Valkyria: EW1

Valkyria: EW1

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Space Channel Five

>yfw yakuza gets announced for PC


Give me Fantasy Zone you motherfuckers

Shining Force

Great, time to make shitty Streets of Rage, Alex Kidd and Gunstar Heroes games.

How the hell would you pull off a Space Channel 5 game in 2018 or 2019?


My nigga

virtua fighter, jet set radio, and every racing game Sega AM2 ever made

this too. already this reminded me that fire emblem echoes just came out.

By making the same thing? It could easily be a low cost production and sell for cheap on steam

shining force 2020
my wife will come back to me

You have taste, friend

Sega has no vision, it'll be all the IPs that are popular in Japan and no where else like Sakura Taisen and Valkryia instead of revitalizing all of their monster hits on Genesis like they should have been doing for the last 25 years.

I sure hope we see more Sonic.

>What Sega IPs would you like to see make a comeback?

Except the presentation explicitly lists bullet points for hitting the western market.
>Expand existing IPs and obtain new IPs for North American and European PC games
>Create titles that will become global hits
>Establish digital marketing business
>Expand overseas publishing business

I already got 1, 2 and 4 on consoles, but I really would like to have 0 and 5 on PC.
It's just more convenient for me right now.


Dragon force, panzer dragoon


Yes. They could port it to android. I think that would work well

>they don't know

>OutRun 3

Fuck off.

As much as you may hate to admit it, Seaman couldn't survive as a console game in this era.

Was "Chrome Hounds" a SEGA IP?

If so, Chrome Hounds

Anybody else wants to see VF?

Post your face when


Would make my decade.

Nobody gives a shit about Blade Arcus.

I'd like a Shenmue made in Yakuza engine

It could definitely survive as a game on Steam if it was marketed the right way.

It's never going to sell on some cancerous mobile platform.


there's only one way to make a new SC5 game without changing the core gameplay that wouldn't also be torn the shreds commercially and critically and that's give it something in the neighborhood of 50+ levels or 10 hours long.

we saw how well the Parappa remake was received in the post guitar hero/hatsume miku world we live in a 5 song one hour music game wouldn't be tolerated.

if you change the gameplay up make the game a 3rd person shooter like Rez where your attacks effect the music but without the rails and add some type of QTE fest for big musical numbers/setpieces and you're good to go.

Alpha Protocol, but I know it'll never happen

Why is this music ao emotional?

I demand a super monkey ball game on the switch


Anything can survive on steam if it is marketed the right way.

I want Yakuza Ishin localized

>Modern Space Channel 5 would be a remolded Bayonetta or No One Lives Forever with more mechanics focused around music

>Phantasy Star Online Ep.1+2+4
>On XBLA/PSN/Steam
>Online cross-platform play
>Voice and keyboard chat
>New quests
>New weapons
>Seasonal events
>Re-balance classes
>Maybe even add 1 new race/gender combo per class type
>$5-8/mo subscription fee

People would play the hell out of an official PSO release, it'd be cheap as chips for Sega to run/maintain since it's an ancient game.

scratch the subscription fee there's nothing massive about PSO in 2017

Everyone's excited about this, but it's Sega, so it's less likely that we'll get SoA2, or new visions of old IPs and more likely that well get Sonic Adventure Remastered and Big the Cat's Fishing Adventure.

>there's nothing massive about PSO in 2017

Will Sega actually develop it or will they outsource it to some shitty western dev?


I should remind you that people in the west are STILL waiting for an official western release for Phantasy Star Online 2.

>sega says they're going to revive old IPs
>it's not likely that they will revive old IPs
you are a special kind of stupid

The presentation mentions
>Build revenue base by being entrusted with outsourced development
>Effective utilization of development engines
This is on top of all their other talk about acquiring western IPs, developing new IPs and reviving older major IPs. So the assumption is yes, Sega will do the game development themselves.

>3d streets of rage by platinum with tank controls

I'm unironically joyed to tears. Sega will fucking get amazing in my lifetime again after so many setbacks and general negative shit.

I only wish all the best to them.

You're a special kind of naive. Are you new to videogames or something?

keep in mind that sega owns several game studios so they're not necessarily only talking about Sega's main studio but also about the studios that they have from business acquisitions

Skies of Arcadia, a new Jet Set Radio. Monkey Ball 3 would be nice.

I'm still amazed we're getting Shenmue 3.


I would buy the shit out of it, even with the subscription. I still play PSOBB every now and then.

When a company says that they will do something in all likelihood there will be an attempt to do it, especially when it's something this broad. They could do any one of thousands of things and still keep their promise here.


This, and Jet Set Radio.

You want Streets of Rage Manhattan Edition? I sure don't. fuck that platinum noise. Get Wayforward to..... yeah, get them to do it, Neon Style.

Yes. SoJ probably won't allow it.

Ecco The Dolphin
Toy Commander
Chu Chu Rocket
Jet Set Radio

This is Sega we're talking about. Let's say they go ahead and make another Skies of Arcadia game - the chances of it being a grand scale RPG like the first one is pretty much zero. What we'll get is a $15 downloadable game that has very little to do with the first one's gameplay, but you play as Vyse.

I just want a new, solid AvP game.

this post has little to do with your original argument

I am not who you responded to but I think the argument is the mostly same. There's no way Sega will make big exciting sequels. We're going to get lazy shit nobody cares about.

I swear they spout this every 2-3 years or so just to get pople talking about old sega games again, then do nothing but shit out another fucking sonic game. People have made it very fucking clear they want another Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Virtua Fighter etc, but it never seems to go anywhere. Sonic Mania is a step in the right direction for sure, but I just can't bring myself to care anymore.

Opa Opa 2?! I've waited all my life for this

>Sega talks about bringing older IPs back
>"duhh time for ports :DD"
What is wrong with you people even, you're the same guys who complain about ports instead of new shit when devs do that too

Don't be silly, Platinum + Sega always made great games.
Wayfoward could be alright but I'm itching for a 3d brawler.
God Hand over 10 years ago ;_;

PSO2 =/= PSO in any way shape or form. After PSU, the series is nearly unrecognizable except certain bosses, weapons, and the races/classes.

Even if they just refreshed the graphics and left all the rest of the game the same as before, that would do well. There's a reason PSO did well and is still played today on private servers, if Sega provided a superior service over the private servers and made a place for a more unified community instead of one that's broken up across servers of various quality, the game would probably do well even with its simple gameplay.

Hell, if they were feeling ambitious they could probably just evolve the game from its base state and slowly change the gameplay/mechanics to be slightly more modern while not losing the "Feel" of PSO, which is the most important part.

Shining Force
Streets of Rage and Golden Axe
Jet Set Radio

Resonance of Fate

Keep an eye out for Absolver, bruv, if you want to scratch that God Hand itch.

Shenmue 3 :)

Billy Hatcher

Jet Set Radio.

Not sure how you'd pull that one off.

>Resonance of Fate/End of Eternity
I missed that game when it was on PS3. A PC rerelease could go a long way, like Vanquish is getting.

shining force x fire emblem

the game that should've been

>not sure how you'd pull that one off
well vectorman is basically DKC with guns and they made a new DKC game like three years ago so obviously it can't be too complicated

A new Vectorman would be a third person cover shooter, don't pretend it wouldn't.

JSR and Outrun. I'd like Alpha Protocol as well, but I don't think it classifies as "major"

Doesn't Plat have an A B and C team? The C team being the TMNT, Korra team? The team that gets put on beat em ups and licensed games, Streets of Rage fitting both categories?
No thanks.

If it played similarly to Vanquish it wouldn't be terrible

superior limb based combat

ristar was hot garbage, they'd really have to innovate

>1 of 1 match

Why is Sup Forums so dumb?

You get what you pay for with Platinum, user. If Sega wants to give them a tight budget and tight deadline then sure, they'll get the C team licensed trash. If Sega decides to cough up enough budget to make the game worthwhile then it'll be worthwhile. And Sega could also be "if you make a high-quality Streets of Rage game then we'll fund a new Bayonetta"

A new badass shinobi game.

The problem with Sega is that most of their most well-known IPs are arcade-style games and/or really old, so in order to put out decent games with those Sega would need to rework them from scratch to the extent where they have those names for brand recognition only, in which case why not just make a new IP.

>falling for the ABC team meme
You're comparing a budget licensed game published by Activision to a possible revival of one of Sega's most popular franchises.
There's a reason why they were sold as cheap digital-only games from the start.

give us another sequel


Basically any of their IP exclusive games from the Saturn, Dreamcast or Xbox

My african decent brother
