>streamer makes 15k+ a month from donations and patreon
>still always ends up broke and begging for money on streams
Why are most vidya streamers (and patreon users) incapable of handling their finances?
>streamer makes 15k+ a month from donations and patreon
>still always ends up broke and begging for money on streams
Why are most vidya streamers (and patreon users) incapable of handling their finances?
Can people stop posting images from spongebob? it's a childrens show
the inner machinations of their minds are an enigma
a childrens show that came out when current adults were children
Because they're broke people who suddenly come into a lot of money. They've never learned how to handle having a lot of money. So they go on huge spending sprees. Same shit happens with lottery winners.
Because they're all failures to begin with which is why they're on such shit sites doing shit things for shit people to watch.
Get an actually productive job. It literally doesn't even matter if your producing anything, just provide a service or something you enjoy.
And most importantly, it will actually put value to your own time and you'll realize despite how fun games are they are for relaxation. And relaxation by nature is unproductive, and unproductive people cannot manage resources because they have no measurements for value.
It comes full circle and the only way to stop being a useless shit is to give more of a fuck about someone else's well being then your own entertainment.
But you were probably just clickbaiting me and wanted a short answer.
poor people often handle money better than people who are used to have too much money
CaN PEOplE sToP pOSTiNg iMaGES fROm sPoNGeBOb? iT's A ChIlDrEnS shOW
They always claim it's for the cost of "streaming equipment and games"
But they only ever play free bullshit like Team Fortress and stream on hand-me-down garbage.
It's a well established fact that lottery winners will often end up broke and in debt not long after winning. It's a matter of degrees.
Absolutely not true.
When you give money to poor people, they spend it on big extravagant things.
There's a reason why they're poor - They're generally not capable of handling and managing money.
Which is why capitalism is great and welfare needs to go besides in desperate cases
Say what now
Bad meme
automization is going to kill most jobs and we'll have to come up with arbitrary bullshit in order to employ people. might as well just establish a universal basic income already and cut out the bureaucracy of welfare
>we'll have to come up with arbitrary bullshit in order to employ people.
Spongebob is actually a good cartoon, unlike a current one that was so cancerous it got its own containment board.
Pretty much. Either we become a communist hellhole where people have to work useless jobs to earn wages, or we just give them the money outright and let them earn more if they have the skills to get an actual job
Because if >50% of the population is unemployed and unemployable, they will become employed in violent mobs that ransack cities for money.
>tfw you're right
>tfw couldn't have been born another decade or so into the future where this is a reality
Or we can go the way of South Africa where an ultra-minority, light skinned group pay 89% of all taxes while the rest freeload and burn the country down around themselves.
I heard about this.
Why don't the Africans pay their own share instead?
im sure apartheid had nothing to do with that outcome. but thats kind of the idea anyway, its the opposite of trickle-down economics. when you put it down how you did, it sounds bad, but when you look at even the current state of income disparity between classes it makes a lot more sense
When the employers are making more profits than ever because of automation, and yet not employing even 1/10th the amount of people they do now, they can afford to pay more in taxes to cover the UBI.
Because they're either going to give up the money with a crazed poor person pointing a gun to their head, or they're going to give it up with the IRS pointing a gun to their head
You've got your head up your ass
Because they don't know how to budget; they get large sums of money and burn through it simply because they can.
It's the same reason most lottery winners end up going broke within a few years.
Can you stop having shit taste for somebody who is "mature?"
Most people are just bad at handling finances. They don't understand the bare basics of investment and see those donations as expendable income.
do you have any idea how many times that idiocy has been spouted throughout the ages?
do you realize you're spouting literal propaganda you didn't even stop for a moment to think about?
"automization" has been a thing ever since the axe was invented and thousands of tree-chewers were laid off. Many jobs opened in ore mining to create many new axes which enabled people from all over to have wood they would have never get otherwise
How do I become rich?
Work hard and wisely balance your money.
"White people please help"
You think automization isn't going to happen because it hasn't happened yet despite people saying it will? What kind of logic is that? Most if not all big changes in society failed many times before finally sticking, this one is no different. Though there is no telling when exactly it will happen.
invent something
oops no creativity
as technology exponentially improves, the need for human workers will exponentially decay
But they hate white people.
Why do blacks have so much hatred for white people?
Let me rephrase. How do I become rich and not have to do anything?
Find a niche in something and fill it. Or, go to trade school and save up the money you make. Trades are pretty much where all the money is these days.
As life gets better, people naturally start having less children so it balances out.
Have rich parents or be a morally bankrupt opportunist with a lot of luck.
Badd mem
assuming thats true, theres only going to be more children around when the middle class continues shrinking
Automization HAS BEEN happening for the last 5 accounted for centuries you idiot. The whole industrialization process was supposed to end all jobs because the steam machines would do all the work. Reality? Unemployment rates LOWERED, the quality of life increased exponentially and completely new occupations were literally invented.
Read a book, stop falling for the current Communist doomsday scenario, thatºs what they feed off of
>every vidya streamer makes 15k+ a month
hottest take
your definition of "human workers" will seem archaic when automization finally arrives, read
Be a trust-fund baby.
Most poor people are poor because they are unable to earn a lot of money.
It's just a case of them not being responsible with their money. There's a lot of stuff you can get away with even on a shitty minimum wage job, but if you're retarded and you're splurging every day then of course you're gonna get fucked for it.
The people getting payed that amount of money just get too excited with it.
so whats the best thing to major in at college these days?
Oh I'm sorry mr librarian, I didn't know you read books.
I'll go vote conservative and let the richest guy in the city fuck me in the ass, are you happy now?
computers are getting much more sophisticated. if not already, soon they'll be capable of doing all unskilled labor, and the only jobs that will be created by that would be engineering jobs to service the work-horse machines, which is as far from unskilled as it gets. add this to the growing lower class and the rising cost of education, and youll get slums fucking everywhere
Work hard at what? You're not going to get rich working a shit job if you have tons of bills to pay.
Prove me wrong tho big boi
never let your ego deter you from learning, not even on Sup Forums
industrialization obliterated much of the rural labor work. do you know what happened next? many of those unskilled laborers moved to the new urban life, opening up space for many new different kinds of jobs most people wouldn't even considered could ever exist. Automation will not only increase the world's quality of life, it will release so many people from so many work sectors to start doing things we aren't even aware of at the moment.
you're basing your uneducated opinion on the fact that automation will be simply cold-inserted in society and nothing else will change. these doomsday opinions have been the same throughout the centuries, yet none hold true in the long run.
People didn't even know computers could exist back then - the steam engine looked as threatening to them as the computer looks to you now. Do you still worry about the people the steam engine laid off?
you fail to realize streamers are just taking a small slice off the entertainment industry money. stupid people who pay for that entertainment would be blowing it on any other kind of shit like video games
And other people shouldn't dictate your actions. If user waved 400$ hard cash money in your face and his fat dick you'd probably suck it.
Just because some stupid fuck is throwing away his hard earned shit or someone else's hard earned shit just because he can doesn't mean you should stoop yourself at that mans foot for a crumb he didn't even deserve to drop.
This is why fuckers have no sense of value. Because people are as wanton with their resources as they are with their actions and feelings, so they think it's okay to shit up the world on the same level because it's "normal"
I don't even understand what I was supposed to take from this
You said
>It literally doesn't even matter if your producing anything, just provide a service or something you enjoy
which is exactly what they're doing. how can you even argue against this
you assume that what comes next isnt the arbitrary bullshit jobs we make to employ people like i was talking about, that already exist. hopefully you're right, but its a major assumption that you're making, granted this entire conversation is speculation
now, if someone was in a competition for money while playing a game that would be fine, but playing a game for someone else's entertainment is clearly deteriorative to everyone involved both with money and their time.
But that is the nature of relaxing things. I'm arguing that if you want to have a profession, have one that won't make you feel like shit and in actuality make you nothing but a leech.
I'm also posting memes
That wont work. Idle hands are the devils workshop. Artificially maintaining manual labor to let the retards have soemthing to do is the solution. Either that or lock them in a wildland with killer robots for bloodsport
Worst spongebob meme in my memory.
people like you are the reason American "culture" is in the state that it is
>Californian 20 something
>No education in Maths
>Liberal arts degree
>$15K a month from Twitch
>Doesn't realise it's taxed
>Doesn't realise you have to put money towards pension
>Doesn't realise that whilst you are earning money now you are not going to earn it forever
>Doesn't realise "I played computer games for 10 years" doesn't look good when you are 40 years old applying for jobs
>Where did all my money go?
Some will be ok, but just like NFL stars and Celebrities they spend all their money and then crash and burn and go back to living with their parents.
>How to get "rich"
learn something useful and do it without spending money
>how to get rich
be lucky to be born into wealth, marry a rich woman, work your way in a lobby or political organisation and take donations or be lucky and invent something like facebook and make hand over fist fucking people over.
we have to look at what happened in the past to try to understand the future
everyone looks at industrialization now like a big civilization feat but back then it made people fear for their lives
we're talking about a world where everything was made by hand, suddenly being run over by machines doing it at an amazing speed. What we are worrying against now is nothing compared to that. Fucking computers do everything for us nowadays, imagine having to hire 200+ people just so this message I'm writing could be sent to you properly by ship mail. Those 200+ people are already doing something more productive to our lives, because these 'worker killer' machines are doing it for us.
Don't worry about it desu, never was a technological advancement result in a worse society, we're just too entitled right now and used to the easy life to see it any other way.
>get sold into slavery by another tribe
>the man keeps you down
>that same man snaps open your chains and lets you go
>cannot make it big yourself
>feel inferior
>have to seek the aid of the people that both oppressed you and denied your ability to buy your freedom with blood and generate pride
>Californian 20 something
outed yourself britbong
I don't even fucking understand what this is supposed to be.
>I'm arguing that if you want to have a profession, have one that won't make you feel like shit and in actuality make you nothing but a leech.
you don't even know what a leech is user. They may be idiot entertainers entertaining idiots, but they're certainly not leeches, not until they start stealing our money.
im not american, dont insult me. But if you want proof, look at european integration. They have huge pools of immigrants that have no jobs and get better welfare than authochtones (no time limit, more money per month, better health care etc.). All they do is laze around or do petty crime. Even if they work its something that pays so poorly they use more money than they provide.
I'm told it's supposed to represent a mocking tone
With increased automation we need to find a way to kill off the human sex drive in order to stave population growth.
Killing the sex drive would be a miracle for society in general, imagine that feeling you get right after beating off/fucking and the afterlow subsides.
Now imagine it 24/7
I like the idea, but you must remember that for population to stay even 2 kids per family are required, so killing sex drive would kill us
with universal basic income, you continue to receive it even if you work, and one of the ideas is that since people dont have to work, the labor market shifts in the favor of the worker, resulting in better wages than the current minimum wage naturally. the legal system needs a revamp, too. deport criminals on their first offence, and for natural citizens, dont throw them in a shit prison, give them some goddamn pyschological therapy. obviously im still talking from an american frame of reference, but at least parts of it apply elsewhere
I feel bad for people who think this meme is amusing, but I feel even worse for people who waste their time formatting their text for these memes.
Are you an idiot?
Best utopia
is this from a post-movie episode, i.e. shit? i dont remember ever seeing this
>always broke
Half are terrible at money. Other half fakes it so they can get donations.
If you are dependent on voluntary donations looking wealthy isn't helpful.
>people watch other people play video games
Procreation was a fucking mistake. Holy shit.
UBI is a leftist dream of post scarcity. They wont deport criminals on their first offence, or throw people in prison for nilly willy. Just look at the current system (in west europe), loads of healthcare and other social systems. Its not UBI but its at least plenty social. You would say that with the current age problem they would try to increase industry of the younger generation to support the old generation and ward off people that only cost money. No, they accept immigrants because of muh morals. With UBI they will all want to come becuase they figure once they get in they can get free money for the rest of their life and send some back (siphoning it from the economics in the country) to their home country. Even if you get the law through the parliament there are those fuckheads in sanctuary cities that will protect economic refugees. Also if you get free money, would you take chances and try to study at a university only to pay taxes out of the ass to support the UBI plebs? And be stuck with debts if you fail? Also rioting is often controlled by burdening people with work. If people complain, task them with something, they will be too busy to keep complaining, if you give them some time off to make yourself look nice it will only give them more time to shimmer. If people have free food, shelter and entertianment any minor problem they will riot since its not like they have something better to do.
In ancient rome they also tried to make a system of free food and public entertainment for everyone. That didnt work.
In the current system you also have lazy people, and they get some help. But the question is, how much are you ethically allowed to burden the rich to take care of people that refuse to work?
Only poorly developed countries have this problem. In areas with high automation, standards of living, and decent education people naturally lean towards not having children. This issue is already coming up in a lot of 1st world countries, Japan being the most well known example.
In brave new world people were allowed to wallow in cheap sex, and were indoctrinated to always use anticonception. They gave up their ovaries/sperm for a little extra cash and the government made new perfectly tailored humans based on demand.
its easy to mock others' mistakes when you've never been presented with the same opportunity
>that talk with the controller
Jesus it was perfect. A brilliant guy that is convinced into believing the system was the best for humanity. And it arguably is. Its funny how it is labeled a dystopia but currently most people would love it. Vapid sex, free food, entertainment and shelter, easy jobs. Even the lower class has it good, nice manual labor and afterwards you can get high on soma.
>people watch other people play sports
procreation was a fucking mistake, holy shit
Because they're typically at the maturity level of a 15 year old and don't understand how to save and invest money
>currently most people would love it
Only batshit crazy millennials, sadly their only future in either 1984 or Shariah Law