/our guy/ is FINISHED
>Direct linking to an article instead of pastebin or archive
kill yourself buzzfeed author
saged, reported and called the cops
Terribly written article OP. You suck dick at writing. Were your parents by chance related?
Archive link cos OP is a fuckstain
>sources confirm Phil has been continuously ignoring call of distress from his girlfriend, or eating her hospital food.
This doesn't tell me anything, has no sources, and resorts to just insulting Phil rather than give me information. This is pigswill and not worth anything
anyone who thinks DSP treating his girlfriend badly is going to lose him any fans doesn't understand why people are DSP fans in the first place
>community post
Nice blog post op
>eating her hospital food.
I'm a girl and I wouldn't think about dating a guy like that. Some guy that stays at home all the time, plays video games, and doesn't do any work around the house? Nah, you get kicked out.
>eating her hospital food
What the fugg?
this could honestly pass for an onion article
but then again it's buzzfeed, so the credibility is more or less the same
Phil's partner was under economic dire while Phil himself refused profoundly to pay up the medical bills
you are really bad at this, op
>A buzzfeed community article literally a few sentences long
Why did you waste my time, OP.
The funny part is that it's not even lying
I'm under the impression that most people in this youtube comment section and probably the author of this article didn't even watch the damn video.
Is this "article" a joke?
>YouTuber Phillip Burnell shows how not to treat women in medical treatment
>DarksydePhil is a prime example of YouTube's mysoginistic ideologies
>Phil's partner was under economic dire while Phil himself refused profoundly to pay up the medical bills, but not only that, sources confirm Phil has been continuously ignoring call of distress from his girlfriend, or eating her hospital food.
>random tweet about when he might make it home
>Phil keeps ignoring his partner's cries for help as soon as he tweeted this. His fanbase continues to foster his mysoginistic behavior without any repercussions.
^ the entire "article."
>Is this a joke?
It's Buzzfeed. 100% serious, 5% true.
>watch the damn video
>1:24:39 runtime
Yeah, you can fuck off, nigger.
No, I meant even for Buzzfeed, this "article" was pathetic.
There are time stamps. My point is that people are coming to conclusions that didn't happen.
>Did he say that if it happens again he's not going to the hospital?
Yeah, THAT hospital, because the service was complete ass.
this autistic woman is so pretentious and annoying
Pretty much. There has to be something wrong with you if you unironically follow DSP or, even worse, actually donate to the guy. Every single supporter of his that came forward displayed this.
DSP has carried his deadbeat autist girlfriend through life for like three years, molly coddling her further is a bad idea that Phil recognizes and avoids
>sources confirm Phil has been continuously ignoring call of distress from his girlfriend, or eating her hospital food
>eating her hospital food
>Phil is carrying the person who works
Neck yourself Phil.
>she has been unemployed and living in his house for the majority of their time together
ahh good point, she does have a retail job now that certainly pays for two houses
This mongoloid has fans?
looks like Leanna took a shit in it
he has people who laugh at him on a consistent basis
so yeah kinda, I suppose
This fat autistic man also has an autistic cult stalking his every new video just to make a video on it.
And what has Phil done, hmm? Sorry but being a fat slob, sitting on his ass and being paid to play video games is not a fucking job. All LPers have a back up plan if case they don't bring in the numbers, what's Phil's excuse for not getting a proper job and making extremely dumb financial choices?
>BuzzFeed uses the term "misogyny"
Dropped. The cuck who wrote this is more concerned about making it into a feminism issue than the fact that DSP is kind of an idiot.
Also it's a well-known fact that DSP's gf is even worse than he is, on so many levels. If I were Phil I would ignore the shit out of her and eat all her food too. She's a stubborn childish bitch and openly implies on Twitter that she wants to fuck other dudes.
How do you not know how to make a proper fucking tomato sauce.
Holy shit.
stopped reading there grow up poltard
It's time for DSP to kick leanna to the curb, take the ring back. He can do much better, she is just a drain on his resources, lounging around his fucking mansion without doing anything but probably work part time and sell shitty soap no one wants. DSP is a hungry gorilla dick daddy looking for a tight hole and I get the feeling she just isn't cutting it anymore
if at the end of it he has to seel a house and get back to work then that's that, until that point he's living high on the hog entertaining people. gnashing your teeth won't make his life quality over the past years diminish
It's the only kind of girl Phil could ever get in a relationship with.
>sources confirm
Who the fuck would know that aside from Phil and his girlfriend?
How long before he begins to beg for donations to the medical bills like when he was begging for money for his back surgery that never happened?
I think it's about her being a trophy for him. Otherwise he's a sad 35 year old guy playing video games for a living and doing it quite poorly.
Naw bro it's traditional.
You saw the food mill didn't you?
>DSP is a hungry gorilla dick daddy looking for a tight hole
Buzzfeed, obviously.
Get real, that big ass house, that shiny car, that slick dick, internet fame, INFAMY the ultimate turn on, internet bad boy that doesn't play by the rules, has his own business.
Phill could grab some early-mid 20s girl that wants to be a part of that lifestyle, a girl with a tight apple ass and a thirst for cum.
>and doesn't do any work around the house
Unless you mean working on the car then fuck no bitch. I hope you get std's
Why would they even make that up? It's such a stupid thing to say and can't really be proved right, and to make things up about DSP of all people is weird since he's not exactly the most relevant Youtuber. I think they legitimately have "sources" who're just feeding them bullshit information.