Question for those born in 1997(cusp of Millennials and Gen Z): do you associate your childhood more closely with...

Question for those born in 1997(cusp of Millennials and Gen Z): do you associate your childhood more closely with Millennial things like Cartoon Cartoons, Yu gi oh, PS1, PS2, N64, Drake and Josh, Gorillaz, Discman, Malcolm in the middle, Cyberchase, Pokemon gen 1-3, Tamagotchi, Osmosis Jones, original Ben 10, and Kim Possible?

Or Gen Z things like CN Real, Hannah Montana, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, Bakugan, The Dark knight, Justin Bieber, WallE, Diamond and Pearl, Twilight, Chowder, Marvelous misadventures of Flapjack, Adventure Time, and Silly bandz?

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Stop making the same threads over and over and over again.

And people on Sup Forums are too old to have grown up with Gen Z culture.

>making these same threads across every board
What is your endgame?
>And people on Sup Forums are too old to have grown up with Gen Z culture
youd be surprise

Definitely millenial things

Gen Z, but a few Millennial things too



Get out of here gramps

Who is paying you to ask these questions? What is your endgame here?

Oh man, Macho Man Randy Savage Slim Jim commercials bring back old memories.