Digital foundry has rekt PS4 by showcasing a video where Minecraft runes exponentially better on the Switch, is this why PS5 announcement is imminent?
Switch better fram rate than PS4
Worth pointing out that Switch is 720P and only renders 11 chunks away instead of 17, iirc.
You don't have to make bait threads.
Discuss things you enjoy instead. It makes the whole place and your own experience better.
Shut up and delete this.
nobody cares
i know you want this to be some kind of meme thread
but i dont see it happening
but arms runs 60 frames at 1080p how do you explain that?
How new must someone be to make a thread like this
Why do people love to have arguments about which corperation is better?
Iv been her since last summer fagget :D
Who cares?
It's Minecraft...
A shitty Netbook running Win10 can beat both with MinecraftWin10 Edition, even though a PS4 is far more powerful than a shitty netbook.
>Lower settings have better performance
Whoah, we should let the gaming community know about this.
>Minecraft benchmarks
First post best post
WiiU 2 in terms of poor third party support
Wii 2 in terms of poor first party support
This is the worst of all worlds
There's a native Android port of Minecraft that's been in a state of constant development since launch years back, so there is absolutely no reason Minecraft SHOULDN'T run alright on the Switch
not sure wher you got your fake news from here's the real news
MAriokart8 1080
Arms 1080
Why are you so butthurt?
720p, less draw distance, less particles, and PS4 has an entity onscreen.
Besides all that, Mineman is a heavily CPU bound game. PS4 has eight 1.6ghz Jaguar cores, which are essentially netbook and tablet cores. Switch has 4x A57s at 1.02ghz, which are pretty much phone cores.
You're asking a souped up netbook and a souped up phone to fight, neither is going to do well at the task.
I'm not that guy, but I'm butt hurt that it's like AUD$800 to play Mariokart again.
Sorry to say nintendo is doing better in my opinion plus their games look fun
only cost me £20 sorry you are poor or out of work, hopefully you'll get by
The 720p is mostly because the devs are shit and couldn't figure out how to make the resolution switch from docked to undocked, something literally no other developer on Switch has struggled with.
Nintendo DS 2 in terms of sales
Nintendo DS 2 in terms of Japanese third party support
Best of all worlds
I mean to buy a Switch + A Pro Controller + MK8.5
I'm working but underemployed, it's a big problem right now, thanks for caring :)
buying a switch only cost me £200. again hope you find a job soon. not sure how you own a pc when the switch apparently costs 4 more than building one in your prisonland
You implying that resolution > gameplay?
Why didn't the devs have the PS4 version running at 900p if it can't handle 1080p?
Already have a job, just need a *better* job with more hours.
As for the PC, saved up over a long time, but a PC does much more than a simple console and the Switch costs more than the PS4Pro...Unless Ninty does a pricedrop or something I'm probably not joining the switchbase.
Here's an idea though - Considering Nintendo has to be earning like 700-800% profit on the consoles and WiiU piracy is now rife, why don't they do a trade-in offer, where you get 50% off a Switch for a full WiiU pack.
That gives WiiU owners incentive to upgrade and removes a piracy system from the ecosystem forever, whilst not actually even hurting Ninty's bottomline.
I got it for £99 thanks to an alarming amount of Amazon credit I let pile up from returns
>PC 324 FPS
haha kys
Ps4 pro you mean.
thats what i did. uk has a site called shopto, i sold my wiiu and all games for 170, literally got the switch for £50. you just gotta be smart
and guess what is more important in minecraft? That is right, framerate
PS4 isn't a gaming console so it doesn't count.
The Playstation four is a next generation computing MONSTER.
It has far better processing power than the Switch, it has more ram and it even has more G-RAM.
I can even use the ps4 to fold@home and help cure cancer
The Switch isn't even on the same level, Try again Nintentards.
Reddit poster
so you are charging devs incompetency to consoles?
>"""almost""" as good in multiplayer
>30 fps during 4 player
Okay, that doesn't change the fact that the game is less demanding on the Switch if it's only rendering at 720P. The performance would be undoubtedly worse if it was running at 1080P.
well that obviously makes sense to the consumer but you have to realize at that point Ninty is essentially admitting the Wii U was a failure which is obvious but not necessarily something to be proud of