3x3 Thread

Format for rating others:
x=number of games you enjoyed
y=number of games you played
+ games you enjoyed
- games you did not enjoy

This is supposed to spark some discussion instead of people just posting their 3x3's and providing more information whilst rating others.


BB, Persona, NieR, DD
DaS, Bayo

6/6. Haven't played God Hand, DMC 4, or No More Heroes 2.

8/8. We have similar tastes. Never played that particular Tekken.

3/3. Only played System Shock, Nier, and Bloodborne.

Haven't played P5, NG2 or NMH2.
NGB is amazing though, and have been meaning to play NMH.


BB, P5, DMC, NGII, God Hand, Nier
MM, DaS, MGS, FFT, Bayo, Metroid
DMC, Automata, BB


If you want to get the most out of your 3x3, be sure to have the core Sup Forums-approved for maximum (You)'s
>New Vegas
>God Hand
>Dark Souls
>System Shock 2
>Super Metroid

Oops forgot
>Deus Ex
>Vampire Bloodlines

There 9. Now everyone knows I am in good taste.

All great games that everyone should play.

Sup Forums-approved for good reason.

True, but these threads always look the same. I get it though. Even when I bother to post my actual one, I might get a single reply because it's all mostly older shit, nothing too out there though. It's like people are deathly afraid they might be seen as contrarians or hipsters.'

Also pls r8, I better be getting a 9 motherfuckers

I want to separate my favorites from the ones I like in my ratings, so forgive me if it's weird.

++Bloodborne, Monster Hunter
++Zelda, Dark Souls, MGS
+Bayonetta, Tekken
++Dark Souls, Bloodborne
+Persona 4
+/-ALttP, Fallout
++Dark Souls, Bloodborne
+RE4, Metroid
+/-Nier, Xenoblade
+Metroid, WW, Bayonetta, FFX

I don't think it's about being afraid, some games are just outstanding in their genres, which makes it easier for them to be anyone's favorites. It doesn't mean everyone will have everyone of them in their favorites.

All those games have innovative design, varied gameplay, replayability, memorable stories and settings, etc. To make it more accurate I'd put a Zelda game instead of God Hand, that game doesn't get posted that much. Also, Metroid Prime is posted more often than Super Metroid.

On a side note, my 3x3 is outdated and I'm planning on putting Bloodborne somewhere there.








+Majora's Mask

Having trouble choosing games for this stuff makes me realise I haven't actually played that many video games.
There's a lot of games ITT I think I would probably have on a 3x3, but I just haven't played them.

The highest number I can get is a 2/2 for >377442378

Why do you prefer Dark Souls 2 to any other game in the series? I could understand somewhat, but I'd really like to hear what a fan of the game has to say about it without shitflinging from both sides.

That's one of the beauties of these threads, you can see what other games people with similar taste to yours like, or what games are repeated several times.

It was the first one I've ever played and finished.
Couldn't play the first due to the controls and yes I've installed the mods.Still nothing.

What do you mean by that? Did they not work, or were they too different for you? DS2 plays quite differently from the rest of the series, but you should definitely give the others a try. 2 is the most flawed one out of them in my opinion, and it doesn't shine as much as 1 did.

I hope so, 'cause I have to play the game at a friend to find out.

9/9, why monhun 1 though?

Not OP, but I took it more like the series as a whole.

Here's mine

-Ninja Gaiden 2
Still haven't played NieR, but I've the feeling it'll be a +

+Dark Souls
+Super Metroid

+Order of Ecclesia

+Dark Souls
+Fallout New Vegas

+Dark Souls
+Metroid Prime
+Super Metroid

+Metroid Prime
+Wind Waker
+Super Mario Galaxy 2

+Deus Ex
+Fallout new vegas
+Dark Souls
+Super Metroid

+Dark Souls

+New Vegas
+Majora's mask
+Deus Ex
-Dark souls 2

+Dark Souls
+Darksiders 2