What are some games with satisfying revolvers?

What are some games with satisfying revolvers?

Killing floor 2
Gunslinger class most fun

Call of Juarez: gunslinger
its one of the best shooters out there

Pretty much every Resident Evil game.
Unless you're an idiot like me who is afraid of wasting ammo so you finish the game without having fired a single magnum round.


Engravings are for pussies who don't know anything about tactical advantage

I like to think Borderlands had good revolvers. The first one. Any other Borderlands game is shit

Did anyone else fucking love the concept of the HE .44 magnum from Resistance 2/3 and is appalled it hasn't shown up in any game since?

>6 shot stickybomb launcher with revolver firepower to boot

You planning to auction that thing off as a collector's item?

Borderlands 2's gameplay is so starkly improved even if the writing did get memey, though. You can really see the funding they stole from colonial marines.


Rest of the game is shit though, don't bother.

E.Y.E has the Bear Killer which is one of the best weapons in the game. Not only does it feel incredibly meaty to shoot, it's also powerful enough to shoot down gunships, reduces enemies into a cloud of blood and flying limbs on a critical hit and has ridiculous pinpoint accuracy over long distances.

I like the exotic weapons, the chaperone is pretty damn tasty

Shadow Warrior 2 has some meaty revolvers.

I like Jakobs Revolvers. Shame what they did to revolvers in 2

I hate to say it but mcree is pretty satisfying

why do you hate to see it

blizzard clearly put effort into overwatch's sound design

Bear Killer is almost too powerful. It's satisfying, but completely ridiculous in it's power compared to the other guns.

HL2s revolver is still the standard for me

>mfw a masher drops


>this decoration made to look pretty does nothing but look pretty
Who'd have thought?

twirling that big revolver is very satisfying


>press E
>right click
oh so satisfying...

Fallout New Veggies has some good revolvers

>Unless you're an idiot like me who is afraid of wasting ammo so you finish the game without having fired a single magnum round.

ugh, this is me all over, except I use it in the final boss.


>except I use it in the final boss

What if game has new game+?


I hate lumpy handles like that, the wood ones are way fancier.



Everything about borderlands 2 was improved, except for the most important part: the loot and gun generation systems, which were way worse, which completely negated and counteracted the improvements

is kf2 as good as the first?

>Everything about borderlands 2 was improved
What is: the writing?

Everything about borderlands 2 was improved

Except revolvers.

Engravings, give no tactical advantage whatsoever. You're pretty good

>but completely ridiculous in it's power compared to the other guns.
Not really, considering the Hunting machine and the TRK exist. The other guns are perfectly viable against crowds

>replaced weapon proficiency with meme ranks
>exponential scaling so your gear becomes obsolete faster than you can replace it
>Replace S&S with Bandit and Atlas is completely gone
>ARs have a lower crit modifier than SMGs and pistols
>need to buy ammo and inventory SDUs with a secondary currency
>manufacturer gimmicks are shoved in your face
>E-tech fucking sucks

New Vegas with modded guns and modded gun sounds


That profile is what I miss the most, the way the entire piece is just lurching forward.

BF4's .44

>most accurate handgun
>very good hipfire too
>1hk to the head

what's not to like?

Uncharted 4 has a good one

What's the name of the top one? Looks pretty cool.

Fallout 4

The writing is one of the improved things, yes. Borderlands 1 had plot in the same way Edward Gorey art has color.

The one in 3 was fantastic.

Fistful of Frags

are you kidding

the revolver sounds like weak ass peanut gun

Fucking kek

Bayonetta 2

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