Can we have a creepy bootleg vidya thread?
Can we have a creepy bootleg vidya thread?
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btw this is AI generated along with dahir insaat and navgtr who are all under the same parent company
>those sound effects
Did someone say "Games for girls"?
How does this even work? Why does the AI come up with so much disturbing shit? is it sending a warning to us?
>verified channel
youtube is actively promoting this
Is this the second coming of girl games?
This entire thread is viral marketing for SomethingAwful.
A faggot from there makes these videos and shills them, and you faggots are eating it up.
Report, Sage.
Its the average sum of what people watch on the internet across all age groups
This is the result
You know kids love watching edgy shit like Two and a Half Men and South Park and so on. Add in some light shock/fetish element things across the internet - and that is the result.
Not everybody knows or cares for SA
Its just retsupuare/slowbeef shills
Don't pretend you don't know what a bootleg is
Huh, that's pretty fascinating actually. Thanks user
I would like to know more
Just when I think the next clip won't be anymore absurd than the last ones
>Talking about immigrants in germany raping a 10yo child gets your channel out of monetization but posting a video about disney owned characters babies getting killed is promoted
>can we talk about "off topic thing?"
>woooow i found "off topic thing" childhood ruined XD
Fucking shills. Fuck off.
No one is forcing you to clic those links user
No, it's the first coming. They're both made by the same people/AI.
Those weren't AI generated, retard. The "gaming in the clinton years" reviews were uploaded records of an old local access show. Navigatr just archived them.
I don't get it
you think I was being serious
>implying it's possible to tell any more
>he hasn't heard the word of god
is that the fucking joker
You aren't ready
Your images tell me nothing and only confuse me further
It's from that nip tv series manchildren love. The current one has a vidya motif and last I heard the villain was an autist with a god complex who was really upset about games he didn't create being used with his console/transformation trinket thing. And also they killed a main character in the christmas episode.
>Almost 2 million views
Modern day youtube, ladies and gentleman.
Extremely low effort production with tons of tags that are easily accessible to children for easy money mixed in with borderline psychotic themes.
The same reason why pregnant elsa spiderman avengers abortion genderbent etc. videos do so well. Because they pander to the bottom of the barrel demographic and it fucking works.
KR Chronicle was a shit game.
Sounds stupid.
it's a 20 minutes long toy ad, what did you expect?
I'm not entirely sure what's going on in this thread but I like toku reaction images
God didn't want this.
Go be evil again Poppy
You are smalltime
Not sure why the lethal injection is a popular keyword though