Why is she so thirsty for Gabriel's dick?
Why is she so thirsty for Gabriel's dick?
better question is why is there unlockable heroes using in game currency that directly affects the multiplayer in a 60 dollar title?
DoW 3 is shit
>why is the game so unbalanced?
>why are there only like 3 maps to play on?
>why doesn't it have a fullscreen mode?
>why is there no music in multiplayer?
>why can my army get wiped at the push of a button in tier 1?
>who what where why?
this game was pretty shit actually. the warhammer license is doomed to have shit entries forever if they can't even get dawn of war 3 right
all eldar women lust for Big Human Cock
for a minute I thought you were talking about battleborn because that did the same exact thing
What I learned from the whole Yvraine shit on /tg/ is, that she probably isn't and it's only your fanfiction.
It's the Emperor's gift to all women, as commanded by Big Papa Smurf.
Gabriel was just ahead of the curve.
At least you get a lot of skulls by completing the sigleplayer.
As far what I watched on LPs.
>why is the game so unbalanced?
Typical Relic
>why are there only like 3 maps to play on?
There are 8, without counting the mods
>why doesn't it have a fullscreen mode?
Fuck if I know.
>why is there no music in multiplayer?
I saw some videos of MP matches with in-game music, but at really low volume.
>why can my army get wiped at the push of a button in tier 1?
You suck?
And before anyone calls me a shill, I am kinda dissapointed with DoW 3 and sad that the next 40K threads on Sup Forums will be for the most part DoW 3 haters circlejerking each other.
Still mad about that Love Can Bloom video?
because Macha doesn't want to keep going on as a virgin
Someone on /tg/ posted that the official novel (yes, it exist) was shipping her with Ronahn. It is bullshit or not?
overwatch openened the floodgates
Explain. And without memes.
...no it didn't? all heroes are available in overwatch asshole did you even youtube it?
relic is a defunct studio that under-delivered in every possible way
Why is she so smug all the time?
Jesus Christ, what an abomination.
It is natural from the eldar to be prideful jerks. Then again, almost everyone important on 40K has his head shoved in their own arse.
Did you want to people stop looking the eldar as possible waifus? THAT'S WOT YA GET!
Kharn's a pretty cool guy
t. Khorne
Everyone else hates him, even others khornates.
Farseer taldeer was a lot cuter, this one looks like a dork
>Reminder that there is not an official art of Taldeer without a helmet.