Which one is more edgy?


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I don't know, but your mom is the only edging I've ever enjoyed

This one right here, OP

I feel this could have been done better, "your mom's pussy is on the edge of my dick" or somthing along those lines

I don't know who that guy on the left is, but Reaper always seemed really tongue-in-cheek from the developers, and played as a joke. His edginess and how serious he is about his Hot Topic persona is basically a joke.

So, while the character is extremely edgy in universe, in the context of the whole game he's not really edgy because he's a joke character.

Reaper is a joke.
Androxus actually tryhards being edgy, so he wins

Is paladins fun? It kind of looks like Super Monday Night Combat, which I enjoyed

don't know about paladins because I'm not a poorfag and i don't play mobas but reapers "edge" is played as a joke

it used to be more fun and still suffers from some stupid ideas from the ex-lead designer, but it is a decent experience.

>not a MOBA

>stating that he doesn't know one of the characters
>playing a f2p game automatically means poorfaggotry
>claiming paladins is a moba

You managed to be both more edgy and stupid than both characters combined. Neck yourself.

>has classes
>not a school

>reaper's edge is a joke

Aren't you giving blizzard a bit too much credit? I don't see anything in his design or voice lines that hint at him being self-aware.

His name is literally "Androxus the Godslayer", Reaper is just an angry mexican who gets shit on by everyone.

Has been going down hill since November, the open beta anyway. Might get better with time since the lead designer finally fucked off.


Considering how blizzard is, they probably meant for Reaper to be actually edgy but they failed horrendously on the delivery making him look like a joke.
Androxus actually delivers the edge on a slightly less cringe platter, but it's still shit. Less shitty, but still

Androxus literally has a cursed arm and a ghost gun

seems like this could have happend

Right, because left is actually a good design

>they probably meant for Reaper to be actually edgy

Reaper being self aware would undermine the joke.

Anyway I think Blizzard is wisely not going to ever commit to saying if he's edgy as a joke or for real, because people enjoy him both ways and they want to appeal to everybody. They designed reaper so that he's funny to cynical millennials and "badass" for stupid 14 year olds.

However the lead director of Overwatch Jeff Kaplan has shown that he has a great sense of humor in his interviews. I'm sure he personally finds Reaper funny but would never openly say it because he's the king of pandering.

>I don't see anything in his design or voice lines that hint at him being self-aware.
He himself plays it strait. The other characters have a lot of voice lines making fun of it. His edgyness is a joke as a whole.

Only the original is relevant, OP.

fake as fuck

Sounds nothing like tracer.


I believe the implication was that, while having sex with OPs mom, he edges to ensure he can last long enough to please her fully. And the word play was such funny. What a gentleman!

doesnt left constantly fuck up quotes?


left has crackled skin and glowing stuff/eyes, which makes him automatically more edgy
and which also never looks good

>DIE DIE DIE!!1!!11

>Death awaits you all!

Reaper is edgier but Androxus is better at it

left is ironically edgy
right is apparently ironically edgy but is done poorly


I can't believe people still play this. The devs admitted that they have favorite characters they won't ever nerf, like Viktor and some others I can't remember, and that they'll only work on the popular characters. They won't add maps and modes and will only make new OP characters who if are popular they won't nerf or if not popular they will nerf when the next character comes out.
Games unbalanced as hell, tanks are best damage dealers, DPS are best healers, flankers have best mobility, etc.

Fuck this game.


Other characters mock him all the time. He literally says "Heh... Too easy..." He yells "Reaper-sitioning" when he teleports.

The fact that people still give Hi-Rez the time of day after what they've done to their games over and over again baffles me. You all deserve the way they're going to treat you.

>I'm not a a psychopath, I'm a high functioning psychopath
>not self aware

Reaper is obviously tongue-in-cheek with his edginess. You just think otherwise because you hate Blizzard.

>Never nerf Viktor
But they nerfed his most fun card long ago

but where is this shown?
someone else mocking the character doesnt make him ironic

Why did you respond you autist

Mostly for a chance to post that video. The old grenadier was a better time.

It's alright. Started playing it and casual mode this week with a friend. Already getting annoyed by some bugs or certain characters though. Also stuck as support since it seems like my teammates just enjoy prolonging the capture of a point or running face first into gunfire.

It shares similarities with OW of course but it has character lock, ability cards you can tweak for each character and in-game burn cards to assist you. That definitely changes it up a bit.