Have you ever shoplifted, stolen or never returned/gave back a game you borrowed/rented before?

Have you ever shoplifted, stolen or never returned/gave back a game you borrowed/rented before?

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Best Buy by my house doesn't put their games in security boxes, so I whenever I go there I pocket one game and buy another.

They don't suspect anything since I'm buying shit.

>never returned
Pretty sure there was some block buster games that never got returned but I don't remember which games they were and they probably got destroyed in the house fire anyway.

>look mom, i just stole an empty box, KACHING

No, theft is wrong. That's why I only pirate.

I steal games all the time

Had a somewhat friend. Kinda knew him from school, but didn't really know him too good. Wanted to borrow a game, my policy was that I would get another game as collateral. He borrowed my copy of Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers and a few Nintendo Power mags, I held onto his copy of Metroid 2. He moved away the very next week. I didn't mind the game, but those holes in my Nintendo Power collection pissed me off for years.

My father took one game from a shelf in a game store when I was with him, it was my birthsday so he was gonna buy me one but this way I got 2. Worth it.

Stole some kids Pokémon yellow version back when I was a kid, had alot of fun until my mom caught me acting weird

steam cards

>walk inside store
>act like a casul
>pick random PSfag gaem
>take steam card off shelf
>put it inside jackets pocket and i pretend to look t the game case
>put gaem on shelf
>walk outside
>input code on computer
>free gaems

thats not how the cards work though you retard
you need to have a cashier scan the barcode for it to activate

Nice try. The only cards that were always activated used to be the Xbox Live and point cards from when the 360 launched.

Can you please delete this. Your making my post look dumb.
Please delet it

>want sc2 but don't want to pay for it
>buy game
>open the front cover that folds out with game info
>take an x-acto knife and cut down the seam of the box on the inside
>take out cd key and add it to account
>super glue box back together
>return it to store

pretty simple.

Kept games from a couple different rental places, including Blockbuster. But the Blockbuster guys just told me to keep the games since the were shutting down anyway.

I also told amazon that a game never arrived and got my money back even though the game did in fact arrive.

Our Halo 2 disc wasn't working during a party, so we went to Blockbuster and the switched the disc with a working one. There were no consequences.

My Harry Potter game for the PS1 got scratched to hell and was unreadable, so I rented a copy from Blockbuster and swapped the discs. Was around 9 or 10 at the time.

Tell me about the house fire user. How did it happen? Was hard on you?

>I also told amazon that a game never arrived and got my money back even though the game did in fact arrive.

Haha seriously? Now I understand why Mexicans kept trying to sell me Xbox Live cards around that time

before I got high speed internet it was easiest to get pirated games by getting a "rent as much as you want for a month" thing at blockbuster and ripping PS2 games 5 at a time. Got dozens and dozens of games.

I had no money to buy Burning Crusade when it came out, so I used my cellphone to take a picture of the CD key.

Also used to steal WoW timecards from Target constantly. I would strip the security thingy off and put them in my wallet.

When I was a kid, I bought a Dreamcast and a copy of SA2 and stole one of those VMUs. I still feel guilty about it.

I stole codes for FFXIV and the expansion on PS3 and PS4. It was my workplace and the retards put the boxes out with the codes inside so I said what the hell. I stole non-vidya things from my work as well, and am lucky as hell they never caught me. I have never stolen before or since that job, so I don't know what got into me.

>All these fucking thieves

And you faggots have the audacity to talk shit about niggers.
Disgusting, stealing is the most pathetic thing a human being can do.

while you were grandstanding, I stole your girlfriend lmao get owned dweeb

>Best Buy by my house doesn't put their games in security boxes, so I whenever I go there I pocket one game and buy another.
>They don't suspect anything since I'm buying shit.

You're not the first person to pull that trick, genius - expect to be arrested sooner or later.

I stole shit from blockbuster all the time back in the 90s. for some stupid reason they put the games in the shelf box, so I'd go with a few friends and have someone play the distraction while the other two put games in their backpack.

god bless shoplifting or I'd probably never have played secret of mana and shining force II. both excellent games.

My brother maid like 3k off shoplifting PC copies of Oblivion and selling them to game crazy when they were still open. He used the money to buy a car.

>My brother maid like 3k off shoplifting PC copies of Oblivion and selling them to game crazy when they were still open.

What a pathetic lie. Security would notice how many copies of games were going missing and would then call up local stores that purchase them, said stores would be more than cooperative in order to avoid legal liability for purchasing stolen goods. Next time he went stealing security would sarcastically greet him by his first name before arresting him.

Also, I've never seen someone spell confuse "made" with "maid", the latter being a domestic servant.

Not to mention how colossally stupid you'd have to be to buy a car with untraceable money.

I've never stolen anything. I'm too big a moral fag.

I've never stolen anything and I've never pirated a game I don't already own.

Yes I shoplifted a ps3 then I brought it back because it had NO GAMES

Sometimes I steal same game more than once

>i've never downloaded music or streamed movies from an illegal site

Music yes, movies no.
Streaming movies.

No, but some of the hoodrat motherfuckers who go to the used game play I work at definitely have.

my connection is good,but I'd rather not take risk with my ISP sending me emails again. i'll only download movies if it's a) anime, b) from my romanian private tracker and 1080p is an absolute need.

game? no
other shit? yes, i was like 8-9 years old and went on a shoplifting spree with my 2 year older sister

in the end i got so caught up in it i ended up stealing actual money from my teachers purse and got caught in the end

the following happened to me once, i was scared shitless:

>ca. 2014
>thinking about buying final fantasy lightning returns for xbox 360
>raining outside
>go into local electronics store with hood still on
>take game from shelf, go downstairs and take a look at some other products
>"oh well, i don't wanna buy it anymore and i'm too lazy to go back upstairs and put it in the shelf"
>i'll just put the game inbetween some random shelves where the HDDs are
>leave store without buying anything
>"where do you have game?" (nigger spoke in broken nigger german actually, "ey wo hast du spiel?")
>i'm thinking dude wants to rob me
>i'm scared shitless, frozen
>shop detective walks up to us
>i'm relieved that dark scary nig nog was just the local mall detective's personal literal nigger
>"i-i put the game back on a shelf i didnt wanna buy it"
>"show me"
>niggar still grabbing my sleeve while i walk both of them to my side back into the store
>embarassed as fuck, people stare at me
>THANK GOD i still found the shelf where i put the game back
>"you no put game somewhere else than you pick up next time"
>they let me go
>i go back to my car and cry

one of the scariest things that ever happened to me. being a criminal must be the worst feeling ever.

in hindsight, i should have put them in their place for grabbing me physically and for being shitty detectives

i still have my copy of devil may cry 1 that i rented from blockbuster and i never returned it.

I download Korean and Japanese TV shows and movies because they're not available in my country. If I could, I would gladly pay for it.

Allegedly called an out of state walmart, got them to give me a l4d2 key code that I gave to my friend since he couldn't afford it at the time when the game was new.
But that's more social engineering I guess.


no, im white

>not downloading cars

>Not 'DhalsimtakesS7Edge"


I know that feel

>in a clothes store
>friends want to steal jackets
>they get caught
>they bring us in an empty room and tell us that whoever stole something has to take a step forward
>thankfully they do and give all the stuff back
>they let us go away

I didn't do anything but shit was about to come out my ass. I kept thinking that maybe I was responsible because I saw them doing it and said nothing

I used to steal new games from toys r us and sell them to the gameatop down the street never got caught.

>only blacks steal

cars are close to 2tb and doesn't fit on my ssd

Sometimes I pirate ham or other such items at the local supermarket

games no. But I did with hentai lol. The little tape rental near me had the adult cartoon section in the middle of the store, and they tapse were actually in the cases. So one day I went there and picked up La Blue Girl ep3 and swapped it with a movie I knew no one would ever miss...the 3rd benji movie. The kids section of the video store was right past the detectors, so i reached between the wall when no one was looking and took the movie. Never returned it, hate it to this day actually.

I used to steal store's own brand chocolate bars and other very cheap sweets from Sainsbury's when I was young. I was hardcore.

Used to work a a video store. I took all the DLC codes that came with the games.

Took a few games home that no-one ever rented (scored the DeS/DaS LE boxes, it was a little before they got popular)

Eventually went the way of all video stores, so I started smuggling boxes of games and movies home. Traded most of it in to pawn shops/EB games eventually

Here's the difference between a white and black thief


>that one nigger that would rent this game and steal the rumble pak

I became a moralfag and now I can't bring myself to stream old movies without paying.

I used to jack SNES games as well. Some stores would just have them out on the racks like bags of candy. I got Final Fantasy III (6) right when it came out.

>Have you ever shoplifted, stolen

no. im not trash.

Hey you're not a shoplifter, you're just a fat kid.

couple from friends who had games they never played and never noticed went missing
one or two accidentally kept from blockbuster
upgraded the RAM on my PCs and a few other ones using sticks i lifted from a job I once had (they ordered like 3x as many as they could possibly use, and I was in charge of counting/storing/installing them)

I shoplifed a copy of the orange box once back when it released.

>No protective case, just some plastic restraints.
break that shit, open the case and rip the cdkey off.

>Get home, create an alt steam account and activate it there.

Funny thing because i already had it on my main account.

I still use that alt account sometimes.

Sup Forums is filled with pirates, so likely a lot of people will answer yes.
Piracy is theft though.

I dislike that bitch so much, she is literally too smug by default for her own good

>Stealing physical RAM
>Not simply downloading it

Jak and Daxter, Jak 2, and SSX Tricky never got returned to my neighbors lol. Some of my favorite games.

Most people here steal from retail stores. Niggers fuck with other people walking down the street. Big difference.

It was clearly his brother's maid who stole games. It was even a trap maid.

I pirate ichiban noodle packs, when I get caught I try to pay with my declined credit card. They just feel sorry for me and let me keep the packs.

Been doing this for years now.

I once told my nanny I took a dollar from the counter but it was a lie. Does that count?

i can't remember if it was a screencap or if i actually participated in the thread a few years ago when a dude was talking about how he was stealing motherfucking lobsters from the supermarket.

I still have a copy of Castlevania Dracula X from a friend from like 15 years ago

He, however, still has by The Kinks: State of Confusion vinyl record.

I did the same thing starting when I was like 10 with PSX games. In fact one of the guys who worked there told me and my mom how to do it. Also told me if I couldn't afford a mod chip I could just take a piece of gum or something and use disc swapping to play burnt games. The people who worked there were always bro-tier. It was legit sad when the shut down.

Thank God I live in AMERICA, the best country on Earth, where we get a medal from the local police every time we shoot an uppity negro

used to do that too. before target put their games in cases. id put a ton of em in a target bag and just walk out

I pirated a pack of gum from the grocery store when I was a kid, I cried when my parents found out.

So instead of stealing from retail stores that means you steal the pensions and live savings of old people?

I only pirate but i don't consider that a crime and neither does the society where i live

How exactly did you manage to duplicate a package of gum?

After you're done chewing you put it back in the package.

>I'm a dumb nigger from a long line of retards who don't know how to handle money

Yes, I've stolen and sold XBL cards
Of course, at the time I didnt realize you had to scan them to activate them, so I basically stole duds. No one ever asked for money back, though.

That's not piracy though. That's just stealing something and returning it once it's used up. That's more like a steam refund.

fucking subhuman apes

>I didnt realize you had to scan them to activate them
How can people be this stupid? Were ou like 10 ears old when the 360 came out?

>I'm a retard who just wanted to post the word nigger because I'm a cool and edgy kid

I call bullshit unless your Best Buy is extremely careless.

I work at Best Buy and the cameras that asset protection watch during their shift are HD and extremely maneuverable. They would easily see you, especially if you come to the store often.

I got a prechewed game from Steam once. It came with a completed save and 70% of the achievements already unlocked, yet I didn't get any trading cards.

I was so fucking mad.

You'd think this was /r9k/ with all these bullshit stories.


You were lucky to have a father who spent time with you, despite being black

>been hitting up thrift stores on the weekends since I was younger
>dad got me into it, after my mom kicked him out he used it as a means for some extra income via Ebay in addition to his day job
>still frequent several, make quite a bit of money from flipping old games and occasionally nice shoes

anyways, the shit I used to do a few years back:
>pass by shelves with dvds and occasionally PC games
>take pictures of the CD keys and later activate them on Steam
>some poor kids probably bought those games only for them not to work.

I rented crash bandicoot 2 when it came out but I returned my copy of crash bandicoot 1 instead. It haunts my dreams every night.

Back to shitlord

>not just running it under warm water to wash off the saves

>I've further outed myself as an easily triggered nigger who is angry

It's not like I'm the one who started with the racial comments, jiggaboo.

>Stealing unactivated cards
Underage B&