What the fuck is this fucking battle?
Persona 5 goty contender ehh 1 hour rushing with a persona that blocks physical attacks
What the fuck is this fucking battle?
Persona 5 goty contender ehh 1 hour rushing with a persona that blocks physical attacks
How do you have causal clothes on?
Free DLC
How do you equip it in battle?
Just use more gun
Fag baby jumps on the bandwagon, gets absolutely wrecked by trying Final Fantasy tactics in an Atlus RPG.
Feels good, get fucked you casual bandwagon babby.
>Using Makoto
>A Makotofag in the making
Serves you double right, faggot. By this point you should have the ability to swap party members in and out of battle, perhaps do that. I was underleveled when I cleared this palace since I barely went to Mementos, how the fuck do people have such a hard time with the space station? Use all your party members, fuck.
great job on derailing the thread
>1 post from a random faggot
first you pick it up from the box in your room, then you press triangle and go to equipement
They are weak to Psi attacks, and the blue ones are weak to fire.
How did you manage to drain all your characters SP and not even beat the second wave (if i remember correctly) of enemies ?
>Persona 5 goty contender
Said no one.
>Effin rotten adults for real dammit?
>retarded "twists"
>poor writing in general
>shit translation
>worse cast than P3 or P4
>all s.links are the same
>no music variety in 100h+ designed game
>story railroads the fuck out of you
>Kamoshida was the only decent villain
>saturday morning cartoon villains, Shido is a fucking joke
>treats players like morons, explaining obvious shit multiple times, foreshadowing always takes place a day before the event so the dummy players wouldn't forget it
>Said no one.
I said that actually.
Wait until you meet the palace boss.
I always beat the palace in 1 day and I forgot to buy items :^(
Guess this time it will take 2 days
I said that too, user.
Still better than all the other shit that came out this year
this is why i play on easy when it comes to jrpgs. so i dont have to grind for hours on end
I'm playing on easy and I'm having trouble.
I should have chosen safety
Even with all its flaws, it's still a 10/10 game and amazing. Of course it's GOTY
Is this memetext lost of your opinions supposed to convince anyone the game isn't GOTY contender?
Better than nioh?
It IS a goty contender it's just not YOUR goty contender.
>Said no one.
A lot of fucking people are saying it actually.
I'm playing it at the moment, but while it's pretty good, it's sure as hell not 10/10. Translation is atrocious, there's seventy dollars of on-disc DLC, and worst of all the game constantly, CONSTANTLY takes control away from you and forces you to follow a script for hours of real-time. That is NOT fun. Let me fucking PLAY and stop telling me what to do.