Still the best Soul Calibur to date

>still the best Soul Calibur to date

Will they ever top this? SC6 when?

Other urls found in this thread:

>jumps on Ivy
>slaps her ass with the master sword

more like gangsta sword amirite

When will they bring best boy Link back?

>those sexy yells

I have a 100% save of that epic game.

The one with the best single player mode,with tales of souls being second

The single player mode was top tier

game was a boring turtle fest OP

I feel like that's less of a gangsta thing and more of a white thing. Assuming that everyone here agrees that all gangstas are niggers including white ones.

>Picks Taki.

>SC6 when?
Never! You can thank the SC5 shills for that.

3 > 4 > 2 >1 > 5 > Edge

>pick Raph
>mash the A attack

It won't work.

Raph is broken as fuck in SC2

>pick the bo staff faggot


>most underrated character is also best girl

>not Arcade version Soul Edge

Good Siegfried best Siegfried.

Soul Calibur 5 is the best SC. The only people that insist otherwise are those that prioritize fluff over decent gameplay or just don't like fighting games to start with.

>play SC2 for the first time back in the day
>see Ivy
>"ugh she's like old and shit"
>1 hour later

Siegfried wasn't a good guy in Soul Edge.


But he wasn't Nightmare yet

SC5 is the best SC in terms of gameplay but SC2 is the best in terms of content.

>decent gameplay

you mean the fact that the game stopped being a weapon based fighter in order become every other fighting game ever?

The game has to be fun before all else


>muh meters
fuck off and give me my guard impacts back

Guard impacts were in 5 as were just defense

Haven't played any since Soul Blade on the PSX. Was all about Mitsubishi or whatever the fuck his name was. Also the opening cinematic had some great boob jiggle on the ninja chick. Early vidya fap territory there.

My nigga of refined taste.
She has it all.

5 was dogshit. JD was a terrible mechanic, and the game did not need an ex meter. SC2 was 100% the best competitive soul calibur game. It was very well balanced, and the presence of step guard really improved the neutral.

Thing is that the Soul Calibur games have always had good single player modes (I can't speak for 4). Cutting out most of the fan favorite's and replacing them with clones didn't help either.

Though in the teams defense, it was rushed.

>Very well balanced
I don't know about that one Scoob. That said the goal of 5 was to reward more proactive play while also rewarding people that could block well and Just Defend did that, as did Brave Edges, Guard Breaks, and 8-way dashing.

2 had excellent balance with a really large selection of viable characters. It's unfortunate that X was so powerful but she was hardly unbeatable. As for SC5, the JD mechanic was probably the worst parry implementation in any fighting game I've ever seen (extremely low risk, extremely high reward). It's baffling that they'd implement that considering they already had a well designed parry system in place.

>I don't know how to guard impact