I've played Destiny 1 a good bit (I quit before the light cap was bumped to 350). While I did like the game, it was extremely unsatisfying to play.
The FOV is garbage and 30FPS is literally unplayable on an FPS.
I was excited for Destiny 2 because I knew a PC port would solve these issues. Something told me to wait and see before I preordered though. Now that I know that an MMO is going to have a later release date on PC, I can safely say that I am never going to purchase it. I am not going to pay $60 to play a game that everybody else has had, just to get common sense settings.
The game just looks like more content. The engine looks exactly the same, and frankly I have seen nothing they couldn't have just added as DLC to Destiny 1. Nothing they have added to the Xbox/PS4 version of the game is new other than just content.
Bentley Cook
The dev were being lazy with this one. We can clearly see it's a blatant copy of the first one. Even the HUD. If someone can counter-argument me, I'll shave my body and ride his cock until he cums.
Christopher Clark
Something tells me you'd be ok with losing this one
Lucas Phillips
the first game was ADS, this one is hip fire with ADS only for zoom
Gavin Collins
It's one of the most unimpressive sequels I've seen a long time. The fact it looks so similar and is factory resetting the content means it's honestly a better deal to get the first now.
Nolan Cooper
This one is on pc so you can play at appropriate setting and with the proper control scheme. So there's that.
Brayden James
>going to have a later release date on PC, I can safely say that I am never going to purchase it >I am not going to pay $60 to play a game that everybody else has had This is a really stupid reason
Jack King
Would you pay full price to buy the WoW expansions right now?
You either keep up with an MMO or get left behind. The same release date was essential for people to want to play on PC.
Aiden Perez
With all of the resources gathered, they couldn't even scrap together a decent looking engine. Being locked at 30fps, even on newer consoles (PS4 Pro & Scorpio) is disgraceful. Id Tech 6 manages 60fps with 1080p resoulution on both platforms just fine. Will Bungie ever make a game that goes over 30fps?
Henry Collins
>t. someone who has zero experience with game engines, graphics programming, and numerical simulations