How are Japanese games ported so easily? Isn't it coded in Japanese and shit too?

How are Japanese games ported so easily? Isn't it coded in Japanese and shit too?

That's not how it works.

How does it work?

doge! :•]

They can just run it through google translate.


is this a serious question or did you just want to post cute dogs

I don't know if this is for real or not, but this is my dog.

What a cutie

This is Gracie. Say something nice to her.


I think most or all coding is done in english?

It's only dialogue that needs translation.

Yes but since they had to learn superior japanese, it's very easy for them to adapt to the obviously inferior western languages.

from what I've seen of japanese code, it's all in english but with tons of japanese comments all around it

that's a cute doggo

rate my dog, Sup Forums

That is a good dog. You have a good dog. This is my dog.
But like why? That seems weird to me.

she's a nice dogger

source code only takes ASCII as the valid code with the exception of string literals when you can unicode if the language supports it

so no you can't have games literally made in japanese

boop da snoot

nice videogames

That makes sense. It must be hard to learn a whole other language just to code, but I suppose that's what coding is, a language you have to learn regardless of locale.

The internet is built on English code.
Programming languages are just that.

Go to a foreign website (.cn / .jp / etc) you can see that all the URLs are in English/romaji


this is only true for certain languages

there is nothing stopping you from creating a fork of a c++ compiler that would allow unicode variable names

If you have the source code you just port it, is not hard.

The problem is translate it and some legal problems.

>This is now a doggo thread

Post doggos

very good dogs

>All I had was my very quiet cat
>Thought about getting a beardy
>Then a stray cat came to our home and we had to take it in
>Then my cousin needed us to look after her dog for a couple months
>Stuck with two animals I had no plans on taking care of

I can never tell a Shiba and an Akita apart.
I mean, when i'm confronting two pictures it's obvious, but when i see a doggo on the street, those Shiba and Akita are the same thing

Good thread

Dogs are cute. Cute!

Cats > Dogs



Have never and will never like dogs, but cats are just cute little things

Very nice dog

I want a corgi so bad Sup Forums.

I'm glad I was visited by a lab and not some aggressive meme dog.

Your dog has autism

Dogs are a literal meme animal.
>I want a mindless slave that obeys me unconditionally
I look down upon all dog owners.

t. joyless soul
I hope you find happiness someday friend

t. H. P. Lovecraft

My rat dog, Mr buttons.

Cute rat dog. I miss my rat dog.

that's why I've liked shibas since before they were a meme, they're like cats in a dog's body

If you don't like dogs you are a literal inhuman faggot cunt.

I miss having pets so much ;_; pls pet your doggos for me

Ugly dog, uncreative name

Go away Lovecraft, go back to being dead.

This is Leila.

Say something nice about her!

My dog. She's a Great Pyrenees

She looks tired of your shit.

Great Pyrs and top tier doggos.

she looks like she wants senpai to notice her desu

I unironically have always loved japanese meme dogs and hope to own one some day.

Also, to stay on topic, I'm curious what the source code for japanese games looks like. Does anybody know where I can look it up?

>But like why? That seems weird to me.
Because people who speak English created the languages and compilers. If the Japs want to create their own language using moon runes they can.

I had two dogs and none of them ever listened to anything I had to say. Very affectionnate tho, unlike the cat my parents had who would only interact with anyone when it needed food or its shitbox changed.



>tfw dogfag and catfag
Feels good being an idort.

I wouldn't know but if coding was the same all around, the only difference would be the notes.

Binary is universal duh!



is my dog cool

Nice, reminds me of my dog

>I want a mindless slave that obeys me unconditionally
If only women could be this good. Eh? Eh?!


glad to see the lime-a-way. I lost my pup to calcium buildup last year.

Best thread on Sup Forums right now

My nigger
>tfw both cat and dog are affectionate, chill and almost never make noise
Idort all the way


>But like why? That seems weird to me.
Because collaboration on code is hard when everyone uses their own language?
Coding conventions.

>Isn't it coded in Japanese
you code in programming languages not spoken languages


Dogs and Cats are pretty equally intelligent, they just have different social behavior.

Dogs are pack animals. They thrive in groups, answering to those who are their alpha. The reason they obey commands is because unless you're a shitty dog owner you immediately make it clear that you're the pack leader so they don't walk all over you, and they "unconditionally love you" because as their family they rely on you for affection and protection. On the other hand, if they're uncomfortable around you or see you as lower in the pecking order owning a dog is a living hell.

Cats are solitary predators, not pack hunters, so in most cases adults will only respond to you or seek you out when they specifically want something. Not to mention they do show a lot of signs of affection and reliance as well, they're just harder to notice than a dogs because they boop you with their nose or blink slowly instead of licking your face and running around the house.

Thats Snek.

Because to code in a different language you would have to create an entirely new language for no good reason.

Besides, it's not like people type out full English sentences when they code, you'd just need to recognize a few words here and there.

Dogs are pack animals and only obey you properly if you establish yourself as leader of the pack. You people are just salty betas who can't even stand up to a mere dog.

pic related, my dogger

More like a so so Pyrenees


Wrong about the dog part. My doggo did cause us a lot of trouble due to him fucking every bitch in the area and was unruly but he never, ever tried to attack me or anyone despite being larger than me. Even used to show him my neck or put my arm in his mouth.
Tldr; you don't need to be "alpha" for a dog to be affectionnate


Pupper iz too smol. Sum day she big? Haha jk. CUTE!

size matters when it comes to dogs.

that's a cute pupper

how do australians listen to music? won't the tunes be upside down???


this is a fact

Thats a cute wolf

I would love birbs if they didn't have to shit every 20 minutes

Being alpha isn't a requirement for affection. That part was more in response to his assertion that dogs are mindlessly obedient.

That said, all dogs are different. I've spent time with dogs who would attack everyone but their master and with dogs who would happily greet someone breaking into their house as if they were a new friend. They're living creatures with unique personalities and behaviors, not robots who follow a strict biological code.

I want a Golden Retriever, but if I could get a dog I'd get a Corgi because my house is small as shit.

Someone calm that pupper.



She looks like a dirty whore

>camera man just stands around watching the campsite get trashed
>records other people coming to scare off the birds
>still just stands around recording shit

this is tne type of photo that turns normal people into furries

holy shit what a bunch of cunts

This is what aliens will see and that's when they will kill us all for doing this to our genetic brethren.
Jesus fucking Christ let a dog have what little dignity it has left. Dressing up dogs is what insane people who want but shouldn't have children do.