Are gays misrepresented in vidya ?

We often see homosexuals as horny and flamboyant in video games (and movies).
Many says it's not the good representation, but I think it is.
Gays ARE always horny, everytime i'm outside, there are always guys checking my ass (I look young and have big thigh/ass but i'm not feminine or anything). Even old ones in couple and all are like that.

I agree that most of them are not flamboyant though.

The west is making effort about it (for the cost of quality, see andromeda), but Japan still depict gays as flamboyant and all.

Would you like to see more gay people in video games ? Do you think sexuality don't have its place among vidya ?

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Fuck off pol

It's blown out of proportion and people shouldn't care so much


They're probably just looking at your ass because you're so abhorrently fat it's disgusting, and they legitimately can't tell if they're looking at your fat fuck gross pizza face or your fat fuck gross diarrhea butt

The problem is there's no real way to show a character is gay (or straight) beyond having them state, allude to or outright fucking something

If you don't want people to poorly represent you then don't base your entire identity around what you want to fuck.

If a videogame is not about sex, story-wise, there's not a particularly good reason for a character's sexuality to come up.

If a character is designed to be flamboyant and horny, then in that specific instance their sexuality DOES come up

Which is to say, it's not that vidya only shows gay characters as flamboyant queens. It's that the ones that aren't flamboyant queens we don't have any way to know if they're gay.

Prove to me Master Chief isn't gay. You can't, because his sexuality is not at issue in the Halo franchise. People just assume he must be straight and then bitch that the only gay characters are cliches because it's the only ones they notice

>Gays ARE always horny, everytime i'm outside, there are always guys checking my ass (I look young and have big thigh/ass but i'm not feminine or anything)

was this thread just made to flatter yourself?

He jerks off onto cortana in halo 5, it's the first time we see his dick in all the games

It also means he's gay tho because cortana is a man

to be fair Sup Forums throws a fucking hissy fit when someone mentioned their husband/boyfriend or whatever completely in passing in a video game too

Master Chief has pic related

Gay here. I take issue with the flamboyant bit. I think acting like that is unbecoming no matter who you are and also don't find it attractive. I'm fine with the horny part though, I see a hot guy and I'll react the same way a straight guy would to a hot chick.

And Link has Princess Zelda, but that doesn't stop him from being gay as fuck.

they are, because your average video game company is out of touch. all the LGBT community actually wants is representation on an equal level as straight people. this is always misinterpreted as just shoving in tons of them and their entire character is just that they're gay. what the actually want is to have a good, well written, interesting character that happens to not be straight. it's not hard, they're just asking for something from a completely clueless and talent-less industry.

Zelda has different variations of Link so yeah one of them would be gay as fuck, but since you want to be technical about it then Master Chief was trained to be the perfect soldier that means he was trained to kill and have no time to have any relationship. He is asexual.

Link's been a nigh platonic relationship with the princess since the games came out. Fuck the only time he showed any romantic interest in ANYONE was the EXCUUUUUUUUUUSE ME, Princess version.

I mean for fuck's sake even Adol "Adventure and Dogi" Cristen was into Feena but Link? Nothing across the board.

Fair enough.

Now prove to me Mario isn't gay
Or Spyro
Or Ryu
Or Bayonetta
Or you see the point I'm making here.

Just shut the fuck up and post the picture of your ass already.

Kung Jin from MK is neither horny not flamboyant, he's just a dumb asshole.
Which is why I like him.

If you're talking about Andromeda's gay characters like Gil or Steve you may have a point but there is one gay character in Mass Effect that's more than his sexuality/his relationship and that is Avitus Rix.

What I want gay characters in vidya to be characters first and not having their entire personality and history written around them liking cock.

>Now prove to me Mario isn't gay

come on dude

first you'll have to get a majority of the gay population to stop basing their personalities and identity around being gay. stereotypes exist for a reason

you aren't fooling anybody anthony burch

I'm a fucking faggot

I don't care if gay dudes are in video games. I'm used to not being around any gay people ever so giving me the option in a video game to get my gay is not only immersion breaking for me, but borderline pandering

Like, okay, this guy - this guy was triggered because Ryuji was like "BRO let's scope out some PUSSY" and whenever the MC says "dude no" he keeps kinda pushing it. On one hand, I get it, being in the closet sucks. On the other hand - it's fucking Persona. What do you do in Persona? Fight demons in a dungeon and find a waifu - everyone knows that - so the fact that he went into it thinking "I'm going to get my gay on" is absurd.

I'd just appreciate it if gay people could chill out a little. Even in Yakuza 0 when a girl calls me to ask me out I don't hyperventilate about having to be straight, I just roll my eyes and say "well guess I have to"

Fucking kek

no, they are represented right considering your movement was
>man I gotta show the world we gays are not perverts by acting like degenerate perverts in public!
>it's okay to be a pervert in public because I'm gay!

the problem is you're not loud and you're acting normally. the shitty gays are loud and should be gassed. just like the shitty straights.

>Prove to me Mario isn't gay


>prove to me Mario isn't gay

Nigga even in the most uncanon of fucking Mario games he LOVES KISSING PEACH

Of course but we don't have to be the only group that only gets the stereotype characters, besides there aren't a lot of absolute niggers in vidya outside of maybe GTA, The majority of female characters aren't shrews who only want men to take care of them, whatever spic character exists is speaking perfect english.

If they don't get their stereotypes we don't have to either.

Nah, what video games really need is more big dudes in skimpy outfits.

Sexual orientation, straight or gay, should take no part in games that don't revolve around dating or relationships.

prove to me peach isn't a trannie

Japan can keep depicting gays as flamboyant and effeminate but the west will always depict their straight characters as gay instead.

See Snake/Ocelot
Or that queer dude from Purse Owner
Or Link

Bowser does not fuck trannies.

>implying bowser doesnt suck dick

Bro have you met a "shitty gay"? Even the most femmy faggy dudes are actually pretty cool, and I'm by no means "masc" but they're really nice aside from maybe ten percent of all femmy dudes, those guys are shitty in that they're bitches rather than fighting for their right to get fucked in the butthole and they need to go to their own island with nothing but turbo dykes

By the by, as a lover of dick I usually play as a girl, it's more about being pretty than being able to potentially date guys - that being said this dude made me fuckin' bashful

I'm working on it, I smoke and drink - I'll probably be dead before 35

how about they shouldn't be represented at all

i haven't met a single faggot in my entire life, haven't known one, haven't seen one

you can't shove faggots in every piece of media ever, deal with it

>hey Luigi I got him warmed up for you

>i haven't met a single faggot in my entire life
False. Either you have come across straight acting gays unknowingly or you refuse to leave your mom's basement.

>I look young and have big thigh/ass
you should post some photographic evidence to back up your argument

I'm not fat, just slowly on my way to becoming /fit/

Not tranny dick.

irl, the ones you notice are the flamboyant ones, there are plenty that arent that way, but you wouldnt know they were gay unless you asked, so you assume theyre not and thats where the stereotype comes from and that is perfectly valid. men by nature are the pursuers so when you get two that are attracted to eachother it wont take much for them to bang. it should also be noted that gays only account for 10% of the population, so in a lot of games that push diversity, gays are very over-represented.

I think romantic choices should be left out of video games, because when you want to add in enough diversity to pander to everyone you end up wasting way more resources than you ever should on a small tangent. and as much shit as overwatch got for the lesbian shit, i think thats a great way to handle sexuality; you wouldnt know their sexuality by playing the game because it doesnt matter and doesnt come up, but in-canon they're whatever the dev wants. they can pander to people, get them to shut up, not make them flamboyant or stereotypical, and not negatively impact the game

But faggots exist and you can see them posting here or being in vidya

>or you refuse to leave your mom's basement

Don't explain the punchline.

Being gay should be a trait, not a backstory, and it shouldn't quite be a defining trait either. A characters first words to the players shouldn't be "Oh hi I'm gay" or "I lost my *GASP* husband!", gay should be revealed in an off statement and then promptly not brought up again outside of romance specific to that character, if even then.

i have met lots of shitty gays, my boyfriend used to be one of those loud obnoxious fairy fags. he got sick of those people entirely and now he's just a normal feminine guy, minus a slight lisp, but whatever. he was insufferable when we first met, i actually hate fucked him the first time, but then i couldn't stop thinking about him. maybe i should be gassed too.

there are a lot of people that think they need to act like "manly men" because theyre straight. and not like in a "not being a beta numale" kinda way, like over the top lumberjack kind of people. im guessing you dont have a problem with them, though.

and by "majority of the gay population" you mean "people that i notice are gay"

>a majority of the gay population

>like over the top lumberjack kind of people.
that's how my grandfather raised me. hyper-masculine to a fault.

There is a subtle difference, but it makes all the difference in the world.
The point is writing characters that are ALSO gay, not character that are built around their sexuality. I would have no trouble seeing few gay characters in a game (more would be just pandering) if the game didn't tell me LOOK THIS CHARACTER IS GAY, HE IS SO FUCKING GAY, LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE
But if you introduce a character sexuality in a realistic way without throwing it at my face, and that character is well written, there are no problems at all

Which is to say you want an actual character.

Someone like pic related, perhaps. Although he's from a Japanese game.

Serious question, was it that bad in BL2 that Burch made Hammerlock gay? I mean putting his retarded reasons aside, I never would have guessed Hammerlock was gay if he didn't mention Taggart was his ex. And even then he only mentions it once I think

Hysterical - I think a lot of gay dudes tend to have that phase, I know I did. Then again, I hate getting fag hagged and I don't hang around any other gay people unless it's someone I met online and that usually fizzles out pretty quickly, and I came out like four years ago, so I don't know. Maybe it's because I fucking gave up on ever finding a boyfriend and decided to compete in the established market (women)

The rookie years of faggery can be pretty tough, I remember the first time I zoned out and smiled at a straight guy. He looked at me like "what the fuck are you looking at" and I'm like "HAHA WHOOPS RIGHT FORGOT I'M A FUCKING FAGGOT FREAK"

Please don't use Calvin and Hobbes for your shitty bait posts

representation should be natural and not forced.

>He looked at me like "what the fuck are you looking at"
being bi, i have a different perspective obviously, but i never understood why straight guys do that. i don't get why they can't just shrug it off, or be like sorry bro i'm not gay. they always either look disgusted, or get irrationally mad and fly off the handle. a femboy friend i have almost got beat down by some guy at a party because he said he was cute. i had to step in and stop it from happening. people are so ridiculous.

hi there walker

>wahh being gay for guys i see in public is so hard i hate it
At least you fucks can still get it up for 3D.
I can't even imagine myself hugging anything that isn't some fantasy-only orc/anthro/faceless/monster/alien/whatever man any more. I've accidentally rendered myself completely disgusted by anything human.
And before it goes down that road, no, I wouldn't fuck actual animals. Real life animals are fucking gross and they can't hug you in bed at night and tell you how much they love you while you talk about your day and bury your face against them.
God, I wish I would die and reincarnate in a universe with more sapient races than just "human".

you have to be 100% committed on being a faggot otherwise you'll just feel like shit and kill yourself from the guilt

anyways you know the drill kys fucking degenerate etc

>any more
Porn induced?

Gay men are just men. Men look at women's asses all the time. Why does it make gay men "horny" for looking at a man's ass?

gay men can get away with being hypersexual in public, because liberals see them like they see black people, as their pets that can do no wrong.

Yes, porn included. I can't get off to anything 3D, and it's not for lack of trying. I'm physically unable to get it up unless it's a nonhuman.
Orcs are still good, though, weirdly enough. Probably because japs draw some nice looking orcs.

have sex.

I tried, user. Believe me, I tried. With both sexes.
I couldn't get it up at all. They would leave and go home, and I was able to jack off to 2D just fine.

go to a gay sex club, rent a room, leave the door open, bring tons of condoms and lube and let every single guy have his way with you. really degenerate sex will bring you back.

I can get off to 3D still, just 2D stuff and thinking about husbandos gets me off much quicker.

Yeah man, I mean bi guys get a lot of shit from the Gold Star Gays - but daywalker bros are actually mega cool. It's mostly because they're afraid that if a gay dude is into you they'll hump you like a horny dog or worse - they'll give you THE DISEASE (being gay not HIV)

It's not like I haven't dated women before but you're right - on both accounts

So the guy drawing the comic is feeling victimized by a culture of victimization?

He's bitching about others bitching. How is the irony not palpable to him?

user, you aren't quite getting this.
It's not just sexual attraction. I don't want anything to do with humans in a romantic or sexual way. I don't want to slut it up, or just get off. I want a loving husbandwho I can love and care for and be loved and cared for in return, and occasionally feel their warm embrace while they hold me in their arms in the midst of some passionate love-making.
I can't want it to be a human. I can't. Humans just don't work.

>How is the irony not palpable to him?

exit bag and hope

I was like this
I still am
And although I have a boyfriend now I'd infinitely rather jerking off to 2D, cause real human sex has always been just off-putting to me

>although i have a boyfriend now
You're not quite getting this, user.

That's because the video game industry is full of shitty writers. Rather than trying to make a nuanced character first and then building their character out to encompass being gay, they make gay their focal point and build out from there. Lots of entertainment writers make this mistake. Yeah, there's flamboyant and horndog gay men out there, but there's also plenty that you wouldn't know are gay because that's not what they put out there as their foremost character trait. I mean, just because I love cock doesn't mean I can't also have a beer down at the pub with a friend and discuss a movie or game or local politics.

You're right, you're clearly beyond rescue (save for suicide)
Lacking and sexual or TRULY romantic feelings for humans is something I can relate to, but outright saying you couldn't even do something as platonic as hugging a human without feeling disgusted is a little overboard.
How old are you? You seem young.

how do I attract gay bois?
I'm straight but I want to cum in a qt mouth or butt

>Shoehorning the homo agenda in any video game

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a gay character in vidya but the problem is that writing hacks like Gearbox and Bioware push the homosexuality first rather than their other traits.

The only character that I even cared for besides their homosexuality was Arcade Gannon

gays are less than 10% of earths population literally only other gays lesbions and tronsgendors care about themselves and even then they cant stand each

My 32nd birthday is in a couple months.


that sounds pretty straight user

thank you for the compliment user
but I guess it makes it more difficult for me to get a boi

It's incredible that society gives so much of the soapbox to these demographics when logically - based on their population - nobody should give a shit about them (both the bad and good implications of "giving a shit"), and whatever changes are made to affect them (again, good or bad) are not going to benefit the other 90% in any way at all.

Tbdesu anyone who conforms to or identifies with any social label is a subhuman. Is it really so hard to just be your own person?

if you're a top it shouldn't be too difficult at all desu

>not knowing about Calvin and Hobbes

Only in western games. Japan and Korea have characters that are gay as fuck without being flamboyant or looking like faggots (mostly), or more often than not characters attracted to males in an obsessive way (Jin from blazblue) that would make people think they are gay without it being stated.

I guarantee you most people who know me don't know I'm a faggot even though I'm not that secretive about it, but for some reason just because I don't act like a mentally damaged lunatic/shove my cocklust in people's faces people assume I'm straight.

>too difficult at all
I'm a top yeah
I guess my complexion is not good looking for them
(I'm 6,2 tall, have wide shoulders and strong complexion)

ITT: /soc/

Where are the videogames

up you're ass

Oh no the mods are going to get suspicious

would fugg

How big is your dick faggot? Your face doesn't matter if you have a really big dick.

No, I said induced
Were you always like this or did you use a lot of porn over the years?
If the former then whatever, if the latter then keep in mind porn usage leads to warping of sexual tastes

but I'm the one who wants to fuck, not the one wanting to be fucked user

guess I'm doomed
about 7

SJWs, tumblr, and other bitchy shitters have completely taken over discussion of sexuality in vidya whether it's them directly shitting on it or the overreacting anti-SJWs
so it's nice to see a sane pole smoker's opinion on the matter every once in a while.
I'm just hoping Crimson has FeMC on top of everything else so everyone can enjoy it to the max
Except the guy who wrote the article,
I hope he hates the implications of having to play as a girl to get dick

Dont know
Dont care
Fuck off
Go back to tumblr
Fucking faggot

would get fugged by