What are some genuinely enjoyable games I can play with my daughter?

What are some genuinely enjoyable games I can play with my daughter?
> webm not related

Other urls found in this thread:


The pedos haven't even arrived yet but I just want to say fuck you OP for baiting them.

are you from uruguay?


You're ill in the head if you look at any child and think "people want to fuck that".

Nice to meet a fellow Argentinian around these part. You'll daughter will make a wonderful mother once she reaches the Age of Consent (13)

I heard that Cave explorer is a whole lotta of fun for the little ones.

If I type a bait out along the lines of >not wanting to fornicate with children with the sole intention to bait, will the FBI still track me?

I thought they got shut down?

Are you banned on Sup Forums boy?

What systems do you have fag?


Lego Starwars is pretty fun that's is what I played with my little sister, I miss the good ol days

she might like honey select

I wonder if she would take my penis in her mouth as easily as that

I've often wondered how much sarcasm can be used as a legal defence. Like could you plan a terrorist attack if you made it seem like you were being sarcastic and ironic about it?

Hey guys, let's totally bomb the white house tomorrow. THAT'D be a GREAT idea.

half of FBI are probably a part of a child prostitution ring ya doofus, i don't think they care about your small fish ass

You guys are cool, don't browse Sup Forums tomorrow.

'sup unteralterbach dev

argies don't use those bows

our bows are normally bigger than that but yeah some kids used different bows. This might be from here

Go to bed Jake.

>thread still up
Either mods are dead or this is honeypot thread.

Real life lolis are disgusting humans in beta form. Only drawn lolis can awaken the beast.

There sure is nothing hotter than some nice cheese pizza, am I right fellas?

The Creatures series. A ton of small, cute critters roaming around that you can teach/feed/abuse as you will.

Not only is it pretty damn immersive, but it's like a super-advanced version of the Creature thing from Black and White, only you have a dozen of the little buggers instead of just one.

I just recently bought the entire series for like 15bux on GoG, to play with my little 7YO nephew

They do it for free

>pretty damn immersive
I used the wrong word. It's not immersive- I meant it's got a lot of verisimilitude. The entire world interacts with itself, the creatures' genes interact with eachother, some of them mutate and you can crossbreed different species of creatures... or you can befriend a few instead of playing mengele.

>implying mods aren't waiting for links to be dropped

Maybe snacks is back.

but what about lava

back in the day I remember my older sister loved playing crash bandicoot racing

Youre on Sup Forums. If you arent aware of the sick fucks on here then youre ill in the head.

God, I miss that faggot...


>The FBI tracked McMichael down after receiving a tip last June about a Facebook user who was "actively discussing child pornography" on the social networking site.
>The Facebook postings were disclosed in court records in U.S. District Court, including one that read: "all cp isn't rape, Sometimes the kids want it. Most of the time they NEED it." In another Facebook post, records show, the user wrote: "What if I adopt a little girl? I'm sure she wouldn't mind becoming my sex slave if I take her away from the orphanage."
>Facebook records led the FBI to McMichael, who was confronted with the Facebook postings during an interview, records show.
>McMichael told the FBI that the posts were just a joke, records show.
>McMichael's court-appointed attorney could not be reached for comment.

>tries to wink
>blinks both eyes instead
>plays it off like she's cool
What a fucking dork.

It's like I'm on Sup Forums

Also in the slim chance you are serious and not a pedo, yoshi's wooly word.

if you read that article and come to the part

>investigation netted some 1,300 unique internet protocol (IP) addresses. Of these, fewer than 100 cases made their way to court, and judges in Iowa, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma ruled that the FBI’s investigation techniques violated current laws of federal procedure.


really makes your brain bugs crawl

>point out someone is maladjusted
>mentally disturbed people are here man!
No shit, I was calling him a weirdo for being a weirdo you fucking pedo-defender.

Because you never saw his ideas of "moderation" or you fell for the "around snax pedo is lax" meme?

There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo you fucking bigot, I can hardly believe its 2017 and people still act like this.

no bully user

Google caches Sup Forums just so you are all aware. You could google a few words of op and find a hit

You know what happened last week around this time? This can't be coincidence.

No, there's not. Same as being a psychopath. But a psychopath who seeks treatment doesn't hurt others, and a pedo who understands their proclivities doesn't rape kids.

She's cooler than you, you... you dummy head!

we know the mods are watching this thread waiting for drops because the faggots just deleted a pepe thread with only 2 posts

fucking degenerate fucks

>ignore anything bad
Like a true democrat

I want to hug that.

W-what happened?

What's going to happen here? Should I leave if I'm weak?

>hurr lets derail this topic

Disingenuous cunt.

Faggots will, post some spoilered hand holding and everyone will pretend it's CP.

who's this semen demon

nu4chan is boring

Remember when there used to be daily loli threads on Sup Forums?

You asked for this motherfucker, see you in jail.

Sonic Hedgehog




Handholdign is kind lewd because of the implied intimacy.

Go on then. You won't get three pages before you get banned and thread stays up, Mods ban with one hand, and jerk off with the other,


>first half
eh..she is ugly
>second half
what the fuck, cutie

My lgf (little girlfriend for those that don't know).

lol You bastard.

Good. I need to stop procrastinating on here anyway.

>used to be
They just get 404'd when the janny takes a break from stuffing cheetos in his mouth.


I bet you don{t remember the bellatap threads

>being stopped by a ban
Fucking normie

Why not post the sequel? Get some real horror from the "i recogni-- WAIT WHAT


This is going a bit far mate.

>blurring down to the thumb
Guess he's got some interesting prison tatts.



oh boy here we go

No going back now

I approve this thread. CP would go a long ways to flushing out all the normalfags.

Sick fucks like you should've been thrown into the ovens a long time ago!



C'mon mods hurry up, I have important work to do

>captcha: jamo police


I don't, I really haven't been on Sup Forums for that long.



You missed the good stuff my man

Wow, I'm gonna have the whole comic up before these faggot mods do anything

Not CP but still a classic




Now post the retards who though posing like him was an impact message until social media told them it was insensitive. I think there was a beach of about 40 of the idiots just before people said "planking like a dead kid isn't cool, it's inherently racist."

Somebody post actual CP already.

This comic makes me sick every time I see it.

>dat failed wink attempt

>thread is still up

These mods must really want some cp if they've put off nuking this thread for so long