Will the Switch be the definitive Nintendo console ?
Will the Switch be the definitive Nintendo console ?
They are sadly blowing their load too early, they need real third party support to keep their legs
N64 had 2 10/10 zeldas
switch has 1 6/10 zelda
it is the best console on the market
its going to be the next wii u
so the most innovative console with by far the best games of current generation? fuck yes
>Ocarina 6/10
>Botw 7/10
So a console with 15 good exclusives? A good virtual console library and overall the most fun I've had since I was a kid with video games ?
>botw 7/10
That's not really a slight against it. I love my Wii U.
Poor thing was just ahead of its time.
You call that a lineup?
oh that 4 hours game is amazing.
i love doing the same shit over and over again with a 30 minutes time limit
Gotta hand it to Nintendo, that 2017 lineup is pretty solid. They have three distinct multiplayer games that appeal to a wide audience, and two massive single-player time sinks from well established franchises.
They have done a great job of covering their bases this time, and they will be greatly rewarded for it.
If we get to the point in which Nintendo merges their Portable and Homeconsole development effort in the Switch alone then it would be the greatest Nintendo Console of all time.
At least we can all agree on the definitive Nintendo handheld.
I'm scared to play my switch much because of that whole dock warping thing that's been happening to people.
>console is 4 years old
>still have to put games that are not even out
>first 2 years the console had LITERALY FUCKING NOTHING
>the only good game is a souls rehash
I just wish all the multiplayer games would DIE DIE DIE but maybe that's just me
Considering that's first year, first party, console exclusive only, yeah, it's a pretty dang good lineup.
I hope the 3DS dies a quick and painless death
There are only 3 console exclusives on that list and none of them are released yet.
lol, the PS4 had a way better 1st year lineup. Don't tell me Madden 25 wasn't the hottest fucking shit
>3 ports
>another 3d mario puzzle game
>wii sports boxing fleshed out to a full game for some reason
All i see is Persona 5, Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV
bullshit aside, I never thought we would live to see the second coming of the PS2.
marvel lego superheroes is a great game i give you that
They take turns, GC+WiiU = Shit, Wii+Switch = Godly. The PS3 was garbage, the PS4 was OK, and then the Vita is the biggest disaster since the virtual boy.
i still dont understand why the GC wasnt successful
it was such a good console to me
I don't want this to happen mostly because it would destroy what portable gaming represents and forcing all the teams who have worked on portable-only games to increase their dev times and budgets in order to meet the Switch graphic standards, potentially alienating part of them from the market.
It's not even because of money factors, but for principle alone. I don't want portable gaming to be relegated exclusively as a secondary funcion of a home console.
Forking 300 bucks in order to play the new Ace Attorney, Professor Layton or Pokémon is wrong not because of simple poorfagging, but because i want to play them on a console that i can take everywhere for real and can fit into my pocket, not on a gigantic tablet just for a couple of hours wich then i need to dock it in its bigass charing station back at home.
People wanted a better SM64 and OoT in the first year, ended up with a Luigi spinoff. After all the hype was dead, they released disney-crap Zelda and the worst 3D Mario.
That's it. Note how the far more successful Wii AND Switch launched with a Zelda everybody liked and Mario Galaxy/Odyssey coming up.
Get the fuck out Jim.
>no pokemon
try harder
>the Switch graphic standards
No such thing. 90% of the Wii's library looked like total ass but those games still sold well. If Kirby can get away with looking like N64 I'm not worried about Etrian Odyssey.
It's literally out for 2 months and you're expecting two Zelda titles?
>Best Zelda ever
>Best MK ever
>Best 3D Mario ever
Not to mention Breath of the Wild has more content than OoT and MM put together.
No DVD player
Not all games need to be AAA budget, they can be indy-tier games even.
>i still dont understand why the GC wasnt successful
It was fucking purple. That alone killed it in the West.
>more content = better
You mean to tell me a 4 year old console has more games than a 4 month year old console? I'm shocked.
>Strawmanning a ~10 word post
>actual new game ruined by mandatory motion controls
>Mario rehash 4,502
What an amazing lineup
That's not even what's he's saying, idiot. Learn to read.
>not the GB Color
>They take turns,
>GC+WiiU = Shit,
>Wii+Switch = Godly.
>The PS3 was garbage
Not at all. The PS3 dominated during the late gen and gave Sony a great edge with both gamers and developers. On the other hand the fall of the Wii was abrupt as hell.
The Switch is doing well exactly because Nintendo practically missed a gen with WiiU and people missed their favourite franchises.
it'll be just like every other nitnendo console. they'll blow their entire exclusive load in 2 years and then have fuck all because 3rd parties won't put their games on the system and those that do won't see any profits because nobody buys them and then the system will either be defined as a great success or failure depending on if these first 6 months were enough to asspull it ahead of competing systems like with the original wii.
That's not the GBA SP.
>Any of those
>Staying relevant on the market for 10 years, absolutely crushing all of its opposition and getting 10/10 games from day 1 to the end
It was, GC+GBA era Nintendo was more profitable than the Playstation division at the time. The PS2 sold as a DVD player, Nintendo's focus on first party games and the weird piracy-resistant discs made them more money on less sales.
The change in direction with the Wii had nothing to do with Sony, it was to keep budgets from spiraling out of control.
>Best Zelda
I don't disagree. Really sad Nintendo's best IP's best game isn't even original. Just a shameless open world shallow puddle.
Nintendo is now no different than Sony/Microsoft now.
>implying KH3 will be out before the PS7
>sequels and rehashes
>one original IP which looks like shit
Well, just like the rest of nintendo's lineups.
It's hard to be original with a 30yo franchise lol. Specially when they took the very original Zelda as a starting point, yet you very rarely see such levels of freedom and world interactivity in the same game.