What did Sup Forums think about G-senjou no Maou?
What did Sup Forums think about G-senjou no Maou?
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Clearly indicates that characters with red eyes and black hair are the best.
Good porn scenes
It had a pretty good OST too, epilogue was great
Fun story, great ost
Overrated. Only lelouch saves it.
Name a better VN with similar feel
It was my first VN. I'd probably find more problems with it if I gave it a replay, but it was generally pretty engaging. I'm a sucker for cat-mouse shit.
Sharin no Kuni
The forced sex scenes at the end felt so out of place. They should have been removed altogether.
dunno why but it's really hard to get into this. i'm on touka's chapter, does it get better?
Pretty bad porn scenes but I still fapped.
True route was pretty fun but the other routes were clearly internally inconsistent within the VN which was disappointing.
shitty twist
Yes, but only after Natsumi's route (which is a total boredom, btw)
Sharin no Kuni was better.
I wouldn't say Natsumi was a slut, but she was guilty as fuck.
Touka has the best route. It gets pretty serious towards the end.
It was too fucking long, lost interest near the end, 10/10 waifus though (was this the one where the main girl was a goofing during the porn scene? I forget.)
these niggas got taste
The OST was decent.
Honestly the entire last route was the only thing that made it worth it. I expected the multiple twists, but man the 'fuck you' epilogue was nice.
Speaking of VNs has anyone else completed the last Grisaia yet?
>never ever