>boss has a 1 hit kill move
Boss has a 1 hit kill move
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's awesome
>boss isn't super easy, and is an actual challenge
>all other bosses so far were stupid easy
>he can combo into is instant kill
What's their name?
>OHKO moves, debuffs, buffs and enchantments all have no effect against the boss
>he telegraphs it so much that even heavy characters can back away in time
>defeating the final boss is only viable with certain strategies
>you can spend the entire game playing the wrong strat, get to the final battle, and have to start over because you chose wrong
>you can revive yourself
Whole game is boss fights some are hard as nails what game am I thinking of????
>boss gets run over by an ambulance
>boss can turn back time so he wasn't defeated
Name one(1) game that does this.
That was a ______________
>you can unlock the same move
>it always misses
>it's artificially slow as to give the player a chance to dodge which instead makes it unintuitive and annoying as fuck to time properly
>boss requires 100+ hits to kill
>you can only land 1-2 hits in a single cycle
>each cycle takes 30 seconds
>Boss's one shot kill AOE attack has a very very VERY LONG startup
>You're not far enough away yet
Cmon guys it's an easy one
Cannon spike?
>boss has a 1 hit kill move
>it's his basic attack
Pontiff Sulyvahn, sort of
>what is every Souls boss
Name 3.14 games that do this
Faster Than Light
Dungeons of Dredmor
were what I was thinking of.
Furi ?
>you have a 1 hit kill move
>Faster Than Light
No way. There is no impossible builds
>Dungeons of Dredmor
don't fucking remind me. Made me learn stop taking too many passives and get more damage
>boss fast forwards time and makes your power useless
>picking up a certain item blocks the true ending and the final boss
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Fuck,your right
Monster Hunter?
>boss tells you that you are a puny mortal
>boss dies in one hit
>boss makes a jojo reference
Alien Soldier?
>Boss is literally unwinnable because story
Titan Souls
What is Azure Striker Gunvolt
>Boss's last desperate attack when at 1 health is something you counter with a QTE
>You're likely to attempt manually dodging the first time you encounter this
>Boss has a 1 hit universe destroyed move
> boss has a one hit kill move
> he can suspend it as long as he wants, and move freely to keep you in range of it
> waits to actually strike until you do anything that will keep you from dodging (attack, use item, heal, cast spell, etc.)
> can even fakeout while holding the OHKO over your head
>Boss is supposed to be just as strong as you
>You unlock your anime powerup mode
>He does too
Fucking Vergil man
There is a HUGE spoiler in that picture...
>boss predicts the immediate future and deletes the present so that only the results remain
>boss has a 1 hit kill the planet move
>you have the power to toki wo tomare
>boss has it too
>uses it first
It's nothing Smash Bros. hasn't spoiled
> apparently has never played roguelikes before
Picking a certain item allows you to fight the true, non-heavily limited version of the final boss
name 420^0 games that do that
>choosing one incorrect dialog option out of a series of vague statements locks you out of the last 3 dungeons of the game and gives you the bad ending
Cave Story
>boss can randomly permanently kill party members
>boss does twice as much damage as every other boss
Fuck Radiance.
Omega Zero from Megaman ZX if you have no HP upgrades
>That remix of the Omega Zero battle from Mega Man Zero 3
The only boss in DaS3 that made me uneasy when I entered the boss room.
>boss is a challenge
>despite this, it's something really fun and makes you want to reload the save just to fight that particular boss again
>boss is every enemy unit from every FE game
>Command Prompt
>Regular enemy has 1 hit kill.
Re 4/5
>boss can easily be blocked
>makes no indication of this so you run around trying to dodge nonstop and then die to its super strong moves that for some reason can be easily negated by turning your sword in front of you to the side
I fucking hate Nioh bosses.
>Boss's minion has a 1 hit kill move
Fuck chalice Rom.
>Choosing one incorrect direction while running blindly through the woods locks you out of the good ending, only leaving the rape or neutral end open
Fuck you Morenatsu, I just want to live happily ever after with best boy
>played trough that game multiple times
>never noticed it
>boss has two forms
>first form has only 1 ohko move
>second form is mostly comprised of ohko moves
>boss has a 1 hit move
>wipe to it
>teammate nullifies it in next fight
Love you Rokurou
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
>You hug the final boss