>there is no perfect MMOR-

Also, only 72 hours of ping shit flinging left until we also start hating Yoshida's revamp for ruining our main.

Is there a way to see the attack the target is doing to the party member you're targeting? It'd be nice to prepare for tankbusters without using visual cues or switching to the boss.

>3 days until live letter
>have to deal with burger complaining about ping until then

This game is so fucking boring holy shit I bought it twice, kill me please

Right click, Focus Target.

Focus Target the boss

Biggest Pro and Con about Stormblood so far?

Any tips for leveling crp/alc desynth in the level 100 range? I wanted to get it to around 200 for stormblood, but I feel like that is going to be a massive pain in the ass.

200 should be a safe bet for early SB items right?

>ffxi has worse graphics than ffx
>ffxiv has worse graphics than ffxiii

Thank you


I tried getting it to work on my PS4 for like a week, but it just kept saying 'Patch failed' when the game tried updating from the launcher.

Up yours, Square Enix. So glad I was only trying the free trial, cause I'd be so salted if I'd spent money on that.

>7 A12S books
>last 10 farm parties I joined couldn't kill it

Not-Yda is the main girl.

Not-Yda may get the same "whole new character on old model/name" update that Thancred got, effectively killing her character (and also SB's "biggest pro").
Well, at least the new villain is cute.


I meant gameplay wise, not shit like story or characters or even music.

>PLD buffs

>no stacking buffs on UI which is fine because we don't need it until 4.1

>All jobs in full i270
>16 pages stocked up for SAM/RDM

Nothing, time to unsub the game

It's not like we know anything.

>shit like [...] music
Are you talking shit about mai waifu Soken?

Also, we know pretty much nothing about SB's gameplay, we are waiting for the next live letter and media tour to reveal all that shit.

Skip soar is old and busted, BEST COAST OR KICK is the new hotness.

How long is the pre-release? One week?
Is it counted into patch cycle? Meaning we get Omega two weeks after or with the pre-release?

>want to farm 12s
>even expert is difficult with the awful ping

>>there is no perfect MMOR-

There used to be, but Firefall went under.

4 days.

Well she's not having to pretend to be a scholar anymore so she'll likely seem much less clueless than before.

>effectively killing her character
In fairness, she wouldn't have much of a character to kill.
But yeah, I worry SB Yda/Lyse/whogivesashit is going to be all GRRR SERIOUS MUH MHEEGO and we'll miss the bits of air-brained but earnest levity she used to bring.

>big dose of new story content
>absolutely nothing has changed about the game fundamentally since 2.1, except now we're getting less new content (only slower and of lower quality)

>absolutely nothing has changed about the game fundamentally since 2.1
Enlighten me, what fundamental change did 2.1 bring?

Raids should have 4 tanks (2 in party B) and just 14 DPS.
This lets them do more interesting mechanics.

They should let us change jobs in instances, maybe make it a vote thing if needed (X wants to change job, PLD_icon -> WAR_icon), or don't allow changing role.

I'd love for XIV to go back to 2.x patch quality/quantity, but I'd settle for just better than 3.x patches.

I just want to know how much more in place BLM is gonna be in the next expansion, Yoshi pls

An interesting idea, if nothing else.

4.1 has a really low bar to clear compared to 3.1 in that case. And it's already ahead in that supposedly
there's not gonna be a six month layoff this time between 4.0 and 4.1.

>there's not gonna be a six month layoff this time between 4.0 and 4.1.

I'm so happy.

inb4 the revamp change absolutely nothing beside taking off IR/Second wind from WAR and Raging strike from BLM

Not that the PvP isn't garbage but it rewards gear in a manner other than raiding or grinding the same dungeons over and over.

Also it had 3 dungeons to farm tomes. Only 2 makes me want to kill myself.

That's a pretty low bar. To say ARR saved SE I think we deserve a B team churning out content so the patches aren't as anaemic.

>4.1 has a really low bar to clear compared to 3.1
I still don't know how I didn't just quit the game back at 3.1
Lot of friends did. I guess Thordan EX managed to barely starve off the shitshow that was Diadem, Lords of Verminion and Void Ark.

>They should let us change jobs in instances, maybe make it a vote thing if needed (X wants to change job, PLD_icon -> WAR_icon), or don't allow changing role.

Not allowing to change role is largely pointless because dungeon instances aren't difficult enough to warrant this and real raids are basically just one boss room.

I honestly hope the revamp is a meme and almost nothing changes. I don't want change. They'd screw it up somehow.

She was dumb but in a cute way, always trying to solve things by punching them as hard as possible until a "fixed" message popped on top of it. A very simple personality, but still someone enjoyable to have around.
And you could say the same about Thancred's "lack of personality", and yet they found a way to completely kill everything about him, just to create a whole new character and slap "Thancred" on top of his dialogue window.
I'm expecting some "personality changes" due to recent events, I just don't want it to be as radical as Thancred's changes. Alphinaud had a very natural character development, I just hope Not-Yda gets the same route since she will be our main travelling companion.

I wouldn't call that a fundamental change. I'd pair it with additional shit like Diadem, extra content but no fundamental changes.

The WAR changes and class rebalancing would've been closer but not quite fundamental.

I hope there's more to 4.0. Having shit content at launch and not anything proper until 4.1 is still going to suck, even if they pump out 4.1 fast

like CUNTS

We'll get to spend a lot of time with Not-Yda, so maybe there's hope. Trying to do character development through patches probably ain't the best course of action. Maybe one day Thancred will be relevant again, but I kind of doubt it. Same with Ayylmeric. Y'shtola will be wit us forever though. Krile might fuck off or die though.

You're an idiot. Thancred always had a personality and has had the most development of any Scion since 1.0. What's happened to him in Heavensward was a natural development of his depression about losing Louisoix and not being good enough to fill his shoes. Then his weakness was the thing that allowed him to be possessed by Lahabrea and resulted in the slaughter at the Waking Sands. Now he's lost his daughter figure that he was watching over for 15 years, stolen away and made into a puppet by the thing he was fighting to protect. His change was a gradual, realistic development of everything that he's gone through since 1.0. You just never fucking paid attention.

It happened to me, just delete the game and then re download. Worked just fine after.

>Omega 1 Savage will be as hard as A8S
>Mfw watching creator babies cry

>I just hope Not-Yda gets the same route.

It feels like she already has. In 1.x and 2.x Yda was this ridiculously bubbly and almost ditsy Arcon who happened to be good at fighting. Once they shifted her to 3.x they made her a million times more serious and it was blatantly obvious in 3.4 they were killing off her ditsy side and replacing it.

By the end of 3.56 she's totally serious and now Lyse, so they basically pulled a Thancred with her.

Ain't gonna happen.

If you didn't wish for your Anima to be able to choose it's own destiny you are officially a faggot.

What I'd like is for them to add a support role to the DF, add a new support class and rejigger machinist and bard into being proper supports, to implement a system of procs/effects and add horizontal progression to endgame by diversifying the number of endgame activities beyond just raid/dungeon.
But that won't happen.

>I still don't know how I didn't just quit the game back at 3.1
I don't know how people still played after a month of 3.0

I'm gonna sell it for another weapon during stormblood anyway so it doesn't matter

First part will be the tightly tuned but not mechanic intensive fights.

Second part will be mechanic orgies.

Third part will be the easiest one and get even easier with max echo and max ilvl.

>2 max level dungeons that you'll farm for tomes for 2 weeks (meanwhile the 6 or so leveling dungeons won't be scaled up to max to add variety because that would actually be smart)
>shitty normal mode you'll farm for gear for 2 weeks after that
>savage 2 weeks after that
>2 weeks after savage minor job balance changes and potential nerfs for the first two bosses in savage

>Krile might fuck off or die though

They better not, she's our resident shota bullier.

>playing a heavily story driven MMO
>doesn't care for the story
Why are you even here lad?

Didn't even watch any cutscenes for that shit because they were all

Gerolt: NOT MINE

repeat for every step

I had Alliance raids in mind and the shitty comps you sometimes get.
If we get 2 SCHs, I'd like to swap to AST.

>Alliance raids
lol, gay

This is really spot on
I feel like they could have made the Anima series so much better if they actually involved the anima helping with us on more specific tasks or something rather than just slapping on the same shit with Gerolt
Either way it was miles better than the Zodiac questline was


>you gain the effect of swiftcast
>you cast blizzard 4
>you lose enochian

>Either way it was miles better than the Zodiac questline was
In what way? It was just the same tasks rehashed in a different order. Grind tomes to buy shit now. No wait grind lights now. No wait run dungeons now. No wait grind tomes again now.

Some guy did 13 of these things. Jesus fuck how much more conditioned by Yoshi could you possibly get.

my finals are almost done, I can play again next week and prepare for sb.

>They'll change BLM to only have one thunder spell but won't change the spell effect to actually look like a thunder spell


No new summons, never ever

>No new summons, never ever
But NIN gets a summon now :^)

>left the game for over a year
>my character was all alone that whole time

yes yes, I'm glad these are happening to cuck casters.

>higher ping
>feels like server delay is shorter though

does this make sense? anyone else feel this way?

did some mechanics last night and it felt like I had more time to escape aoes

Who else /leveling just one job/ here?
Altjobs aren't content.

Too bad no human can play NIN now.

You're losing it.

>NIN is a better summoner than SMN and their summon is some stupid Narutp shit


I dreamt last night Stormblood was out, and every class got like a welcome pack of the new shit/abilities in SB. Since I'm playing BRD atm I got a mini wooden flute. That's it. goddamnit.

>Jiraiya is from Naruto

I seear everyone in these threads suddenly became an east coast NIN main after the server move.

The "lack of personality" was just to make a point with the previous post about Lyda, I'm not denying he had/have a personality.
>Heavensward was a natural development of his depression about losing Louisoix and not being good enough to fill his shoes.
That probably should have hit him around 2.1, after Lahabrea easily had his way with his body and tried to ruin everything for everyone, but he still was mostly his old self after that, just a bit more apologetic than usual. In HW, he was already pretty gloomy even before anti-tower, unlike the other scions. The only "natural" part of his change was during anti-tower, when his short moment of hope became desperation and then depression.
In the end his change was justified, but it never felt "gradual", unlike Alphinaud's development.

Also apparently west coast NIN never exist.

That's literally going to kill my interest after a week

I hope they don't pull the same fucking blunder and if they do, they need to fire that hack Yoshida

Hype for getting captured by Garlameld and being stepped on by the new villain.

I really am an east coast nin.
They were certainly not very good.
And now my ping is worse than what they were used to.


bah. I checked and the Femroe in the ARC quest line was a marauder. She's got the same haircut as the conjurer one from the MRD line though
would've been a nice detail if the were the same character

>STILL 2.5 seconds

I can't wait. Too bad we'll probably have to kill her.

Nothing personel kid

The anima's step skip was really dumb.
>congrats boy you created the ultimate weapon!
>a paywall, an giant update, and dozen of adventures later
>so you need some rocks to create the ULTIMATE weapon right?
>well, I need you to collect some other rocks around Ishgard
>OR you can give me that not-so-ultimate-anymore weapon that is collecting dust on your inventory, that is decent enough too
Progression-wise, it was a fair trade (not much different from turning your Bravura into a Ragnarok, for example), but it was a pretty dumb excuse lore-wise. It would be better if you could give the weapon directly to Gerolt as a way to skip the step and get the anima weapon.

Worship my feet.



>They hinted it back during this questline

lick it user, lick my toes user. you filthy swine

I'm not looking forward to the level 70 stat rebalance.

>like this characters design
>all the artwork for her so far has been this same pose and foot fetish crap


>Spell speed rescale means back to 3.0 cast times