You're in the final sector and this guy hacks your gf's shield room. What do?

You're in the final sector and this guy hacks your gf's shield room. What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hack his hacking room.

*teleports rock boarding crew into your missile room*

Doesn't matter. I already teleported over and took out the weapons

Haven't they made an iPad version of this?
I wonder if they can bring it to Switch.

>Make it to the final sector
>Nigger hacks my Oxygen
>Everyone fucking dies

>Launch missile into shield room
>Start fires everywhere
>Teleport my rock crew over and fuck his shit apart

Is teleporting required to be able to beat the flagship?


I don't have a gf, check mate

Are all roguelikes like this game? Is it necessary that I get lucky in order to win?

*stealths while redirecting all energy to engines*

*blocks your path*

this game isnt a roguelike

>breach the weapon rooms
>break the O2
>Entire crew except one person is dead
>Proceed to destroy the ship

not at all

>hacking the shield room
haha what a waste

Smash up his triple rocket launcher, kill the gunner in there, and then start taking him apart piece by piece

>not playing on hard

On hard difficulty weapon rooms on a flagship are connected to the main part of it.

I played on hard once and almost lost my mind.

I'm not going back to that, I'll leave it to the supermen out there.

I have trouble on normal, fuck that shit

No, and neither is stealth.
But it helps.

>Go on the FTL mod forums
>want to find some neat mod ships
>almost all of them are recolors of prexisting ships or awful rips of things from google images with lots of jpeg artifacts

Rip him to pieces with 4 flak cannons

The entire game is bullshit RNG

Fucking flack cannons man...

>me and friend playing, i get to boss just before he does. Get to second form, RNG raped by the insta death
>Warn him, ask him how hes doing
>He had all auto flack cannons and trivialized killed the boss in the first go

FUCKKKKK that still makes me so mad