Everyone is afflicted

>everyone is afflicted
>everyone is stressed out
>usually die on quests
How do I get good?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bring a jester my man

Make a sacrifice to RNJesuthen get better

git lukee

>how do I get good in a game that is 100% RNG, no skill or strategy
I don't know, cross your fingers really hard?

I like the idea of bringing a merryman along to reduce stress but I feel like if I was delving through eldritch dungeons I wouldn't be happy about some jackoff following me around strumming on his lute and telling jokes

Always over-prepare for quests. Buy more shovels, antivenom, bandages, etc than you'll probably need, because you MIGHT need them and it's better to be safe than sorry.

Make sure that if it's a Veteran or Champion level quest, your characters have the best possible equipment and skills for that level of dungeon. Again, better safe than sorry.

It takes a lot of time and money, but I always played it as safe as possible and never once had a single party wipe. I beat the game just last month, and you can do it too with enough dedication and patience.

>being this bad and assblasted

Everyone will say it's just a matter of luck but it's really not.
If you learn from your mistakes, are careful about loadouts, become knowledgeable about enemy moves/weaknesses, use curious effectively, maximize your time, all while using your hero's skills, camping skills, and orders well, you will rarely lose a hero.
except for DD runs, which are stressful as fuck and you're lucky to have your whole party come out of it alive

He is completely right.

>just failed DD1 because occulist threw up 5 0s in a row
I fucking hate occultist

I like the game but that's true.

he's not


>nobody posting memes

Memes you say?


postin the classic



Fun game, I should play it again.

Has the radiant mode been released yet?

If so, how is it?

I never understood the point of pictures like these

>darkest arkham never
do indie companies usually release sequels?
because I want one




>b-b-but I'm poor :(

>Plague Doctor is stressed after long dungeon
>Can't afford brothel
Would you help her?

Just remember that getting good in this game is the same as "getting good" in Blood Bowl, it ultimately just comes down to weighing dice in your favor, but you're still throwing dice, and with some of the effects in this game that means that you can just lose some of your best people outright. Just try not to take it too seriously, I guess.

Oh, and don't put your eggs in one basket, or in this case party of adventurers.

Stupid roasties back to roasties.

Dumping comics to bump thread

Go for stress dealers first. Get a well rounded party that can take care of the back row in their own ways through damage, stun, or movement.

As long she keeps the mask on.

Turn on cheat engine because otherwise you're just going to be rolling dice until you get the result you want. When a single bad roll can fuck the entire game up you know it's shit.


>tfw the gifs I made back when /ddg/ was still a thing are still being posted

These are the worst comics I've ever seen, but go on.


have a meme for your trouble

Those hairy pits, every time

Always go for the fastest enemy that hasn't moved yet

Yeah, those are the weak ones


They are great gifs are you should be proud, user

It's more like old school d&d, where if you're careful, observant, and prepared you will probably make it just fine, but that doesn't mean you're 100% safe

I don't get what happened here

you can say we wuz kingz and shiet everytime you see a black character
you're not retarded ,are you ?

>Hairy armpits

I See you are a man of culture

Best if it is really soft hair instead of that thick pubelike hair

>AD&D dies out and is only played by stubborn grognards
>People still think they should make games similar to AD&D
I just don't understand.

anty wanted the sacrifice herself


i remember you saying that you were working on the jester gif good work user

Because some people still enjoy it, believe it or not.
Other people want RPGs where the focus isn't on combat urgency, and is a relaxed character-focused event where encounters are basic and formulaic. They have games made for them.

greedy kike being a kike

Fffffff why is her expression so lewd

Crimson Court soon fellow heroes

>basic and formulaic
You don't seriously believe AD&D wasn't also like this, do you?

You are garbage and have terrible planning and preparation skills if you ever let yourself get into a position where one bad roll fucks you.

You can tell exactly the point at anytime where you tell yourself "Welp, this is where I decide whether to cut my losses and bail or risk losing one or all of my team to an uphill battle."

It's impossible to be surprised by a loss in this game. When it goes wrong, you'll know very early on, and it's your fault if you let it end with a team wipe.

As long as it's there I don't care what it's like

poor choice of words, I meant little to no random nature. As in if you encounter enemy X or an enemy in this area, the encounter will basically always go this way, and you will only ever lose Y amount of health, etc.

>hard curly pube hair

no thanks.

Favorite comic coming through

fucking this.
If anything they baby you until the darkest dungeon

to much RNG or grindfest chose your demon

>to much
I see you're retarded

I never liked this one
Like, what the fuck did he think was gonna happen when he just starts blasting a stagecoach

I dont get this one.
Does the father become the crusader? Or did the crusader kill the father? Why does the family wave to the crusader

I don't get it


Not him but I once got 7 straight misses and three failed retreats despite having full gear and no -Acc trinkets

Sometimes RNG does fuck you badly

he becomes the crusader. No offense but it's pretty clear.

the father become the crusader

Father becomes crusader, but after all the slaughter he has done, he can't return anymore.

>Chops a guys head in half with a morning star

what enemy were you facing? what area?

it's implied he's the kind of Jerusalem
or a reference if you want

>I'm off to war kiddo, see you later
>Kill kill kill

what kind of Jerusalem?

my bad

The character is a reference to the leper king of Jerusalem from Kingdom of Heaven.

Post the Helion one if it exists. Don't think I saw that or Vestal.

I like these.

it's alright

I don't get it.

King is a leper (used to be considered a holy desiese) he leaves the crown behind and goes off to kill shit with crazy crits

Ruins, I don't remember exactly what but it was a full party of pretty high level enemies

To be fair it was a few patches ago and I haven't ha something like that since

>from Kingdom of Heaven.
you know Baldwin IV was a real guy, right? Famous for tearing Saladin a new asshole with a rag tag band of peasants when he was only 16, was a leper and fought in the battle himself while covered in bandages

He is, their advice to replace RNG is to replace it with fucking GRIND. Which you will be doing anyway. Shitloads. And then some more. Fuck this game and anyone who recommends such repetitive piece of shit. I've seen cookie clicker games with less repetitive gameplay.

he probably meant the looks with the mask and everything


He probably thought it was someone that was going to defend themselves rather than a mother and child.
Also the crusader and highwayman are the starting characters. He accidentally killed his family that was looking for him and then became his companion.

the boy is too little for him being the crusader's son
he is almost the size of his mother


>that last pic of the old veteran
always gets me

It's fine if you are bad at the game, I understand many people look for a more narrative driven RPG.

Are you retarded?


>lmao git gud at sickdark kancolle

The game is shallow and repetitive as fuck, once you get pat the initial learning curve you realize you're just grind the same shit over and over again while being taxed by the rng (oh you managed to do a run perfectly? too bad have shi quick)

he was exiled because he is a lepperd, rotting while alive, his family is sad, probably wife and daughter

>too bad have shi quick
> too bad have shit quirk

aw fuck I pressed the wrong buttons

>that pic
remembers me this: thomas-morris.uk/give-that-man-a-medal/

also, this his probably the only one not showing one of the followers being a dick to someone