Why is she so angry, Sup Forums?

Why is she so angry, Sup Forums?
also guilty gear thread

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That man is a catboy and her revenge is pointless.

I'm just learning how to into fighting games properly, and I'm finding Jack-o to be the one I'm most successful with against the people online. Plus, her moveset is just funny to troll my local friends with.
Is it a newbie trap to main her? I feel like she has a low skill ceiling?

No character in gg has a low skill ceiling, but yeah she kinda gives bad habits to newbies with stuff like direction specials and some of her most braindead normals like 3H or 6H, also alot of people dont know how to deal with minion preassure and end uo killing themselves, but better players wont die so easily or just don let you set up them, but otherwise shes preety good for beginners and if you like her then keep playing her

>Comes out so close to Tekken 7
I don't even know what to do.

there are no characters who are traps to main, the closest thing are trap tactics that only work against bad players, like doing jack-o slide constantly when it's pretty vulnerable if they block it

Solid advice, thanks. I definitely find myself over relying on easy HS moves, and it's cost me plenty of matches I should have had.

Why is Baiken so attractive?

Is this any good?

The only guilty gear spinoffs that are worth anyones time are overture and isuka (but only if you're aware of how stupid it is and are just playing around)

Resting bitch face and also I'd be pissy if I was a weak, pathetic woman too.

Been a while since I played and haven't had a chance to hop on the demo. How's my boy Lil' Unga doing?

He got nerfed

I can think of two reasons

Because BB took GG's Sunday spot.

y tho

Better question is where did she get all that hair, lions don't have that much hair.

Post moar Jack-o please. Preferably ass shots


May as well keep the thread alive.
Relearning Baiken will be fun, I haven't played her since X2, and that was when I just button mashed better than my friends.

I'm happy with her rev 2 changes, but I need the game to come out already. I'm still stuck labbing rev 1 for the next week.

Family died and back pain

>why did this completely obnoxious character to fight get nerfed into the ground

leo players are entirely braindead who don't want to learn actual characters like johnny, dizzy, zato or i-no

Add solfags, sinfags, and axlfags to that list.

all braindead EZ mode masher characters for retards.

What are good beginner characters for Xrd?

The ones got butthurt about are generally seen as beginner friendly characters.


ky, sol, faust

may if you like charge characters

leo and sin if you like unga bunga press button

> roommate loves everything about Eletits
> have yet to see anyone play her online

Is she shit or something? The little bit I've played her, she seems incredibly versatile, but I have trouble executing a fair number of her combos when under pressure.

>No character in gg has a low skill ceiling

Did they remove UNGA-BUNGA from Rev2?

She's really good, I'm surprised I don't see her often

sol, ky, axl, leo, etc are all low skill ceiling retard drool on stick player level.

she's either top tier or just below top tier

She's really good. Strong normals, pressure, and unblockables. She's easily one of the best characters in the game.

Well, she is still in a lot of pain almost every day, she lost an arm and an eye and while she's given up on revenge she still hasn't forgiven what happened and the crushing weight of it all is almost more then the few joys she still has in her life that she is too scared will also be taken from her.

I'd probably be constantly angry too.

Do people give Sol, Leo, and the like shit because they're actually bad characters, or are they just butthurt at the playstyle?

I was thinking of starting off with Leo because he looks cool and not that hard to play, but I'll change if he's just going to teach me bad habits instead of fundamentals.

sol and leo just have tools that are really difficult to deal with if you are new to the game and not familiar with them. an experienced player will be able to deal with them just fine. you might find yourself winning vs other new players faster but you're still gonna have to earn your wins beyond that.

Don't forget Raven

Is Leo still good at high level or is he just a scrub killer?

Any one is good high level if you are good enough

he is low tier but one of the best players in the world uses him. the game is pretty balanced so low tiers are definitely still usable even at a high level.

>tfw mained bedman but have to find a new main because nerf and the fact he won't be in next game unless daisuke pulls some dumb shit

Her smile.

I'm sorry for your loss. No I'm not. Fuck Bedman.


She is too versatile. As soon as you block anything from her in fact it is just problems.

His sister will lead the way, bub.

At some point, Leo, Sin, Sol and other "braindead" characters can't cut it anymore since people know what to expect from them, it's like a wall that you have to overcome in order to keep getting better. You can't solely rely on their unga bunga or retard damage playstyle and have to play smarter.

I think it's safe to assume Bedman and Jack-o will be around for however long the Xrd series is simply because they already got the characters made and ready to go. Even Justice and Kliff were in XX and those guys died in the first game even.
Though if the series continues and they ever have to build the game again from scratch like the jump from XX to Xrd, ye, I don't see those two making that system jump.

>braindead EZ mode masher character

t. scrub who keeps jumping without thinking/blown up from his faggot setups by precision rensens


I want Baiken to beat me up and step on me.

So it's less that they become bad and more that they have to adjust, but are still fine?

>however long the Xrd series is
Since next year's the anniversary I was hoping for a brand new and not copy-pasted game then, but with Rev2 I don't know if that will happen.


>Want to get good at GG with Jam
>No friends to play with
>Hopping online gets me destroyed

I don't even know how I'm getting fucked up half the time. What do I do?

Pretty much. At least from what I've seen, it becomes a matter of matchup knowledge, knowing your character and fundamentals and mindgames.

I had a friend that I practiced with regularly that mained Sin, he beat me easily when we started off but he quickly hit that plateau where he could no longer rely on Sin's high damage and couldn't keep up in areas that cost him matches.

Keep trying, the only way to get better is to play and practice

Get the Rev 2 demo on psn, you can basically play training and versus with every character for free until the game actually releases

Show us a match video and let us judge your play user

i'm on ps3, i should have mentioned that

I get destroyed by good ephelts, but damn, I think the shotgun corner reloads are cool.

Why is she so shit?

Because you aren't dedicated enough to play her properly.

>trying to make a webm
>there's a few cool moments in one of the 6 hour long stream from Jonio
>download is about an hour

Shit, no wonder goldenrody doesn't post vids anymore.

Where can I find more of these?


character selector

take it with a grain of salt

When you exist solely for revenge and then realize said revenge is pointless it can kind of dampen your mood. Plus seeing your entire country get blown to smithereens along with everyone and everything you care about while the things that did it continue to reproduce probably add to that anger too.

B-But you never see cool webms and shit of her, so she's shit.

well her home country was blown up, and she only has one arm and one eye


I will never be comfortable with it. I have to justify it as being intoxicated by bloodlust.

I play on PC, so along with the overall low player base in general, I've only played against one Elph that didn't seem to be able to pull off a lot of the reload combos.
My roommate has the same problem, and ends up using 5/6H and that bridal rush move way too much. I think the huge damage they do are too enticing for beginners.


Thank you

May too

Reminder, she'll never look like this again.

>Sexualizing Sol's (sorta)wife
Also, would you your best friend's and rival's daughter Sup Forums

Jack is pure

I have this, it's a guilty gear party game. I not shitting you. Inputs are fucking weird too as I there are barely any.

If you can find it for 5 bucks or less grab it, otherwise you'll have buyers remorse. Still fun to fuck around with.

Must just be an elph in my region ive ran into 2 or 3 times before that runs me over.
I have a hard time figuring out how to approach her as slayer, since her pistol fucks any slide shenanigans, and her champagne bottle is a pretty good aa. Maybe I just need to get better at the bait and backdash cancel punishes.

I'm glad I don't see her that much, her gun loops do a fuckton of damage.


>Casual outfits will never be usable in game

I was sad when I realized this in SIGN and this picture only amplifies that sadness.


I've been a Sol main for a long time. Rev2 doesn't even come close to the worst nerf he's ever gotten. I'm gonna start looking for subs though. I tend to play rushdown/heavy offense characters which is why It feels weird as fuck that something suddenly clicked for Jack-O' after I replayed GG2: Overture last week.

Doesn't that fuckin dandy/slide punch move out range her pistol? Every time I play against slayer that move fucks my shit up. I'm never ready for it.

By this post alone you can say that she's mid tier at best.
It's an unspoken rule on the FGC to follow certain patterns when some characters gets called shit;
>top tier
>High tier
'"Seriously, this character has a ton of options or (insert strenght here)
>Mid tier
"You just need to put X amount of work and you'll be good" or some variation of this
>Low tier
"Well yes, but this character can (insert gimmick here)" or "just get better"
>bottom/shit tier
"Just pick another character F.AM"

Maybe, I cant remember the details on the top of my head, but I just remember being read like a book and embarrassed by my play.

Besides the 5k, I wouldn't even say Sol got nerfed. His new 6hs is great and leads into new combos midscreen and corner, and you can use it better for pressure, his air bandit revolver gains you massive frame advantage and he still has some of the best damage and stun in the game.

So I spent about like 2 hours reading a lot of lore today because I've never played a GG game before and I have a question?

Why does KY fuck Dizzy and get her pregnant, but then leave his son out there for Sol to raise?

The wiki doesn't even explain why. it pretty much goes "he had a son and abandoned him anyways moving on" that's all it said.

Like did Dizzy tell him that she's pregnant and then he responds with "No way fag" as he drops everything that he's doing and does a backflip out a window?

What happened there exactly?

He had to keep it secret

He only used Dizzy's filthy eggbox to give Sol their child.

Naw, it's because Ky doesn't believe in abortions or condoms, because he is a good Christian boy.

Oh, well that's less fun then what I had imagined

> play against some higher ranked rando
> win the first round pretty handily
> they turn it up to 11 and I get absolutely demolished the next two rounds
> mfw
> rematch into infinity, win maybe one more round out of dozens

Sure I learn by getting rekt, but damn is it disheartening to get your confidence ground into dust.


General population doesn't know Gears still wander around + gears age super fast. Think people will notice your 3 year old son is suddenly 5'9 with powers. So he sends Sin off with Sol to train/raise him. Not a bad deal for ky, Sol can fight and is technically a certified scientist.

Because she ended up being less fun than the literal who newcomer and my new main.

A bunch of shit. The short answer is that most nations have laws dictating that gears are to be terminated on sight so he had Sol raise him to protect and hide him. It's really hard to keep it secret that your son is a gear when he ages to adulthood in a few years and has obscene strength. The longer reason involves Ky being super religious and being ashamed of having a kid out of wedlock (his name is Sin, get it?) but it's mostly just to keep him from being abducted or corrupted by shadowy conspiracy groups or to keep other countries from going to war with Illyria and their gear prince.

>start losing a lot
>my mind gets hazy and I feel like I'm trying to adapt when in reality I'm doing the same things over and over again

Someone post match videos of themselves playing so I can feel better about myself