Sup Forums does have good threads, but you need to sift through shit to find them. If you find a decent general, you can always find that general just due to the nature of the board and its threads.

Now fuck off and stop derailing this thread.

You are one determined autist.

whats a good use for scrips as a healer?

Don't fucking continue your garbage arguments from previous threads in new ones you absolute autist. Holy shit.

We are discussing XIV now. Report meta-discussion below this post.


Why in the flying fuck do you care so much?

If you don't like a thread, don't fucking open it. If we went to /vg/ we'd be smothered by persistent neet autists, like you.

So, in conclusion, fuck off. /xivg/ is here to stay.

there literally wouldn't be a Sup Forums then

>Don't fucking continue your garbage arguments from previous threads

But this is a general.

>shitting over most of the playerbase just so japs can have their weebcity in a single zone

How bad was the lag in the new EU datacenter, and how long it took to get it fixed?

you better start posting cute lalas or I'll shoot you

Ignore all posts trying to shitpost /vg/. This is thread for /xivg/ discussion.


>Adders not getting their shit together in frontlines
Nothing unusual here.


Yoshi is finally being seen as the hack he is

No toon posting - fuck off.

There's nothing to talk about this shitty game.

Using my post accomplishes nothing. Don't you have something better to do today dude? Job apllications? Erp session?

Why in the flying fuck do you care so much? If you don't like a thread, don't fucking open it.

Are there even people still playing this shitty game since release?

Don't you have a janitor application to be writing

Yes and we are TRYING to DISCUSS it you wow pissbaby.

Sorry, I can't post something that doesn'g exist.
Just shoot me.

Actually, maybe Himukai's lalas are the only cute ones that exist.

Yes, sadly.

You are complete cancer, worse than anyone in either thread.

>tfw Hydaelyn ends up being evil and she actually has a hierarchy of Law aligned demons working for her

>all this blatant false flagging
Jesus. At least put some fucking effort in.

>all this false flagging WAHhhhhHHHHHHHhhhh

Get this faggot banned.


Ayy lmao I've never even played WoW.

First time playing since server move. DRK is really suffering.

FFXIV is legitemately an awful game.

can I get a quick rundown of the story up until stormblood

Ok faggot, you know /vg/ is only a few clicks away right?

>it is simultaneously shitposting on Sup Forums and /vg/

So this is the power of autism?


Garleans have invaded Doma and Ala Mhigo. Refugees from both have arrived and want our help. The Doman ones are useful, while everyone hates the Mhiggers. One particularly mean one got his Mhigan friends together and put on our grand company outfits to stage an attack on the Garleans, which provoked us into war so now were obligated to go and retake their shitty homeland for them even though we really only wanted to help the Domans but whatever.

>play shitty game since release
>eat even more shit with this datacenter move
>will continue eating SE's shit in the expansion
I keep quitting and coming back because nothing else holds my attention.Feelsbadman

>so wahhHHHHHahhhhhhhhhhhhh

The RPC (Roleplay Coalition) is a Linkshells located on the Mateus server to help generate a friendly, welcoming roleplay experience for all.

We focus on Roleplayers for OOC communication, gathering, and planning. To connect the community of Mateus and work work together to bring knowledge of roleplayers across the whole server and do large community events of mix populace.

We welcome new members with open arms and old alike. We have no problem with sharing our server with other servers(except for Balmung), or those who wish to take up only temporary residence with us.

If you are interested in joining please feel free to contact the following members:
* Auryn Khadus
* B'rhysla Vaelin
* Vaelyn Nykah
* Altai Ejinn
* Aca Savage

Isn't that the deadest server?

Are there any Secretly Cool Free Companies on Leviathan?

>Get this faggot

yo ustart as average adventurre then you discover you have the echo and start fucking primals left and right then your primal fuck club gets fucked over by the fuccboielf and you have to bool a bit in ishgard with your homie hauchy

you travel arround because loldragonwar you find your old mates again you end the dragonwar by killing nidhogg again , the warriors of darkness some sweet aether but that sideplot just ends because minfilia came back actually and then ilberd disguises his migghan friends as the gc people and attacks the garleans, anheros with the eyes of nidogg summons a new primal egg papalymos dies you get the pmega weapon with nero and the 2 fight then you decide its time to go to alamiggo

It may be a dead server, but we're really trying to rival Balmung ^^


Hurt me MORE Yoshi, hurt me MORE
Please make nin totally ninja unplayable, I HATE having fun.

anyone want to erp?

>play on gilg
>full of catgirls
>they have twitters
>they're actually fine as fuck slutty cosplayers

i didn't know one person was capable of so much hate towards one single rule being broken. Oh wait, did Barneyfag start playing XIV?


Nope as far I know.
I personally in a small FC with a bunch of friends.



I've been playing since 1.23 and the game is great. Piss off WoW fag!

So what do you think the primals will be after the initial two associated with beast tribes?

They did the warring triad last time, so what next?

So you're going to rival Balmung by being a sluttier and more degenerate server? Sounds like a tall order.

Brothers, even with higher latency, let's liberate Ala Mhigo.

4 fiends

garleans invade, dig up some ancient technology to deal with summoned god-things, learn how to power ancient technology from shady evil ghost people, shady evil guys turn on the garlean general, technology blows up, eorzea saved

then you spend the next year or so fighting various gods and not much happens and it's dumb

then it turns out that there's this old ass dragon and oh boy is he pissed, so you go see an even older dragon and he does some stuff. you get framed for murder and escape to where the pissed off dragon is going to attack, conveniently. you end up killing the pissed off dragon and keep his eye as a souvenir

after that it turns out the shady evil guys were behind the church being evil so you fight them and you win, then GUESS WHAT IT TURNS OUT DRAGON'S EYES ARE REALLY BAD TO KEEP AROUND and your friend gets possessed by pissed off dragon. you save your friend from his possession via the power of friendship and stop a millennia long race war in the process by throwing the eyes off a cliff because surely they will not come back

and then shady evil(?) guys get the eyes back and some smug dude uses them to summon a dragon to false flag a war against the garleans, setting up stormblood

also there's some shit about alternate universe yous and the mother crystal is dying or some shit, also japanese shit

What about cat bois? Any good looking slutty cosplayers for them? :3

>tfw Varis looks like Golbez
>tfw this will actually be a FFIV expansion and the final boss will be on the moon

I wonder how long it will take to actually liberate Ala Mhigo. 4.1? 4.4? It's all just a pointless fight and Ala Mhigo will be nuked by Omega?

Why in the flying fuck do you care so much? If you don't like a thread, don't fucking open it.

It's 2 am why are you still playing video games user?
please come down and see our family too will you?

This would be perfect for an isekai.

We are encouraging people to leave Balmung and join Mateus ^^; It'll be a hard start, but I really think we have traction since people can't join Balmung anymore. We can make a new unofficial RP server!

Speaking of would anyone be interested in a Mateus discord?

I cringe every time family takes me away from the game.





I don't believe you.

Post proof.

Someone explain this Illberd posting meme for me

too much money not enough return


Because even though we're the majority, we're not japanese.

Well I wish you luck. Implement collared pets for their masters and get that ball rolling. I've already got two masters on Gilgamesh.

So I wish you luck :3


>2.0: You join a band of misfits trying to restore the Eorzean alliance and help them defeat the primal threat AND the Garlean threat, the Ultima Weapon which was in kahoots with these evil fuckers called Ascians
>2.1: You help the hippie forest nation defeat the Moogle king primal
>2.2: You help the savage pirate nation defeat Leviathan
>2.3: You help the hippie forest nation AGAIN to stop old man Ramuh who is actually nice
>2.4: You help out the elf boyfriends highland nation to deal with a heretic called Ysayle who turns out can transform into the dragonfucker called Shiva who ends up replacing Garuda as the primal waifu
>2.5: You help out the elf boyfriend nation defeat the dragons they're at war with, meanwhile you lose your WoL blessing which didn't really matter and your friends got betrayed by an ally group and end up "dying". But hey, you get to have daddy dragon as your friend.
>3.0: You do shit to help the elf boyfriend nation and eventually become friends with Ysayle, that edgelord from the DRG questlines and the worst girl in the game and have an adventure, eventually dealing with the leader of the angery dragons and finding out that the elf boyfriend nation's religion was a bunch of bullshit and you stop them from getting immense power to rule the world
>3.1: you meet up with a smug lala and she's been the best characters in the game ever since but nothing else interesting happened here lmao
>3.2: y'all party that the elfboy nation is safe from war but suddenly the leader of the angry dragon horde comes back and fucks everything up
>3.3: you kill the leader and end the war for good
>3.4: these smug hoes called the Warriors of Darkness who were irrelevant before become relevant now but an hour later they fuck off for good
>3.5: the bitch who betrayed you in 2.5 comes back to fuck with you and summons a really huge dragon and you get to use the Omega weapon to defeat it but failed


>liberating Ala Mhigo
>the actual CITY of Ala Mhigo isn't a zone in it
How the fuck is this allowed

> virginity

Are you sure you aren't thinking of Gyr Abania, which is to Ala Mhigo what Thanalan is to Ul'dah and La Noscea is to Limsa?

According to Yoshida we'll only enter the actual city AFTER we liberate it.

I'm thinking it'll be the new endgame hub.


I'm a lala though

Good. I am glad Ala Mhigo isn't a zone full of constant fighting even after the story claims we liberated it.

I actually like this idea. Gives us a reward to look forward to.

Me, but I'm shy and not good at writing stories.

Because we don't fucking matter and saying it would be racist.

Who hype for new EU servers?

How do you make friends?

Well I have the same ping to NA as to EU, might as well get my free incentives

just b urself

japan only cares about japan and they're terrible with handling online stuff
this even extends to things like business where they could make plenty of money doing things like pc ports or quick and dirty localizations for games that haven't had an english release, but don't bother to do so because of laziness or whatever
for as good as a lot of japanese games are, japanese business people are very short sighted and "old fashioned" (japanese culture in general is really retarded in a lot of ways)

Yeah, so hype for new dead servers

those will be the new zodiark with kirito uhchiai and naruto sasuga out the ass

What's the point when Europe is the size of a canadian province?
Give us a est cost data center!

>89 ping on aether
>100 or so on chaos

might take up that free transfer offer seeing as most of my friends list quit back in the early part of heavensward

>Honestly people crying about double weave need to grow up. It was an incentive for having low ping, it should never have been considered the norm and by the way yoshi-p himself said 'up to 200 ping is still playable' makes me believe that even more so. Now everyone that could do such are crying as if it was an actual mechanic, when it was just players being able to circumvent cool downs due to a faster communication from client to server. Ya want to have something that was an added bonus that badly, pay for a vpn.

I love the OF

What are some good games where the weakest party member winds up actually being the strongest?

That's gotta be a shitpost.

>tfw no Stromboli