Post things that the average Sup Forums user would disagree with but you actually agree with
ITT: Unpopular opinions
Other urls found in this thread:
i love the nintendo switch and think its a great console
modern games are trash
cave story is not a fucking metroidvania
Conviction was a good game, but not a good splinter cell game.
You guys are doing it wrong. "Unpopular Opinion" doesn't mean "I get triggered by people saying otherwise"
Multiplayer games are only fun when playing with a group of friends
Otherwise they are boring and a waste of time
modern games are trash
Sonic 06 is pretty alright outside of glitches and story
Sonic's gameplay outside of mach speed sections handles much better than the adventure games though the homing attack could be a bit better
Pikmin 2 is the best Pikmin game
Super Paper Mario is a good game
Crysis 2/3 are both better than Crysis 1
Most Warhammer 40k games are pretty good, but the 40k fandom is autistic as hell and their autism gives a bad impression to non-fans.
Skyrim is the best eldar scrolls. Its popularity, sales, and longevity prove it. Morrowind and odlivion are ether to generic or clunky to be considered the best.
playing on hard is often very counterproductive and gives you more negative emotions than fun
This is an amusing thread, since Sup Forums has nothing but unpopular opinions. Thus, an unpopular-Sup Forums opinion is just whatever is 'normal' or mainstream.
Planescape Torment is horribly overrated
Zestiria > Berseria.
This isn't reddit sonny.
I like the Switch and look forward to its future content.
Mass Effect 3, despite the ending drama, was actually a fun game. It flowed really well and the combat was top notch.
I liked metroid prime 2 more than 1
>liking a classic is bad
more likely
>I don't know what that old pixel shit is, it's not waifus and generic shooters so it's bad
I wonder who is behind this post?
Partners in time > bowser's inside story > dream team > paper jam > super star saga
Spore is good
Spyro is boring as fuck.
Goddamn right it is.
oh wow
Dark Souls 3 is the best video game ever created.
Battleborn is a great game to cum on.
modern consoles are pretty fun
Controller is better than using a keyboard for about 90% of games that are worth playing.
There is literally nothing wrong with 30 fps
Nintendo was right in DCMAing AM2R.
I dont really care about censorship since most of it is just weebie shit anyway. I'll start caring about censorship in video games when it stops being primarily about an anime girl's nipples being slightly less prominent.
Denuvo is a good thing for the industry and Video game piracy is bad. Not necessarily because it hurts companies but because you don't deserve their products for free.
Dragon's Dogma is a legitimately bad game with few redeeming qualities. Sup Forums only likes it because it isn't popular
If I see a game that I want I will buy it. Moral stances on video game companies is unbelievably pants on head retarded.
DmC is a perfectly good entry in the DMC series and is greatly improved if you take the writing as self satire
Naughty Dog is hands down the best developer in the industry
ME Andromeda is an excellent game, and the best in the series, due to the refined combat and variety in mission locations
More racial, gender, and queer representation in vidya is objectively good.
Dwarf Fortress is mediocre.
MGS1 has aged like shit, Peace Walker is the peak of the series
Horizion Zero Dawn is one of the best open world games ever made and overall a better game than Witcher 3
Old games that took specific autistic skills to be good at weren't usually like that because of engine constraints, horribly designed UIs, bug oversights and overall spaghetti code
Much of the perceived 'depth' of games pre-2005 is simply due to a lack of smoothness caused by poor programming ability and User Interface
There's nothing wrong with stuff like Gone Home . They are just as much video games as anything else.
All of the Half Life and STALKER are massively overrated, mediocre and barely worth playing. Bioshock and Halo are shooters that have much better gameplay than HL
Out of Persona 3, 4 and 5 P3 is the one with the best soundtrack.
>More racial, gender, and queer representation in vidya is objectively good.
nice Sup Forumsacks bait
I think the majority of people either do one playthrough on normal difficulty or repeat playthroughs at higher difficulty afterwards.
Only special types of autists force themselves to play on the highest difficulty immediately, that is not how the game is designed to played on a first time through.
Unlockable higher difficulties for completing a game fixes these issues.
You take that back nigger I know you're lying
I enjoyed Mind Over Mutant and Crash of The Titans.
Earthbound is incredibly overrated.
Mother 3 made me feel nothing.
jRPGs are worse than wRPGs.
Overwatch is pretty good.
No spears
Video games have never been good and I'm 100% in the right to never pay for them.
stop lying
People only pretend to like games like Deus Ex, Planescape Torment, and System Shock 2 because they have become Sup Forums approved and people won't make fun of you for putting them on your favorites game list. In reality if they were released today (with improved graphics and w/e), they would be endlessly lambasted as the pretentious fedoracore that they are.
Explain how I'm wrong
>All of the Half Life and STALKER are >massively overrated, mediocre and barely worth playing. Bioshock and Halo are shooters that have much better gameplay than HL
I agree.
I'm and I agree with you entirely.
You just want another you, right?
here take it.
No seriously, explain how I'm wrong. You don't have an argument.
I actually like video games
Tracer is annoying.
Apart from the uncomfortably long menu and load times SFV doesn't really do anything wrong. Imho the single most mechanically sound fighting game ever made.
Street Fighter V is not a bad game. Yes, it needs a lot of fucking improvements, but at its core lies a fantastic game.
Except that's objectively correct user.
I think Bloodborne is good, not great.
I enjoy the Uncharted series more.
3D Metroid games are better than the 2D ones.
Brawl is the best SSB game, while Melee is the worst.
ME: Andromeda is a good game.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is better than all of the main series Ace Attorney games.
Paper Mario Sticker Star is a good game.
Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney is better than the actual Professor Layton games.
Callie is the better Squid Sister, although I acknowledge that Marie is good as well.
Breath of the Wild is the worst 3D Zelda on a non-handheld.
First-person shooters that don't have a single-player campaign mode aren't worth playing.
Well, not so unpopular of an opinion after all I guess
Alien: Isolation sucks dick
>this entire post
dropped harder than the greek economy
>Lets force people that DON'T GIVE A SHIT to eat my shitty leftist propaganda
>Lets rub in their faces that my character is gay/lesbian/wolftacokin/amapachehelicopterkin until they vomit
Really I don't care if x character is gay for some reason, but for god's sake don't tell me that you would enjoy a game where everyone is one of those degenerate faggots that go everywhere saying how "liberal" they are.
Also forced diversity gives cancer to people that actually don't give a fuck (IE the amount of black soldiers in BF1).
Here take your (((you))).
I like VaatiVidya
What the fuck constitutes 'leftist propaganda' in video games though? For most people on Sup Forums and similar sites, having a woman protagonist or taking out bikini costumes for western releases is a political agenda, but for 99% of other people it isn't
When quotas have to be met, it stifles creative expression.
>it stifles creative expression.
What's funny is so many people like you try to pressure artists/directors to ignore liberal culture and progressiveism, something most developers adhere to, and the devs are telling Sup Forums to fuck off.
So things are finally moving forward, and society is becoming a better place, and thankfully fringe minority groups like channers aren't respected.
Seven Stars is better than all of them
I think the zombies mode in Infinite Warfare is flawed, but fun and great.
When you can't tell stories involving those themes it ends up being far more stifling to creative expression.
I don't belong to any group though. Writers should write what they want to write, not what their public wants.
Yeah sure, try to say some shit about why are there so many black dudes in a game, or why does the female protagonist act like such a retard and prepare yourself to get fucking doxxed if some people on tweeter sees it.
There are writers from all different walks of life, so that advice would result in more diversity.
Forced diversity is super shitty, so no argument there.
But you absolutely can and I've never seen anyone seriously trying to argue otherwise, you have to do it right though, that's the crux of the issue. Just take Erica from Catherine as an example.
i like videogames
Can't argue with that.
My problem is when people bitch about the existing media that just so happens to include those themes.
We've had that "diversity" for years though. The recent meddling of people who are clearly not interested in diverse ideals but diverse labels has only made it worse. It's why I can't help but cringe whenever I see praise for this type of behavior from big companies. But that's pandering for you, it's always happened, it's just that nowadays the sprinkles have a political flavor to them, and fuck me do they make me sick.
I liked Dark Souls II
I think E.Y.E is bad
I liked Witcher 3
Bloodborne gets boring after 200 hours
Bloodborne had a lot of cut content and cut ideas therefore it needs a sequel for it to be fully complete
Dark Souls 3 is the best game in the series.
Dark Souls 2 is the most original game in the series.
Undertale is good but it's fanbase is cancer.
Nier Automata is not as good as Gestalt
Video games can potentially (along with books) be the best form of storytelling.
It's just very rare where this is done properly.
Super Mario Land is my favorite Mario platformer
Granted, a major reason for that is that I feel like the fireballs in most of the games are not very interesting. The BALL in Land ricochets, which adds a more kinetic feel to the attack that seems more in line to me with the feel of the platforming. & cool stuff like how there's sometimes parts in levels where it's advantageous to be small and vulnerable instead of powered up and big because being small lets your get into specific smaller places where you find secrets, one ups, etc.
Also, Gone Home is a good game that also play with the expectations of the audience while taping into something familiar and relatable. It's a story that wouldn't work as well in another medium because you piece the story together. But at it's heart, it's also a rather traditional adventure game, just that it isn't point & click. I like how there's no segregation between gameplay & story because the story is what you discovery through the active exploration of your environment. The environment and characters within feel lived in and generally realistic. The mid 90's setting helps contribute to this but also solves the dreaded "cell phone problem" when it comes to mysteries. The store page lies because there actually are puzzle, they just aren't really complicated and don't become their own separate mini games like is common for adventure games bc you're generally just using the ways to interact with objects that you have have been. The "no puzzles" thing is clearly trying to advertise the game as more accessible.
the only issue I have with the queer content is that it feels too CLEAN, not really complicated and and tied up with other issue as Im used to when it comes real life especially with regards to the age of the characters. But that's something I don't think that would really be fully understood by somebody who isn't queer to doesn't know a lot of queer people. But this is common in fiction and not exclusive to Gone Home
SJWs are more in the right than the alt right
V.N.'s can be one of the best styles of video game when written well and designed well.
I fucking love VA-11 HALL-A
failed genetic dead end white boys furiously type on keyboards in their basements their dissatisfaction towards diversity and inclusion because they're not catered to anymore by making every single character a white male or attractive white female
I'm a brown Hispanic though. At least Suda51 seems to like us.
There's no evil political scourge in vidya right now and is just Sup Forums getting upset centrism is promoted over extremism.
After hanging around Sup Forums for a fucking decade, I genuinely don't believe in the containment board theory anymore. Sup Forums is shitting up this website, and more specifically Sup Forums, more and more as time goes on that they have their echo chamber to reinforce their bullshit. I'm starting to believe the theory that while things will get bad in the short term if Sup Forums is axed, it will be better in the long term for fucking everyone.
You're trying too hard.
99% of people don't have your opinion and don't care. You're a political extremist, it's that fucking simple. The average fucking person buying a game does not give a FUCK if the main character is a black dude. They MAY give a fuck if you took a white character and just made him black, but no one fucking cares if the protagonist of a new series is a black dude. It's basically just you and your circlejerk on Sup Forums. Also there's no politics in your sprinkles. You are tasting the power of capitalism and not liking it much. Devs don't make black characters or add in a woman because they fear SJWs. They do it because the entire point of a business is to make money, and there for they must ride whatever the popular market dictates.
it's a meme that things would in any way get worse. Anyone who believes Sup Forums is containment is in themselves a Sup Forumstard. A board that floods every other board to the point of suffocation is not contained. That's like fucking calling Cherynobyl "contained".
Someone seems buttflustered. Did an SJW rape you or something?
Mafia 3 is actually a great game. This is coming from a stormfront trooper from Sup Forums
>stormfront trooper from Sup Forums
But I know all that, it's plainly obvious, and I don't agree with having any political influence of any sort on a game's creative process, I think I made it clear in my posts unless you're confusing me with someone else. Why are you so aggressive? Are you just shitposting or something? If so just admit it so we can move on, because this post has left me quite baffled.
I prefer Jedi Knight to Jedi Knight 2
Doom II is garbage. Final Doom is vastly superior despite the chaingunners
Death of a Showman in Hitman Blood Money is the worst tutorial level ever made
Resident Evil 7 is great
Mass Effect 1 is extremely nostalgia fagged and ME2 defined the combat system that managed to carry Mass Effect 3's basic hoard mode MP to being the best thing about that train wreck.
Walking around an ugly fucking void is not an "open world", and ultimately the core game play of shooting some faggot in the head is the same whether you walk through an empty field or a decorative corridor. Also the idea that someone would complain about linear level design when 75% of that game is the same copy-pasted prefab building or cave is demented. The Mako, inventory system, and insanity difficulty immunity/regen abilities makes combat dull as all hell.
The strongest things ME1 has going for it are a tried and true heroes journey arc, 10/10 OST and fantastic world building.
While ME2 failed in the greater narrative (Cerberus/revival shit), the squad mates and additional world building was a step up. Because of tech limitations ME1 really only had the Citadel and Illos, the rest was basic "lava world", "ice world" and "bikini atoll" shit along with a bunch of desolate wasteland planets.
ME2 takes us to Tuchanka, Illium, Omega, inside a Reaper ship, a Geth ship, and the Flotilla for the first time. It really fleshes out that sci-fi "stranger in a strange land" deal.
Smash Wii U/3DS is absolute fucking trash, and Project M is the only Smash game worth investing your time in. Melee is not as important.
This is an incredibly popular opinion here, Sup Forums shits all over the new Smash constantly and the threads barely stay alive.
30 fps is fine.
The Metal Gear series is shit. All of them.
The video game market today is oversaturated with combat and violence. This focus is what is killing creativity and diversity in video games today. Only after fighting is deemphasized will we see again the kind of variety not seen since the first half of the naughts decade.
this guy should come back
High fantasy as a setting is fucking garbage.
I think he was saying that's not an unpopular opinion on here, but on Reddit it is.
I think ME2 took about as many steps back as it took forward. My (probably) unpopular opinion is that ME3 took more steps forward than it took back.