
>ctrl + F
>no SlimeTales shilling thread
Who's making the Sup Forums guild this time?

Other urls found in this thread:

What's this, a private server?

Yes, it's pre-BB KMS with some unique features.

Any reason the game doesn't launch? I opened the SlimeLauncher and updated it, but the game never opens. A MapleStory process runs in task manager.

Its supposed to be online now. Is anyone online? Is it total not dogshit?

>Kill Stealing: Intentionally killing monsters in a map already owned under a player after having already been asked to leave is not allowed. You can claim maps by typing @mapowner. Although @mapowner is used to own maps, the person who was already in the map first automatically claims the map even if the person isn't the map owner. This is to prevent map hijacking of those who do not know about the @mapowner command.

So you're not allowed to kill enemies if someone else is there already?

>no ks wars


Have you set your locale to Korean?

Yeah I fixed it now. There was another update that came out and I had to update my locale.

Second question: The game is stuck in windowed mode. Not sure which option to fix it so that it's fullscreen. Any ideas? I played with all the system options with no success.

now YOU TOO can experience the thrill of the king of faggot city and his many fabulous regents taking complete, literal control of every channel for a map

Still not sure what class to make....

>drop rate x1 on a server with 20 people


How many channels are there?

Whats wrong with official Maplestory?

Literally the best part of Z4 were the mass KS wars

What's right with it?

I don't know, it's been a decade i played it. Which is why i asked.

I'm having trouble starting this, it keeps telling me to download new launcher after new launcher.

>60 players only
Ded server. Even broken royals has more than this.

How do I even launch this shit? using applocale on either the launcher or the mushroom named SlimeTale doesn't work

This will overtake Royals if they get the whole preBB/postBB hybrid right. Royals has no potential for growth, but this one will have actual endgame.

Oh, turns out I just had to keep relaunching it until the fucker decided it wanted to work.

Did you restart your computer?

IGN is Marksman


Nope, it turns out that every time I tried to use the Launcher with applocale I had the bad luck that it didn't manage to contact the server, I just had to keep retrying until it showed me the number of players and other server info stuff.
So, is there any sort of Sup Forums guild or something? I miss having a guild name under my character.

Territory control now?

Brand new server, guilds cost like 2mil to make.

Just post your IGN or add mine, Marksman. Buddy list will do for now.

Uhh, I've been bored as fuck so sure. Whenever someone actually makes a guild I'll come around

Potential is a meme.

you can get to level 100 in like 4 days without trying

This doesn't really seem like anything special, its basically the same as Royals except with less EXP, Meso, and drops, and you have only one option for hair at the beginning, and can't read 20% of the text.

Are you retarded? The EXP rates are higher and you have access to every cosmetic in the game from the very beginning.

my computer thinks the launcher is a virus and deletes it

>tfw slimetales had 1080p HD

It's a false positive. Common in private servers.

Just add an exception.

No they aren't, the EXP in Royal is at 4x, while in Slimetales its only 3x, with everything else being 1x.
And how do I have access to all cosmetics, where do I have to go? When I started there were three hairstyles to pick from, and I just got defaulted to the toben style after picking a different one.

reported to nexon

reporting this thread and private server to nexon

not dissu shittu again

neo tokyo when

SlimeTales is x4 with x6 quest and x2 drop.

No it isn't.

so what's the catch?

Royals is 3.2x, where are you getting your information from?

SlimeTales gives me conflicting information about its rates. 4x on the website but 3x on the launcher for EXP.

Oh, they must have changed it since last I played then.

Has anyone actually compared the exp rate in SlimeTales by actually killing a monster and comparing it to the vanilla exp?

They never update that page. Kill some monsters and you will see for yourself.

What are everyones IGNs?

So I just downloaded the 4gb file a couple hours ago and now its out of date already???

Alright fine then, its 4x, still doesn't answer my question on the cosmetics, and doesn't change the fact that part of the 20% that's untranslated are menu buttons and signs, so navigating can be a chore if you don't have everything memorized.

Cheese, add me and I'll accept you when I log, add a guy named Marksman, he seems to know a bunch of people

Just keep downloading the newest installer that it keeps giving you, eventually it'll work.

>Yes, it's pre-baby killing myself with some unique features.

These acronyms are fucking impregnable.

By all means stay on nuMaple, it's where you lesser intelligent people belong.

Reminder that a server that is less than 1000 population is shit.

Anyone just starting out need a Henesys PQ?

>Pally's have been known to be the least desirable mainly due to the lack of damage and their skill kits very dull in comparison.
>Barely fix up Page
great server

Pages get an amazing buff though. Threaten is 20% ignore defence and it works on bosses

There's a Henesys PQ? Is this KMS exclusive or something? Where in Henesys is it?

Also I noticed a GM posted "oh, Sup Forums". I wonder what that's about.

muh endgame

defense didn't even work like it does today back then


This desu you'll never recapture the golden years of MS on a dead server

You won't recapture the golden years of MS on any server.

SlimeTales has a slow start, but it has huge potential. Anyone who has played Royals and Legends knows how boring it gets at 4th job, and this server rectifies that problem.

At least royals has population which is essential for recreating the experience.

is there a list of skills in slimetale's kms version anywhere

it's ogre

well its a lot more fun playing with 100 levels worth of skills than 40. Getting there quickly is a good thing

Is this the new maple silver?

Lol, that game was shit back then and it's even shittier now.
J-just kidding!

Anyone know what to do about this error?

> Not a single private server adds any form of PvP

If you think the traditional from of PvP is too hard to balance because THIS CHAR IS TOO STRONKK DDXX then add in Monster Party Quest to have any semblance of competition between players. Merely going around flashing overscrolled equipment and killing bosses ad nauseam doesn't fucking cut it, goddammit.

maple pvp was and always will be shit
stop wasting everyones time

There was a legit form of PvP that was pretty fun

It was adjusted and nerfed to the point where no one played it, then outright removed

they replaced it with Boss PvP, where you play a boss and the other player is a Mapler and it's best of two rounds (you switch btw. rounds) but it was complete ass and no one liked it

also Monster Carnival was brought back, but it was reskinned and no one played it because the only PQ that was fast EXP was Romeo and Juliet, so of course they nerfed the exp from that tooand now Maple is a single player game

I must have quit before PvP was introduced. Did come after the place that you took the subway to from kerning?

What is this baby shit?
We'd have guild wars over training spots

Population that came after a long while.

Royals won't grow, and it got fucked hard by the devs. SlimeTales has plenty of potential.

Even using monster sacks to grief is bannable

Make sure you've changed your computer's region to korea, then restart your computer.

yeah no fuck that then


And the problem is?...
If you don't like the idea of leveling up fast, then why the hell would this private server have 4x exp and 6x for party quests.

>after having already been asked to leave
Only autismos who actually want to fuck everyone over will abuse this, most owners wouldn't care. And those same autismos will get the boot if enough people complain.

you don't understand maplestory or mmo players
every goddamn retard will use it and it'll become the norm to trigger ban anyone who disrupts their safe spaces

It's actually a pretty fun server 2bh.

So exactly how much postBB kms content are they adding? Do we get any of the newer classes like Phantom, Mercedes, etc? 5th job skills?

level 100 of numaple is like level 20 in old maple

>This client can only be executed in Korean code-page


>player count has already fallen by 30

For those who want to play, download it, then:

Start > Type 'Region and Language' > Administrative > Change system locale > Korea. Then restart PC.


Download this (MUST BE VERSION

No more classes, this is a preBB server.

They're periodically adding postBB bosses and areas.

What are you talking about? There are 73 on right now, which shows the population is slowly growing.

You're probably that idiot raiuu who has a huge stick up his ass.


No, it's the new MapleRoyals.

It will overtake Royals if they can maintain a solid population.

Only the cool kids know how to climb to the top platform in HHG1

And if they abuse it and the moderators let them, letting a single guild strangle-hold the best farming zone, then dump the MMO cause it's being run by retards.

Maple colors> Maple Story

J>PQ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@