For those who did this confidant:

For those who did this confidant:
Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mika > Ann


>For those who did this confidant

Why would anyone not do a confidant?
It's like purposely not doing a sidequest which is beyond retarded.

Ann, easily. It'd have been one thing if Mika was a bitch to Ann for not taking modeling seriously when she had to try so hard by comparison, but she also went and pretended to be the agency to make other models miss their shoots, too.

So she's a total bitch.

Wouldn't that mean Mika is in the wrong?

The retarded photographers who failed to capitalize on their petty feuds at any of their shoots

>Ryuji's Confidant is about what happened between him and Kamoshida and the consequences and dealing with them
>Yusuke's Confidant is about dealing with his feelings for his former senpai and trying to understand human emotions through his art
>Makoto's Confidant is about her breaking away from her former personality and reforming herself, as well as trying to protect her friend
>Futaba's Confidant is about her trying to reform herself as well, but on a far more personal level, though I barely did it
>Haru's Confidant I barely did it as well

>Ann's Confidant is about her being an airhead and getting tricked again and again
>No Shiho Confidant
Ann was a mistake.

I wanna fuck both of them

>Why would anyone not do a confidant?
Run out of time focusing on others and/or trying to level up social stats.

No, Ann's confidant is about having her realize that she needs to become more dedicated to what she does, by strengthening her heart and will.

Please, don't act like Makoto's was as good as Ryuji's or Yusuke's.

mind my lack of reading comprehension. Yes, Mika is in the wrong.

The whole confidant was about Ann being in the wrong.

Makoto was about restructuring herself after more or less doing what she was told all her life with no direction. She keeps her personality, but gains perspective on why she does what she does and where that will direct her life.

Futaba is her reacclimating to society.

Haru's is very much about her isolation and mistrust she's developed her whole life being rich, and becoming better equipped to deal with that.

I really have a hard time doing Ann's with how often I can just straight up insult her and get brownie points for it.

I thought Anne's confidant was about them both being wrong. Anne is too lax, and Mika was far too dedicated. Both extremes are bad, but while Mika keeps being a bitch to the very end, Anne decides to dedicate herself to modeling instead of just letting her natural good looks take the wheel.

Talent vs. hard work is like sorcerer vs. wizard.
Wizard wins every time.

>other confidants have recurring side characters in them like Tsuda and Kaoru
>Mika is the only one with a portrait and unique model

>Run out of time focusing on others and/or trying to level up social stats.

You have to really work hard not to max everyone in this game.

It's way too lenient

I wonder if they originally had other plans for Mika, seems weird that she is the only NPC that has a portrait and doesn't appear as a confidant or in the story.

I think it depends. I got most of them (almost finished haru and yusuke) done with max stats. If you catch on quickly to the most optimal way to raise stats + do chihaya quick, it's easy. Most newbies won't.

could be. i thought it was in order to show her face since she's more expressive than other npcs

>breaking away from her former personality and reforming herself
At what point does this happen?

If you actually think anything you said about Makoto's Confidant is true, than Makotofags really do have brain damage.

Not him but had a better answer

Speaking of people who didn't do anything wrong.

Could be. I just thought that maybe she was originally a character with another role that was repurposed for Ann's confidant. It seems a bit of a hassle to make a character that only appears in 5-6 confidant scenes.

Found someone that used a guide.

I always had a matching persona with me and only did requests as needed and I only maxed maybe 2/3 of the confidants.

Even without a guide. How do you fuck up this bad?

What the fuck is wrong with you. I didn't use a guide and I maxed out everyone.

5 is the easiest game to max out all Confidants first playthrough. Once you find out about Fortune you should have used her ability all the time.

Didn't do the fortune teller right away mostly. Then with social stats I found my knowledge capped quickly but kindness stayed low. It seemed like confidants always wanted the stat I was behind on and not the ones I was ahead in.

I got the ones I didn't complete to 6-8.


I maxed her out at the end of November

>Mika is the kind of girl to consciously degrade herself for you to love her while you constantly punch her and cum on her face

Sounds like you're were just a dumbass that didn't know how to raise your social stats evenly. Fortune arcana isnt the difference between maxing out 2 confidants or all of them.

It doesn't help that I wasn't picking the 3 point options or bringing gifts, but it was a blind run.

Besides I was doing really good until the game ended 3 months earlier.

If I do another run I'm maxing Kawakami and Fortune Teller asap.

Like he said, a dumbass.

Am I supposedly to magically know what the right dialogue options are or that Kawakami lets you go out in the evenings, or that Fortune Teller can advamce confidants for you?

The last two months the only people that were even available to hang out with most of the time were the people I already maxed, too.

Both of them. Ann's confidant was a fuckjng mess. Mika is a horrible, shallow, manipulative bitch and Ann half-asses everything, plus she idolizes Mika's behavior even after being victim to it.

Ann sucks!
I want to date Mika!

Didn't think someone would use my oc.

are you from Reddit?

I fucking love cheesecake.

>no severe Curse/Bless skills


>no netori doujins where Mika seduces Joker and Ann walks in on them

5 is far stricter than 3 or 4 were.

Pretty sure Tsukuyomi's unique skill is severe curse damage to all foes.

Mika is pretty on point. There's a time when you're young when you can cruise by on natural ability and be a significant ways ahead of your peers in a given pursuit, but if you're going to get ahead in it in a professional capacity you're going to have to put a lot of work in. Ann's social link is actually pretty good though I didn't waifu her, her and Ryuji are the only party members that actually seem like high school students.

Who fucking cares?

Only if you got lucky and stumbled upon Kawakami's and Chihaya's bonuses early on.

A lot of confidants unlock really late and have ridiculous stat requirements. I got most of them though, only ones I didn't finish were Haru at Rank 5 and Iwai at Rank 9. I could have finished Iwai but I fucked up and forgot to visit Chihaya one day. I didn't feel like reloading my save and going back a week, so I just decided to fuck it since I knew I wasn't getting Haru anyway.

user proved a severe Cruse skill exists, you dumb mongoloid. Don't blow a gasket just because the price of the DLC is your year's salary.

>best girl isn't even on there

You asked, you little cunt.

Ah, hello there fellow respectable individual.

>no Eriko
Shit poll.

doujin when?

>Makoto dominating
>Elizabeth only has two votes

What's the problem?

Prevalent shit taste

>Knew I was gonna date Haru early in the game
>Hung out with Ann
>Ann's social link is amazing
>The gym scene with Ann and Ryuji
>Ann just being a bro in general

That was fun.

>Makoto's social link
>Make a robot joke
>You aren't attractive enough to pretend double date
>Into the trash this social link goes for now
>Come back later and make a slapping joke at rank 10
>Makoto gets mad again, don't regret bringing up her bitch slap, kek

>Futaba social link
>I was expecting much worse, this is fun
>Hanging out with Sojiro as well
>Not romantically interested, but had fun with this
>Futaba a cute little sister that must be protected

>Saved myself for Haru
>Deeply rewarding coffee mistress social link
>Haru really does love you and wants to marry you judging by the Confidant flavor text at rank 10

So what I'm basically saying is I hated Makoto's social link the most.

How can anyone like Futaba?

Roppongi Hills?

Makoto hooked me in Hawaii when I wasn't expecting it, pretty ironic that one of her best relationshit segments isn't part of her social link. The first half of her link is also pretty good when she's doing nerd out of water type stuff, but turns to shit when it becomes entirely about muh random friend that doesn't even have a drawn portrait, better grind that charm faggot.

>I'm going to take advantage of this retard

Come to think of it, it's weird that Mika got a portrait in Ann's route when Makoto's friend had just as much focus but didn't get a portrait.

what if aigis, fluff and marie were combined into one?

Stay away from my robot.


I'm betting Ann's social link was one of the first ones they did, along with possibly having other ideas for Mika and Shiho earlier in development.

>that glowing shirt


I want Queen to ride me

not anymore with that weak ass cry makoto

Same here. The whole thing about her random friend and the constant NO FUN ALLOWED really killed her SL for me.

Oh my god I feel sorry for you. I dropped so much money on her and saved so many days It was unreal.

But Haru wanna drink coffee made with elephant shit.

>mfw I friendzoned Haru in my 1st run
I seriously wasn't expecting her to react that way.

> Who was in the wrong here?

Mika. She's just a total bitch... not to mention she pulled the bullshit fake phone calls to make sure other models go to the wrong location and thus missing out on their shootings.

In any real life setting, she'd be fired for that shit.

That slap sure was better than most things in other confidants (Yusuke is still the best though). Also her catching the asshole into saying her name instead of the other girl's was pretty good. He NEVER SAW IT COMING