Lets be real here, this is one of the best designed and fun character in any game past 10 years.
Lets be real here, this is one of the best designed and fun character in any game past 10 years
I agree
literally copied MGS1's ninja
>filthy westerners can ever make a best designed anything
Whats it like having no taste?
Literally, LITERALLY copied, they are 100% identical, OP BTFOd lmaoing my ass on the floor and such.
Bedouin is the coolest skin in the game. Too bad I suck at genji and he's always Insta locked by someone so I can't even play him to get better.
Only if you don't need healing
It was until wombo combo was removed
He's fucking annoying to fight against, fuck him.
I know that feel
>finally get to play him
>feel extremely pressured by team to do well
>end up playing like shit
Yeah, it's too bad that 95% of the OW playerbase can't play him for shit.
t. Healslut
Honestly I don't have any fun playing him.
Yeah, really great design. So completely original.
Playing overpowered characters is pretty fun, can confirm.
Just another generic archetype. Overwatch is filled with them.
>tfw he ults and you know no one can save you from your impending fate
Fun to play, cancer to play against
>ayo hol up, I'm in danger, let me press my "immunity to 90% of the weapons in the game without slowing me doiwn" button
>ayo hol up, I'm in danger, let me just double jump, wall climb and slow teleport out of here
>aim? Nah nigga, I just spam right click
Genji is only good 5% of the time when you get someone actually competent playing him, otherwise he's one of the worst offense heroes in the hands of your average retard.
>pick Winston
>all but the best of genjis get anally annihilated
Sasuga, Harambe-san
That just brings up the other problem with overwatch. Too rock-paper-scissory
Are you calling a dash a slow teleport?
Requiring skill doesn't justify him having such an overloaded kit. He is stomping GM just like pharah/roadhog stomp bronze. In like past 50 games I've never seen a team without him.
Just like McCree becomes effective if a player is very good, Genji should become effective in a same way. Effective, and not overpowered.
>be decent genji
>have friend who is decent at winston
>dive bitches
dive comp is fucking insanely fun
Yeah I kind of understand, I like the idea of swapping heroes to match your needs but it usually just boils down to "pick x to bully y until they switch to something to bully x so you switch too"
>people think Genji is OP
Want to know how I can tell you're all noskill Roadhog shitters?
I need healing
Even roadhog can deal with genji if you bait the reflect or just shoot his ass.
Genji is balanced, Winston and Zarya both counter him, Reinhardt zones him out, roadhog can 1-shot hook him. The most powerful thing about him is his ultimate, which can win games single handedly when in the right hands
A good Lucio can save you from him but you got to coordinate with the Lucio to do so.
>Hear genji ult
>Boop him back
>Call for a retreat
>Speed boost immediately and rush the team away from him
>boop him away after his dash
>7 times out of 10, no deaths and a wasted ult
>it's genji/tracer players whine about roadhog taking no skill episode
Like pottery.
>all the fucking retards ITT who think OP was saying "well-designed" in terms of visuals and not how he plays
And Sup Forums says gameplay is the most important thing.
I agree.