Burgers play games with naked, muscular men

>burgers play games with naked, muscular men
>say "why would you want to play a game with only cute anime girls? Are you gay?"

Dumb anime poster

>burgers play games with naked, muscular men
name one game


only a fucking fag plays games with cute girls, muscular naked men is normal here. i don't understand the question

>burger here

Because they have mental illnesses they label as "self-inserting" that allow them to believe they are the video game character.

god of war

n-name two

There is nothing gay about suckling puffy man nips

No one says playing anime tiddy games makes you gay, it makes you a perv.

Strong, virile men play games that only feature other strong, virile men. They don't even like seeing or thinking about women. Ideally they would be surrounded only by other strong, virile men.

>Not cute anime guys

Pic would be great without the hat. Headwear is always so ugly no matter what.


god of war 2

dudes cant be cute

Liking anime makes you gay.

I used to be straight. Used to go to the gym and play lots of sports. Then I was introduced to anime. Now I take estrogen suppliments, eat and drink noting but soy products, and crossdress in my spare time.

I've never been happier



>he doesn't watch muscular sweaty men wrestling each other as their dicks flop around wildly

Get off my board.


devil's third

You are just a faggot. Anime has nothing to do with it.

Both sides are equally retarded.

You can read both erotica and power fantasies with diametrically opposed character types.

You can also play games for different reasons, and believe it or not, this is especially true for games where you can craft a wide array of different types of characters, and this is nowhere as obvious in games like bethesda´s where you have mods that define your game as masturbatory aid, and mods that make it actually something of a game.

And then there are also people who would like to play a game and have a proper wank in between.

A man is not naked as long as his loins are covered.

Because Heavenly Sword was so much better right? Please, keep trying.