IQ Thread

Let's have another IQ thread, followed by your favorite game.

Red Dead Redemption


Can we settle once for all that IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?

It pretty much determines how our life will turn out, my iq was professionally tested several times and I scored 136 in average.

I'm neet at the moment but I know (based on HARD data) that I eventually be very wealthy and happy. It's just how it is, IQ will make me successful no matter what
>but but IQ doesn't matter because it's not scientific
>but but muh willpower
>but but whatever
Brainlet excuses, you are either gifted or not, if you deny the veracity of IQ tests you are clearly a jealous bainlet who will never understand us.

What the fuck is this?

I've never had an iq test before, but I'd reckon it's sub 100 desu, f a m..



i would say the one with a single top bar but i could be wrong


Halo 3

Its either the 5th one or the 6th one

Super Smash Brothers Melee

to intelligent to play video games

Ignore the out of date timestamp, I am too lazy to make another one.


Pikmin 3

>itt: everyone is a genius


Higher than 180
Metal Gear Solid

Also, what's this? I guessed one of the bottom 2 to the left.

number 4. spin the white square 45ยบ counter-clockwise and add/delet bars

Inb4 high iq aspies pick speedrun games

>online IQ tests
Do we really need to discuss how these are inaccurate? No, it doesn't matter that it's from Mensa.

Anyone else /toodumb/ for this shit?
I just get bored with this crap and close it every time
I guess I'm just to intelligent to do IQ tests

It's the 4th one. I'll explain my reasoning if you wish

IQ really doesn't matter all THAT much, practically speaking.

Being smart doesn't mean you can't make fucking retarded decisions. Like, for example, bragging on a himilayan wall-painting board about how an arbitrary number makes you superior to others, as if you weren't already throwing your beefy intellectual dick around BEFORE you got assigned an arbitrary number.

You don't have to be a retard to be an idiot.

tfw your iq literally is off the charts


I never understand if these patterns are supposed to go left to right or top to bottom or both?

That's what I guessed, but yes, I'd like an explanation.

Yes go- fellow mensaner! We shall pay Mensa to get certified as legit geniuses!
We friggin did it

It depends on the puzzle. I think most of them had doing both, but the most common was left to right.

both are valid for this test

It changes with each exercise

>Tried to get them all wrong
>Still get a 100

Something's fishy here.

Last time I got tested, which was about 10 years ago, it was 192.

Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner


Sonic Adventure 2

I get :
>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data. Remember that it is a good idea to practice tests such as this - there are many others available online.

If I hit the same shit all the time, if I choose random answers I get about average

Do you even bell-curve?

The way I saw it, for every sequence:
>the Y flips every step
>the group of squares loses one each time
>the group of squares must be on every different end of the Y once

you're just not very smart user

The Y flips around its horizontal axis, I forgot to mention

Who else has transcended human knowledge here?

New Vegas

>any IQ thread on Sup Forums
>suddenly everyone is a mensa member with Einstein-level intelligence
I'm glad to be surrounded by the fellow innovators and free thinkers on this high class picturesque idea exchange platform

That's what the legit retards or people who just choose the same answer on every exercise get



Yeah I scored so low the test couldn't measure it too.

>practice IQ test taking
>get high IQ

>IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?
It isn't
Motivation is
A lazy genius will go nowhere while a dedicated idiot can accomplish wonders

t. brainlet

117. I only got like 60% through the test within the allotted time. I think that I might be approaching each exercise too abstractly and not immediately homing in on the changing parameters of each puzzle. I'm gonna try again

3 squares bottom left. In other words, the 4th option.

It's 3 parts:
>The boxes count up from left to right.
>the figure flips from top to bottom
>diagonally they occupy the same leg

The answer is 6.


Dark Chronicle.
>Brainlets will fall for this bait

115, best ever 135. IQ isn't fixed.
Tribes: Ascend

I call bullshit on this test, as I doubt I got any higher than 115.

Dragons Dogma

the funny thing about this is the average personality types that are generally more intelligent are also the same personality types that make less money than their extroverted counter-parts.

Had 123.

To all the fags thinking they're hot shit because the test says "outside of the boundaries" and so on: I ran through the test a second time and deliberately answered all the questions I could wrong, then I got that very same measure.
Congratulations, you niggers are literally too retarded to get a score on a rigged test that's made to make you feel better about yourself.

113; EarthBound
>tfw biggest brainlet ITT

Personality types are horoscope tier bullshit tho.

How can we confidently say we've figured out a way to measure intelligence when we don't even know how intelligence works? Brains are probably the most complicated topic we know of.
These tests are a meme to make people feel like special snowflakes. As another user pointed out, I guarantee you will get better scores as you practice this type of shit. It's retarded.

>Answer 4 questions
>Get bored and hit finish

Fuck this.

Mass Effect 2

Falling for this bait is the real IQ test.

t. brainlet

got 115 and I stopped at 80% cause I have to go and there's no goddamn pause button so I guess I could've got a couple more in there

>I guarantee you will get better scores as you practice this type of shit
are you telling me that I can practice things to become smarter?

>It's a horoscope

I've had my friends tested, and I then checked out personality compatibility charts.

It's fucking freaky man.
We all turned out to be INFPs

i would bet money that 9/10 people posting 130+ scores in this thread also participate in console wars

No, I'm saying that these tests don't measure your intelligence.
I do however strongly believe that you can improve your intelligence. I don't know when this myth was established that you will have to live with some specific intelligence value that's in your genes for the rest of your life but I feel like it's a meme.

123. I'm playing Prey right now and having fun, so... Prey?

The future is beautiful, my friend. Join me as we stare into the sun together.

It's the bottom right one.

>from first to second row: rotate it 90 degrees clock-wise (hinted by middle column), delete line on the left, add line on the bottom (hinted by the discrepancies of the line changes from first to second row by both the first and third column)
>from second to third row: rotate it 90 degrees counterclock-wise (again hinted by middle column), only delete the left line, add no other (hinted by the line change from the second to third row in the first column)

Sengoku Rance

What is freaky about it exactly?
>respond with almost the same answers
>be within the range of a 'type'

I always subtract 30 from these online tests. it told me I was 133, probably means I'm around 103. Average as fuck desu.

You put the white square over the black square in the same line. Sides that have two bars cancel each other and end up with neither. Places with only one bar get a bar, places with none get none. After that you spin it 45 degrees clockwise and get the middle square. So it is 4.

It's 4.
The "limb" the number is attached to doesn't matter, only that once it has to be on the right side of zhe picture, and once on the left.

>IQ Test
>Doesn't include verbal

It's like nobody on this website has taken the Wechsler test before. Any IQ test that doesn't include both is a joke.

Also, I answered the same questions a second time, but faster, and didn't see an increase in points. This also is an obvious flaw in the test.

That being said, this test accurately estimated my non-verbal IQ (I have low 130s. Test gave me high 120s). Of course, it's ignoring my verbal IQ of 170.

Me too thanks

Candy Crush

115 shadow of the colossus

Wait a minute that score.

you sound like a real bitch

128 represent

>I'm saying that these tests don't measure your intelligence.
These tests measure your ability at pattern recognition. You can indeed train yourself to recognize patterns by studying examples, but if you are retarded, you will not be able to figure out a new pattern when you see one.

Reminder that if you guess the answers to questions you dont know instead of skipping them then your IQ score is invalid

Cave Story

That was a good laugh user

That's why I post here. I got banned from every other video game discussion sight for being pretentious and a complete asshole online. Even infinitychan got rid of me for spamming dubs in threads about games I didn't like, and for shitposting pro-SJW arguments.

113, Team Fortress 2


F-Zero GX

Does that explain our political leaders?

>IQ isn't fixed.
True. It doesn't normally drop by 20 fucking points though.

>seeing patterns in abstract shapes is a measure of intelligence
117 according to this bizarre test
SMT Nocturne

Nier Automata

I read that magazine too

No your emotional intelligence will tell us how much you will succeed in life.

How many fucking "zebra" "High IQ" people i know that are fucking miserable and live a shitty life, it's almost a meme nowadays those people with extremely analytical ability that become fucking nothing because lol i can't read social situation and adapt XD.

Your fucking power complex is only in your head fucking piece of shit, actualize your skill or die.



It's an abstraction of seeing patterns anywhere and of course it is a measure of intelligence. There is a reason machine learning has heavy focus on pattern recognition.

Here's the issue though.
3% of the population is INFP, and we were all together because we were the same.

We were all smart people, and we all had some form of social mal-adjustment.

I've had really good friends roll ENFP, and it all synchronized within the MBTI.

There's more to it.

You can easily brand all of psychology a pseudo-science.

look man it's okay you scored double digits, we can't all be geniuses