Would you play a remake of Undertale? I think looking like ass is its biggest problem

Would you play a remake of Undertale? I think looking like ass is its biggest problem.

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It'd be cool if someone did in the style of the Mario & Luigi games.

it's supposed to look bad though

Pixel art needs to die. It doesn't work on a medium where you can't easily distinguish the pixel grid. It doesn't even look good emulated.

My biggest complaint about this game is how the artstyle is never consistent, so why not.

They should have just tried to make it look like Earthbound

Because there's ever been a game that looked acceptable by Sup Forums standards.
also, 2/3/4x pixelsize is a thing, you know?

No, the game is fine and making it look pretty wouldn't make it any better.

I'd play Undertale 64 for sure.

>dude why don't they just repaint the sistine chapel, it's biggest problem is that it looks too 1500's