How comes girls in MMOs always play as healers and ranged DPS? Is it because they suck at tanking and melee DPS?
How comes girls in MMOs always play as healers and ranged DPS? Is it because they suck at tanking and melee DPS?
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women are naturally healsluts
Sounds like a cliché, do you have a single fact to back up your claim that isn't purely anecdotal?
Women grow up in a culture that encourages them to support men.
That mindset carries into games.
Trust me, if there was a class that let them steal half of someones gold and exp when they don't want to party with them anymore they would do that, too.
Basically runescape
Women are simply inferior to men in every measurable way.
Cuz they're all pussies.
I always play ranger in d&d type games
wasnt this pic photoshopped
>Trust me, if there was a class that let them steal half of someones gold and exp when they don't want to party with them anymore they would do that, too.
How come guys on the internets give a shit about what shit girls in mmos do so much? is it because they are losers with n social skills that envy chad?
Fuck, you've got a point there
girl archetype favours dodge tank over physical tank and those are harder to build mechanically.
also GIRL stands for guy in real life.
If not then that ass is an implant.
Implying everyone wouldn't take advantage of this feature in a game
I don't even want to imagine the grotesque lard ass who wrote this.
I've met dozens of females who play games. I can coun't at least 20 of the top of my head. I've long-term dated some and there has been literally 0 situations where they wanted to play as melee.
They ALL enjoyed playing mages and sometimes rangers. If it was League of Legends, they all played Miss Fortune or Sona.
If any RPG ever has a character creator, the Warrior/Paladin classes are imediatelly looked away from, as if they couldn't even consider playing that.
I'm not sure if it's a social thing, that they don't want to associate with 'manly' classes or a biological conflict-avoiding mindset, but it sure as fuck exists.
For me it's because I tell them to.
>Hey we're gonna play a new game, want to be the healer?
>No not really
>Well we need one so be the healer
this is the original unedited pic btw.
how is this a cosplay it's just being naked
Just as naked as going to the beach.
Probably has to do with some medieval fantasy stereotypes with witches, clerics, and rangers seen as less physically demanding roles unlike the martial classes. They derive their strength from other sources while the martial classes literally use their own brawn.
Me on the left.
literally me on the right
I think it's more that they want a girlfriend from this stock, but are terrified of all the basic and/or insincere ones floating around.
Also pretty much EVERYONE has a story where a girl got treated better despite being a worse player because they were a girl.
I'm a girl and I only play tank. And yes I'm better than you at it.
The point is this association with real life with physical classes. It seems like they're less likely to detach their experience from their lives.
I was in a guild whose best tank was a girl. She was really ugly, fat, and miserable though. Really good at TERA and was fun to chat in guild chat with, but no one in our relatively casual guild really pressed her like other girls in MMO's. Was bummed out when I logged on and she gifted me everything she could only to find out she deleted her characters and left the game without saying anything.
I got mad at this even if it's awful tier bait
Tits or GTFO cunt
Easiest find waldo ever.
Well my girlfriend isn't into MMOs, but I asked her which jobs she would pick in FFXIV, and the only ones she was interested in was Black Mage and Summoner, she had no interest in healers though. Her reasons for these 2 is apparently summons are really cool/good in FFVII? And she likes Vivi.
So to answer your question OP, I have no idea, but clearly it's not because she would suck at melee or anything, cause she never played it, she doesn't know. If I had to guess it's because she wants to play as a character that's similar to her, and she's a weak woman, she wouldn't do well if she had to use strength to win.
>Women have less muscle mass and can't develop muscle as fast as men but their wounds heal faster
>Men have more muscle and gain more easier than women but heal slower
Rly nakes u thunk
A few years ago I played in a all girls guild, pretending to be a girl. I played as a tank a long another girl, who was utterly terrible. Honestly their healing was terrible as well. However I did enjoy my 3 months stay raiding a few times a week with them. All DPS seemed to be alright, but just like all the 12yo in wow, they stood in fire.
I don't think that text is actually on her leg...
Lower queue times and I'm less likely to have to say anything over voice.
Most girls are honest to god quite terrible at mmos despite how much they play them.
Every girl I've met has been quite terrible otherwise it turned out to be a tranny or someone pretending.
There's one I know IRL who might be good but she won't play with me because muh insecurity.
I don't fucking know, I'm not a girl.
Of course.
They're there because it's a chat room with equippable bragging rights, not to fight icky bugs and dragons. If they wanted to do that, they'd replay FFX.
I'm a girl and I play as a healer most of the time
ask me anything
Not to get all FeMiNiSt FrEqUeNcY on you all, but I think it might actually be a bit of the male power fantasy. I know that at least I grew up always wanting to be a really strong swordsman that was either invincible or could wreck anyone. So I naturally float towards that in games. Women in movies and games and shit were rarely the strong warriors. Just the sneaky cunt or healer
how do you shave your ass
also post tits
>a tranny or someone pretending
Those two are the same thing though
Why are there so many of them in raids then?
And trying to RUN raid groups?
you gotta earn that first
Yea it's true. That's why most of the males who play stealth classes are insufferable and hysterical little bitches too.
See, that second part is what makes people mad. Why are qualifying statements like that so common? If anyone, guy or girl, says shit about how their better than people, it's only going to come off as pretentious.
Someone pretending to be a girl doesnt have to be a tranny
>FeMiNiSt FrEqUeNcY
Grotesque lard-asses are actually more likely to whiteknight.
This is the curse of being an ugly 1/10 chick. It's literally the worst of both worlds because you don't get the male attention and care afforded to pretty girls, but at the same time, you must suffer the same cunt and cunt related problems despite the fact yours will never be used.
The only way forward (aside from kys) is to embrace self improvement like the incels on /fit/, and eventually get surgery to fix your face... But, just like the made-it fitizens, there's always going to be that bitterness deep inside that you don't show because you logically know it's stupid and pointless, but will always be there because logic and reason is paltry compared to the subconscious machinery of the human mind.
The only girl I know who is really good at the games we play hates pugging. She says she'd rather not play than play for the benefit of somebody who is terrible. The girls who I've met that are bad love pugging though, so here's some anecdotal evidence about that I guess.
When the gooks are going to release a next tera im bored.
Penis envy.
>getting good looking tank armor
pick none
So is this the /r9k/ thread
So men are preferable to stick your penis in?
Thats some nice ass but something about the legs throws me off
You never knew Broadzilla, the druid tank on WoW's Shattered Hand server.
She used to tank Burning Crusade raids before they were toned down and killed alliance all day on PVP.
There were floods of posts of aliance players whining about her on wow forums.
Those were the days.
A cute boy would probably be better in every way desu.
haha this man speaks the truth.
How so?
the girls(male) meme exists for a reason
Ive seen this happen before but she was a healer,once she showed her pic everyone stopped paying attention to her was kinda sad.
Socialization with guild
and GETTING the bragging rights
Did you read anything I said?
They're not raiding for the challenge. They're raiding so they can stand on Ironforge bridge and people can say "ooooh... nice oranges"
~5-6in with good girth is what's best 2bh famalam
Post boipussy
>that video
oh god
ty for the smallest picture for what you're trying to show
how smelly is your chair
I guess I never really made the correlation because I saw that kind of stuff irrelevant if you didn't actually work for it and more of a means to tackle harder content than bragging rights.
I only have a handful of female friends who vidya, but the only one with taste also is the only one who likes slapping shit as a Berserker/warrior whenever it's an option
>guild has girl healer
>she has to dps once in awhile so we can down bosses
>gets shit for doing low dmg
>sniffely voice in teamspeak
they cant handle the pressure
in most games playing healer is just easier
He's right you know.
I know digitally means fingers but pleasuring digitally makes me think you're shooting megabytes into their vagina. Direct USB upload baby.
>anal sex
>requiring lube
>no titties to grab onto
>male grunts instead of female moans
Faggots. All of you.
You play with friends often?
Japanese girls are sluts.
>Average girl had sex with at least 9 men
>and yes I'm better than you at it
>"you silly boys! girls play video games too~"
tits or gtfo
>no titties to grab onto
Are you a poet? Because you've just dazzled me
If I am a man who likes to play support the most does that mean everyone thinks I am gay?
I'm sorry user, I'm not your homosexual fantasy
if you only were straight
like yours probably, but less disgusting
yes, half the time
That's one who is in complete denial of their appearance/ still has confidence in themselves despite how they look /got kinda bullied into posting pic.
I'm 99% sure you're shy IRL and doesn't like to get all eyes on you.
tank is usually the easiest role though, people who think playing healer is easier than DPS just don't play healers.
Well, I can't deny I really do love fat asian ass.
Im like that and i only play offensive classes in games
>tfw compensator
Who likes to have ALL eyes on them
I am a man who plays support and I am gay
Fuck it imma gonna main something else then
Hammer less gay?
Depends of the game. In mmos, tanks and healers can't hide any flaws. If they fuck up in high level contents, it's a wipe. Sometime the also have to deal dps in order to be efficient.
DPS just need to know their rotation, avoid aoe and....that's all.
Now if you're talking about a game like Overwatch, yes, dps is much more harder than tanking or healing.
Your true self want to be dominant then. It's a good thing user.
You grab boobies during sex you dumb virgin.
Man, I want to go on a raid with a huge, grumpy tank girl with a lot of well proportioned chubbiness. And she would threaten to use the rest of the guild as a bed or seat if they suck.