I demand an Ace Attorney thread NOW

I demand an Ace Attorney thread NOW.

What would you want from a switch game?


A reboot

Bring back the hand drawn style, Maya as the main companion, and Edgeworth as the villian

I want to fuck Rayfa

I am glad we fucking got another main female villain, even thought Dahlia is 100 times better than her.

Hope a miracle happens and Capcom ends up localizing the 2 Great Ace Attorney games because they look dope.

A scaled down story. 5 and 6 were fun but their final cases were pretty wild, I want a character-focused finale like 2-4 again.

Oh, and fucking tell Apollo and Trucy already.

Gorgeous graphics with more dynamic animation and 3D cutscenes, keep improving on what DGS and AA6 did.

Plot-wise, the finale of Athena's development with her as the game's main character.

>Plot-wise, the finale of Athena's development with her as the game's main character.
Aaaaaaaaaaand dropped, wouldn't even pirate.

Regardless of personal preferences, you can't deny the current cast is pretty much at the end of its rope development-wise. Phoenix's status as playable character has been dragged like a zombie since the fourth game, Apollo got his big bang in the last game aside from the matter of him and Trucy (which doesn't require a whole game to focus on) and Athena is the only one who still has room to grow.

Worst final boss.
Worst game.

Keep it a secret and have them actually fuck.

somehow an even worse villain than the phantom.

I've heard a lot of people like the last case of SOJ but I didn't enjoy it that much a lot of it was because fucking Ga'raan she just isn't that good of a villain

The last case is mediocre as fuck.
Nahyuta does literally nothing
Bunch of pointless obvious twists like Amara and the fucking EVIL STEPMOM villain
The first part was enjoyable until what I said above happened.

and i demand Ape Escape 4 but we can't have everything

A reminder that Reunion and Turnabout starts on June 19th.

Can't wait to see everyone waifuing Franziska for two days straight.

My favorite finale since 2-4, though Garan was a weak part.

> edgeworth
> villan

I'd say summed it up for me why I disliked it, it was also kinda a pet peeve that Rayfa turned out not to be Ga'raan's daughter I thought it would be better development of her character if she was born from a douchy character cause you know she's making her own decisions but nope good and evil are apparently hereditary

>not waifufaging franzy
What are you,gay?

I said I CAN'T wait. Because it'll be hilarious, and maybe I'll get to have a conversation about how AA6 tried to just rip her off without acknowledging her existence.

>Oh, and fucking tell Apollo and Trucy already.

Next game, user

>American Revolution outfits

Nice, but why aren't they available in the West?



Next game.
Completely new cast.
No appearance at all from Phoenix and Co except for the odd reference.

Yay or nay?

>Cast of good prosecutors
>pound the original cast to the ground

instead of yelling objection into the mic like in the ds games you will instead swing the joycon in a pointing motion as the secondary way to present evidence

Is this a man

How is that outfit American Revolution

Pretty sure this costume set was a Sengoku Basara crossover.

Haven't played a single AA/PW game.
Which one's glood for start? Which ones are recommended for a playthrough. Have 3ds, I guess DS games can be easily emulated.

The first is the perfect introduction and the best in the series for a lot of people

>t. Apollo

Is this some kind of joke because of Japanafornia?

you play them in release order
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Justice For All
Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice
Ace Attorney Investigations
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
Dual Destinies
Spirit of Justice

there's a HD remaster on the 3DS and if you're a brit fag there is a sale for the remaster. Apollo Justice was originally on the DS but there is an ios remaster of it. Investigations 2 will have to be emulated since it was not officially released outside of japan but there is a fan translation

have fun user

You almost have to play in release order, because the game is chronological, and you need to play them in order


its not even human, it's a cockroach.

dgs exists for that

>never ever

yeah but it still exists, they have it for a different story while the main games can keep on movin to the future



is this a trick?