Was a huge fan of the first game, now the sequel promises a larger world, sieges/base buliding, and actual armies to command, how can you not be hyped for this?
Hype Thread
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Shadow of Mordor is one of my fav games of all times.
This is mine GOTY inc.
The only game this year is worth for me.
I enjoyed the first game and I'm pretty excited for the second. But, Sup Forums is full of contrarian faggots, so good luck getting an actual discussion about the game
hyped af
Super hyped and ready to be flamed for pre ordering
dang dude why is everything in Canada so expensive?
Damn, didn't know this board was pleased with garbage braindead combat but then shit on Assassins creed or Arkham games.
>shit on Assassins creed or Arkham games
Not everyone's a self hating neckbeard fag who jack to traps and prays to the horse god for pedobeastiality to take over rule34 yo.
Already bought Mithril Edition.
Tbh, people as "canon-protective" a.k.a. autistic fags as they are here,
gonna shit on this because it's not canon, even that:
>A random licenced non canon game comes out
No one gives a shit
>Lotr non canon game comes out
everyone loses their mind
the first contrarian faggot has reared its ugly head