How well could I run modern games on this PC?
How well could I run modern games on this PC?
You do not need an SSD ,save some money on the case, just use a default motherboard(Gaming mobos are a meme), and get some cheap ryzen (six core ones should be more than enough) instead of that old i5.
Games should run at 60fps at mid then.
You don't need to spend too much money for gaming on PC.(Also don't forget to pirate windows instead of buying it)
It'll be fine until that cheap PSU explodes and takes everything with it.
That CPU could be a bit better. No personal experience with the ryzens. But I picked up an i5 6600k for not much more money than that and it's fucking solid.
Ryzens take a fat shit all over the i5, and by that I mean it really boils down to personal preference.
That CPU is absolute shit and will bottleneck your GPU hard.
The SSD is unnecessary if you're on a budget.
That PSU will probably explode and kill your entire PC at some point.
How about now?
What's your deal with 7-year old CPUs? you can get more recent, better ones for less
I'm using what's on that site. What do you recommend?
They're more reliable if they're older. I read that newer ones have a killswitch in them which is essentially planned obsolescence.
An i5 7600k would be good and wouldn't bottleneck.
Don't fall for the ryzen meme, they have worse single core performance which is what matters for games.
>he doesn't know how to use canitrunit
>picture title has "doggo" in it
Well hello there, underage reddit. Do you also need me to google something for you
1080p 60 fps maxed out on optimized modern titles.
1440p 60 fps on older games. If you go for a midrange card I'd recommend AMD though, they age better.
Don't listen to this faggot, he's talking out of his ass.
that site uses modern CPUs too.
lemme give it a crack, OP. You on a budget? How much you tryin to spend?
Needs some serious de-memeing. Do not go for a shit CPU in this age of unoptimized CPU hog games.
Would a Ryzen 5 1600 and RX 470 4Gb be enough to run newer games, provided all of my other parts are decent and compatible?
>inb4 "google it, faggot"
Here you go, OP. I built an infinitely better modern Intel build thats also 200 bucks left
I figure someone could find something wrong with this list, but it looks pretty solid to me tbqh.
I'll do a Ryzen one too
Dose that cpu come with a stock cooler, and if it does is it worth buying a separate one if I don't plan on OCing?
At the very least, OP should throw his build out and work off this one
They come with a stock cooler and they're fine if you're not OC'ing. But the CPU is unlocked, it's literally meant for overclocking. So I suggest you use that cooler anyway because even if you don't OC it right away, you might want to some day to squeeze some extra performance out of it.
I don't think it does, the site prompted me to add a CPU cooler. It might though, I could be wrong.
Heres a Ryzen build btw, it has an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and an RX 580
also here's the Intel one, I swapped out the 580 for the 1060 you had in the OP.
fanboy memes aside, these builds are priced and perform pretty similarly to each other.
link's giving me a 404
whoops, fucked up those links
AMD build
Intel/Nvidia build
Blease take your tech questions to Sup Forums. Dont listen to these shanghai shit heinies
NEVER cheap out on the psu nigga that shit will always fuck you in the end
Also just get a 212 plus instead of that shit stock tier fan it's literally the same price
These are really pissing me off because I have a GTX 970 and a locked i5-4570 build for $1200. That was a few years ago, but damn. I would kill to have that CPU and it hurts that I paid more.
Many thanks, user.
No he isn't, I have a similar build and its runs every game I've thrown at it well enough
Not him but if you're thinking about upgrading the Intel/Nvidia build, a GTX 1070 would make it even better and you'd be set for a while. But it's pretty good as is.
this is not necessarily true
I got a cheap off brand psu 8 years ago
still works
Was planning on going with the AMD build, but I'll keep that in mind.
Well, can upgrade that GPU too, I'm just not as familiar AMD.
Right, I'd assume so.
no worries user, just a heads up though, the Intel board I chose don't OC, and I chose a a k series CPU which does.
Heres the Intel build with a OC capable board
Heres the Intel board with the non K CPU
The OC capable build it like 70 bucks more, but you'll have some longevity with your CPU down the road.
This is good, but if you are on a budget I would ditch the SSD and get 1070 instead of 1060, you should really try to spend as much as you can on the GPU.
I don't think he's on too tight of a budget tbqh. He could easily squeeze in both an SSD and a 1070 and still pay less than what his original build was.
Don't but an i5 in 2017, they hit 90-100% usage in some modern games now
Poorly optimized ones, but your point still stands. My i5 hits 100% in 64 player Battlefield 1, but is fine for other games. Except Planet Coaster, but there doesn't even exist a CPU that can play that properly after a certain amount of guests.
>What do you recommend?
Read the thread.
This user already said a Ryzen CPU.
The Ryzen 5 1600 is the CPU you want.
Terribly shitty site.
>they have worse single core performance
A Ryzen can still run any game better than my fucking i5 4690 and I'm not bottlenecking anything. Any old ass 1C-game will run on a Ryzen just as well as on an i5.
If you're still running Win7 (like me), you may want to look into possible issues with the newest CPUs and that OS.
>gaming mobos are a meme
>overclocking 0.5 ghz without touching the V-Core on my gaming mobo
Pretty much every modern game has my 2500k 4.6 at 90-100 usage. Deus ex, rottr, bf1, gta 5, Tw Warhammer, quantum break, witcher 3 novigrad.
Thats why I wouldn't recommend something only 20% more powerful especially when we're moving to highly threaded games now, even Intel is going 6 core i5s with coffee lake.
Would be even worse gpu bottleneck with future gpus
This, that psu is a death sentence.
>The only time you recognize something from real life in a picture
Maybe I should get out more.