i fell for the switch meme, Sup Forums. how do i go back
I fell for the switch meme, Sup Forums. how do i go back
You can't.
Don't forget to fill your daily quota of 'Why haven't you bought X threads'
bullet to the brain or sell it, your choice
Post 1 (one) literal switch exclusive
Breath of the Wild.
Graceful Explosion Machine
All GOAT material
You = BTFO
I got that in my Wii U.
Sell it. You'll be able to break even
yes, but good performance is exclusive to the Switch :)
Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Odissey, new Shin Megami Tensei, new Fire Emblem, Xenoblade 2.
I've never heard of the Wii U, and neither has any Normie.
Which is basically a proto-switch anyway
10 million more people own Wii Us than Switches
Fast RMX
Xenoblade 2
Mario Odyssey
1 2 switch
the fuck is a wii u
development name for the Switch i think
Switch is going to pass up Wii U's total sales by the end of Christmas.
Yeah right, you can't even find the damn thing in stores.
I just bought one today.. There was a line at the store. People actually bought that red / blue abomination
i wish i got that one
Sell it to me.
Production began to double in late March which means the effects of it are likely to take effect soon.
They will also likely overproduce the system in the dead summer months (where hardware sales are at their lowest) so they have spares for Fall and Holiday season.
You don't like the grey?
i'll buy it from you if you don't want ot
Game looks kinda shitty. Looked a lot more crisp on the PS4.
Why would you want to? Just play it.
you do?
i'm playing it at 4k 40fps on my pc
Are you talking from personal experience, or OP's angled undocked 1600x771 camera picture?
I'll be leaving Europe on June 21, the day Splatoon bundle launches. Do you guys have midnight releases over there in big cities?
Going to lmao@urlyfe when the "5" the job listing was for is P5 Arena
sure :)
The Splatoon bundle isn't coming anywhere but Japan.
Good point.
I admit it kinda looks like a child's toy, but that's part of the charm
It is coming to europe and japan
A switch is a poorly compressed wii u that you can move.
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>new Shin Megami Tensei
>new Fire Emblem
>Xenoblade 2
not an argument
no one cares about your shit taste fag
Same Fag.
After playing with the controller that it comes with on the TV for about 2 seconds, I realize I need a pro controller.. which was probably their plan
haptic feedback shinobi touching simulator 2017(?)
Nope, it's just me and some random guy having a conversation.
Nice games that aren't out yet
1-2 Switch!
Now don't you look a fool getting so BTFO.
You know what bothers me about the Switch at the moment? That there's a whole lot of good looking indie games slated to release on it, but none of them even have a release date. I'm pretty fucking sure the retarded devs will release them near a big title like Splatoon 2 or Mario and then I won't be buying any of them. They are wasting the opportunity to capitalize on the drought the console is experiencing right now.
At least you didn't fall for the VR meme
Is fire emblem actually getting a release? Or are we getting a fire emblem warriors?
>there is more content for VR than for Switch
>there is more content for the iphone than for any console
don't rest the switch against blankets or any other form of fabric, the air intake is on the back and you're blocking it