favorite to some shit waifu bait.
Thanks Japan.

This isn't exclusive to the Japs.

Post the full image.

here you go

Yozakura did nothing wrong.

This has got to be fan art right? Because if it's official, I'm burning my Yumi dakimakura (Thats moonrunes for body pillow)

It's from NewWave.
It might not be canon, but it's official.


Make sure to record it.

I'll post it on SKG

This I gotta see.

But who will you cuddle with at night now?

Holy tits on a toddler. Too bad she isn't wearing a diaper, though.

Do it. Become a hero for generations to come.

Wonder what Takaki would think of this.

With any luck?
"Hm, maybe we should lay off the Yumi worship..."

I don't care what people say about Leo's voice, it'd be cute if she snored in her sleep.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

I never played a second of these shitty games, but I spilled gallons of cum to these sloots. Top girls.

Leo has a nice bed spread.

I look forward to seeing this, Yumifags really brought this series down.
The gameplay is pretty fun in a mindless, button-mashing manner.

>those bats
Senran Kagura X SMT when?

You better be ready to take responsibility for her

for each japanese picture like that there's hundreds of exclusive diaperfag artists on deviantart

Oh wait, those 2 are actually different cards? They came one after another so I didn't notice.
I guess someone in the staff must really be into baby play lately.

I hope you know how to change diapers, user.


pretty much

vanillafags are the worst.


So the next one will have a diaper for sure, right? What do you think she'll be doing?

kys abdl shitter

What's RWBY have to do with this?

I'm so glad to see that men of taste still exist within the senran kagura series.

Fabric doesn't work like this.

CUTE! I want to take care of her!

>user has never seen a wet shirt
I pity you.

I don't know who this is, and I don't care to know, but I will fap to her.

please screencap this shit

Yumi thread?

Yumi thread.

I'd like to sleep with her.

How does she put herself in that situation? Doesn't she feel some shame or something?

She lost a bet.
Not honoring the bet is even more shameful.

>Infantilizing without the diaper
Good. Moderation is the key to victory.

You ever wonder what the Senrans real names are?

The event this time seems to be some kind of festival-theater thing.
Knowing Yumi, her train of thought probably was
>cute is justice
>babies are cute
>therefore I should act as a baby

Waiting for the card where she shits herself.