WoW - Legion

>previously it took super long to get epics
>you had to be hardcore/skilled
>only the guys with really big billy even got near a legendary weapon

>legion = every casual braindamaged kek has 3 legendaries
>0 skill and time required

What the fuck Blizzard?

Other urls found in this thread:

I still don't have a legendary

Why do u hate fun?

Why do u think easy epics = fun?

Kiddies can't have to too hard nowadays or else they will just look for something else to spend their mother's credit card on.

A group of 10 competent people could carry 30 braindead retards through MC/Onyxia for free epics.

Legendary weapons were RNG and a popularity/DKP hoarding contest

Legion is meh, but implying epics/legendaries took skill at any point in WoW is pretty hilarious.

Why do you think hard epics = fun?

>WoW still doesn't have player housing with npc wives and race-mixing.

>tfw no Panda wife

Was Naxx gear more impressive at the end of vanilla or at the beginning of WoTLK? Why?

Cause legendaries are BADASS

>people STILL play this ancient casualized game

>previously it took super long to get epics
>you had to be hardcore/skilled
>only the guys with really big billy even got near a legendary weapon

None of this was ever true, though

When epics were the most rare, the skill required to be a prestigious raider was non-existent, you only had to put in time. Legendary items were just RNG. Personal skill didn't become a requirement until mid-Wrath when Ulduar started experimenting with hardmode encounters, and we were well into the welfare epics by then

Why do you think that you should be rewarded for spending hours and hours in front of a computer screen?

Your way of thinking is why everyone thinks of WoW players as fat ugly virgins

>It took super long to get epics.
Because you were competing with up to ten other people for category specific ones.
>You had to be hardcore/skilled
You have no idea how many profoundly retarded people I saw in BLW and BT. Hardcore? Yes, you had to not have a night life. Wednesday night you'd be on for six hours straight. Some guilds ran raids every night. There's a reason you'd see people burn out and quit WoW. There was nothing skillful about it. Rotation and memorization. As a human being repetitive tasks are inherently understandable.
>Only some guys got near legendary.
You don't understand Legendaries. They were the crux of rng and any guild that got lucky enough for the stars to align could get their MT thunderfury (because nobody else was allowed near it) with ease. You could be running MC for months without any of halves dropping. I saw only one half drop ONCE.

Do you suck the dick of guys who win a jackpot?

Defending Legion for just a bit, every single fight in its dungeons are more complex and engaging than the vast majority of Vanilla WoW's fights. They are simply tuned to be snooze-fests on anything but heroic.

Accomplishments are fun user. It's not an accomplishment if you put no effort to get something.

just use some colourblind mode and you won't notice a difference

>stating opinions and rewrites of history as fact makes them true
Individual responsibilty during a raid was a thing since MC and only improved from there.

no thanks

Sorry we disagree then.

I only have 2 legendaries. I'm Ilvl 875 and I've only done LFR, so that's enough to tell you about the state of the game.

The cancer killing MMOs the genre is dead because it caters to casual cunts like this

>legion = every casual braindamaged kek has 3 legendaries
>0 skill and time required

Does lying on the internet make you feel better?

>enjoying legion

>can't find a guild to raid with

It hurts rejoining mid tier

>so that's enough to tell you about the state of the game.

That you're up to 50ilvls lower than a mythic raider and think 875 is good? Yeah. That it apparently has brain daamged players like yourself

875 isn't even in the same plane of existence as proper raiding gear.

And games that don't suffer or die because these casual cunts don't want to ever git gud.

>have 2 items from the RNG leggo syste,
>I have a shitty item level

wew lad

>Why do you think that you should be rewarded for spending hours and hours in front of a computer screen?
Why shouldn't you be? WoW is an inherently social game so why shouldn't players who spend more time playing it and working toward achievements have more than players who don't?

When I played during vanilla I was never an AQ-Naxx tier raider, but seeing that gear gave me something to look forward to. It stratified the serious players from the casuals, same with Rank 10-13 PvP gear (until it was put on a vendor).

wow you sound like real early 2000 with that 'fat ugly vigin' trope, shits been casual for so long. Its the only MMO the casual market knows widely.

Do you forget that that shit is still a subscription? Theres your answer to why you should be rewarded fucktard

subscription * time invested = gains

>STILL playing WoW

>wow you sound like real early 2000 with that 'fat ugly vigin' trope

Get out and never come back.


no my friends, you are the cancer killing MMOs
you gear-loving casual fucks are the worst thing that has ever happened to videogames, they should reward skill, not time invested

Then don't play the fucking game if you don't like it. Don't come over and try to change it to suit you, like your ilk did.

How do people like this come to Sup Forums in the first place

Why are vanilla toddlers always so jealous of retail wow? I swear every wow thread has vanilla players moaning about how easy it is despite playing on vanilla.

Stop acting like a bitch; you never formulate an argument, just respond with mockery and shaming. Kill yourself, brainlet.

Go play fighting games or rts the closest thing mmos have ever got to being "skill based" is difficult raiding

My friend plays wow still and it's pathetic. He has hardly any life and the game is just bad. I did heroic EN at the start of the expansion and it was the most boring shit ever.
Let the losers burn their lives away in it. We don't have good mmos anymore

>you'll never have a panda wife
>she'll never pamper you after a long raid with beer, food and a massage
>the massage will always end with a happy ending

You see I'm pretty ok with the ideas of a thick wife but the fur thing is just keeping me away.


Legion was fun for a while but it got boring after I got my first legendary, mainly cause my guild sucked at raiding and my servers in general sucked at progression.

Plus it's just too much of a streamlined theme park MMO now and lacks the immersion it had up until the first content patches in Cata.

Fake and gay.

You play wow still, you don't have any friends. Don't lie to me.

>tfw you'll never impregnate your panda wife with human-panda hybrids

Because we have a great society of capitalism and we can spend our money any way we want to? Fuck off

I'm sorry, but more time = best does not make for a good game

>every fucking MMO has gone from hard work to instant gratification because of the autistic millenials being old enough to shuck out money for games
>XIV is perfect show of this, offering literally nothing stimulating besides kawaii graphics and cargirls and reaping in that cash shop money from selling ingame assets
>People are honestly surprised that WoW picked up on how braindead the playerbase is and made every class almost impossible to fuck up
>WoW also keeps people playing with the EPIC .001% Legendary drop rates, necessitating constant play to possibly get the 2 that make your spec do it's full damage

Strap in kids, thanks to the weebs funding Stormblood, MMORPGs are only dying faster.

What about difficult raid encounters that force you to work together with other people? Instead of just grinding dailies for years

clearly you have not done mythic nighthold.

>tfw I miss playing my warlock
>tfw Blizzard took away my warlock from me over ten years ago

I want to BREED with Draenei chicks.

I know that feeling

I finished emerald nightmare on normal and got 4 bosses down in heroic and stopped due to normies not having time.

Calm down autismo your opinions aren't fact

>You will never rub her soft, warm, swollen belly filled with your healthy children.

>implying they didnt

yes, yes, just sitting in front of your screen for 10 hours would've got you AQ/Naxx gear.

keep dreaming you casual scum. The high tier Vanilla Raids where harder than any HC/whatever bullshit they pull now.

>previously it took super long to get epics
Yeah, if 'previously' means going all they way back to vanilla to you.

Typical normalfag thinking. "Durr I want everything at click of button", disgusting. People like you are what makes the game industry worse with your constant whining and faggotry.

Fuck you and kill yourself.

Oh god the delusion of this lol I can tell you are a private server cuck

>Gear is what makes a game good
You could be decked out in Tier 6 gear back in TBC earned from blood and sweat and the game would still be shit without a fun guild to be a part of.

>MMOrpgs are at their best when playing with other people






>why do you think you should be rewarded for hard work and dedication, when you can get it from a slot machine and gibs me dat.

you are a liberal aren't you?


Go dwarf

I'm trying to figure out what your argument is.

Do you want mmos to just give free gear or something?

>tfw still playing vanilla wow in the current year
Life is good. Except it's constant pure suffering because there hasn't been a good server around since Nostalirus died, and Crestfall isn't going to release ever.

Character progression is basically extinct. It's all been replaced by IL.
>Learning new spell ranks every 2 levels, having to go to city
>Learning new talent point every level
>Meaningful gear upgrades
>Weird, unique gear that didn't just increase your main stat
>Meaningful gameplay mechanics like actual mana conservation, consumables, aggro mechanics, hit chance, defense rating, resistances, etc
>Classes were unique. If your class didn't top damage you were brought anyways to decurse/tranq/ect. Unlike now where you just stack the best dmg class.
Probably some other shit. Vanilla wow is better in every single way. Face it Blizzdrones.

youre just deflecting. you were never good enough (of course in combination with availability) to do well or get far and so you came up with an excuse for yourself.

also, you didnt have to raid every day, that was only for being the very top. i was in a raiding guild in vanilla, and we were typical, always a bit behind the very best. maybe a tier behind on content, but it was fun and we only raided 2 or 3 times a week.

remember when it was worth it while leveling to go out of your way to try to get blue quest rewards as early as possible?

there will never be a blue weapon that has been responsible for as much death and chaos as pic related

Vanilla raiding was boring and had very little mechanics vanillatoddler lol

>im fucking plying

>Less skills
>less talents

seriously I hopped back on to see if any of my old friends still played, and my warlock has like 5 offensive spells. The last time I played, I had 1-9 bound with offensive spells, and I still had more lined up. How the fuck do people play this game now???

>Best gear is gotten from keystones
>Raid gear is shit
>Mythic raiding is determined by legendaries and artifact power
>DBM nerfed so boss mechanics are a joke
>Melee literally do nothing all fight
Sure thing bud, having fun with wow dying where the end only has Pandafags.

on a tablet

yeah that makes sense

Best post so far.

IKR getting rewarded for doing something epic should be easy

>less talents

The tiered talent system isn't great but as far as actual diversity goes it's no worse than the classic or cata talents. The fact of the matter is that no matter what talent system you use there is always going to be a cookie cutter build that everyone who isn't a shitter is going to use. The difference is with the new talents you may need to swap out on a per encounter basis and some people really hate doing that.

What did you do for them to take him away?

When is Jaina going to genocide the irk scum?

>some people really hate doing it
Cata had it best. It was simple, but it was complex enough to fit whatever play style someone wanted

This is a talent catalog now. It's pathetic. This game is being dumbed down to ridiculous proportions.

I don't think Blizzard realized it wasn't about having the legendaries, it was about having something no one else did. By definition, the concept that makes having these items rewarding is only available to a select few.

Sure, by tossing more out into public, you're giving a short term burst of excitement, but after you've seen three dozen people carting around the Ashbringer, it loses all of its meaning and now you've got people looking for the next fix.

Will this work on earlier versions?
my guess is hell no but worth asking.

You are implying a lot of things that aren't correct. Please stay on your containment private server sweetie!

When she suddenly feels like dropping epics so players can facefuck her weekly

I've seen it actually. Requires a lot of finagling, and the shoulder buttons were used to bring up 1-5 etc etc, but it works.

>vanilla cookie cutter builds
nice meme


>previously it took super long to get epics
You could literally buy T1 pieces on the AH for like 30 gold



Been with the game since the beginning. Still play it. I don't see it dying anytime soon. When it does however, I will gently lay it to rest and move on with my life.

Made expansions that killed him.

>playing the sjw casual dogshit game in 2017
tbc launching this weekend, get ready boys
and don't worry, leveling rates are x5 so the casual Sup Forumsermins don't burn out after lvl 22
[shill]we waiting u[/shill]

>still play it
HOW!? It's dumbed down babby tier at this point. How do you still find enjoyment in it??? honestly asking, no shitposting.

>Epics are easy to get now
Nigger epics have been easy to get since BC.

Hell you could buy epics for barely nothing in vanilla.

You are literally comparing clicking 41 times vs 7.

Everything is always mathed out, there is always a best build if you are serious about raiding. The most amount of diversity you found in the old system was very minor personal preference swaps or shit like only one paladin taking improved BoK and one priest taking Divine Spirit.

>Dude fucking around in a stat squished zone several expacs ago killing trash means you can totally play WoW with a controller guys

MMOs died when they became about the endgame content instead of the journey to max level with your friends.
That kind of experience can't be had anymore. And the replacement just doesn't feel as fun or rewarding.

>tfw you will never level 1-60 over the course of several months with your best friends again

It was a cookie cutter though with little difference in fights


Fuck those guys and their shitty server