What game is the actual blunder of the century...

What game is the actual blunder of the century? For years Sup Forums has called the games they don't like or overhyped games that sink the blunder of the century.

I think it's Diablo 3.

A blunder is something that sold poorly or failed to meet expectations of developers by a long shot.

So no, stuff like Diablo 3 and no man's sky's and the likes are not technically blunders. If anything, the biggest blunder in recent memory has been battleborn.

Assassin's Creed Unity


Disaster: Day of Crisis sold so poorly they cancelled its North American release and laid off the entire team. That happens all the time though, the thing that makes it a big deal is that this was a Nintendo game.

Spore, no contest.
That was the blunder to set up all future disappointments, whether they be from EA or almost any other AAA dev.

Battleborn is the only one I can really think of
They wasted A LOT of money making it
Nobody plays it
They spend more money to add more to a game nobody wants
They guy in charge of it makes a constant idiot out of himself publicly

The game shipped a shitton of copies though. I bet it damaged retailers more than Gearbox.

The PS3.
Sony made a lot of money by Trojan Horsing the PS2 into homes as a DVD player. They tried to do the same with the PS3, only they were too early. The $250 loss they took on every console was just too much to ever recover from. Sony makes most of their console money from royalties, and with an attach rate of maybe 10 and $7 bucks per game that's just never going to happen.

And in the end it wasn't even worth it. Blu-ray never took off the way DVD did because it's really not that big of an upgrade for consumers. The world was ready for digital and streaming services. All the PS3 did was wipe away every cent made on the PS1 & PS2 and then some. It's still billions in the red to this day.

I'd say no man's sky but I'm pretty sure everyone and their mothers knew it was going to fail



It has to be SWTOR

Probably Battleborn, it's killing Gearbox by itself.

SWTOR at least recovered slightly. Blunder of the Century has to be something that flopped so hard, it killed the studio that developed it.
The only thing I can really think of ATM is Too Human. Was in development hell for almost a decade, swapping through many platforms, had a huge budget, sold way below expecations, was received fairly poorly, and then Silicon Knights got sued so hard by Epic for misuse of their engine, it killed the studio.

It only pulled back because it has the name 'Star Wars'. If it was under any other name it would not have survived. That being said though i did recently return to see if it had changed at all and i was pleasantly surprised by the amount of content that is in it. I ran dungeons from an early level to cap and not once did i encounter the same dungeon twice in a row because there's so many. PvP maps are still about the same amount as when the game first launched though with the inclusion of some duel arenas.

Kingdoms of Amalur and Project Copernicus were so big of a blunder that they financially fucked over an entire US state. Can any other video games say the same?


This. Nothing comes close, not even the wii u.

probably DAY Z . but yall fags in denial so youll never come to terms with the reality of hyping the fuck out of something then never getting the pay off

guild wars 2

but i spent over 3k hours on arma 2 just playing dayz mod so i'm not sure what you are talking about

Nothing has yet to match the sheer amounts of fail Spore was - but by god did Diablo 3 try!

They tried to make a premium machine for rich people but the 360 was the same shit (and even better) for less.

No Man's Buy