Tyranny Didn't Sell


>“Obsidian did a great job of capitalising on the timing of Kickstarter and the wave of nostalgia for these type of titles,” goes his hypothesis. “We've seen that most of the titles after Pillars of Eternity, if you look at Wasteland, Torment - they haven't been anywhere near that kind of success. So maybe it's that a lot of nostalgia fed into the initial bubble and that's why. These games have a market, but it's never gonna be that peak [again].”

Wow it's like Obsidiots don't want to admit that Obsidian creates generally unlikable and unsellable games


Only because of Baldur's Gate nostalgia

Other urls found in this thread:



>Obsidiots defending lack of features in their unfinished game

You know how Shadow of Middle Earth had a cool Nemesis system that was promising if it were used in a game that wasn't dogshit?

Tyranny has a cool spell system that might be good if they improve it and put it in a game that doesn't involve you fighting the exact same enemies from first level to max level.

Are you a mad biodrone?

>these games don't sell because people don't like them anymore
>surely it has nothing to do with the quality of the games

Are you a butthurt Obsidiot?

Good, less normies playing them is only a good thing

Literally how?

Fools are now beginning to realize why genres died. They died for a reason.

Broken Age, Mighty Number 9, Pillars of Eternity, Yooka Laylee.


Nah I have no interest in obisidian after MCA left, but obsidian does make pretty solid games.

Tyranny was far from "pretty solid," so you're a liar.

>poe sold
it was literally the shittest crpg of them all
wasteland was better, most of the other crpg kickstarters have been better

I think the game had true potential, it was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale fantasy genre.

However, I do have one or two beefs with it: yes the combat was tedious. But I found it more vexing how no matter what you did, you were forced to fight against the Overlord in the end, even if you followed him fanatically during the entire game.

That and there were no romances
Barik and Verse ain't gonna fuck themselves y'know

It was fun wrecking coop kids in dark souls.

It was good, I had fun with it. better than most RPGs in 2016

>it was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale fantasy genre.
In terms of setting, sure. But not in terms of gameplay. There was no enemy variety. You either fight humans in bronze age gear, or a couple kinds of ghosts. That's it. For the entire game.
>it was good
No it wasn't.
>better than most RPGs in 2016
Yeah and the shit I took this morning was better than most RPGs in 2016 too.

Yooka Laylee was good

so you're going to post this every day along with the rest of your pastas huh?

>No it wasn't.
That's like, your opinion man.




(Negative reviews don't count for Yooka Laylee, but positive reviews for Pillars of Eternity do somehow)


who cares

Yeah, I played a mage most of the time, best way to play the game. If you go into it as a spell-caster and try to appreciate the excellent writing in the game, its very enjoyable. The original premise and themes also really helps. The best parts of the game are spent conversing with companions and Archons.

>negative reviews of yooka laylee count, but positive reviews of poe don't, somehow

it's a statement of fact.
the combat was shit
character progression was non existent
act 1 was good but everything after that completely betrays the game's motto
soundtrack is dull
looks worse than PoE1
has worse companions than PoE

It was okay, it had too many negatives that outweighed the positives. Doesn't mean the genre is bad though.

>Soundtrack is dull
>Implying the opening theme and Kyros aren't fucking awesome

>has worse companions than PoE
Shit, that must be quite an undertaking considering how shit were PoE companions outisde of Eder.

yes I thought it would be hard to accomplish but they somehow did it

Literally the 2nd most boring companion right after Sagani. Only homos like Eder.

grieving mother and durance were better than eder, who wasn't even that good.

Do we really need to keep spamming threads about this? It's not like Obsidian fanboys will change their mind they've been delusional for like 15 years now.

I meant the setting, story and atmosphere. Those were pretty original and fun. I also truly enjoyed being the "bad" guy for a change, though I'm fairly sure Turon would've kicked my ass had I been truly evil. I wouldn't necessarily call the Overlord malevolent either. He/she may have had very good reasons for setting his/her laws the way he/she did.
After the game ended, we still don't know shit about the ruins, the towers. What if we had inadvertently woken up something that could end the world? I mean, come on, every NPC with a lick of sense tells you they are BAD NEWS and should be avoided at all costs.
I'm pretty sure it was foreshadowing.

>you were forced to fight against the Overlord
Yeah, that and the fact that the independent route obviously suffered from cut content. Like, the game hints at independent rebel and mercenary armies but you can't actually recruit them.You can get repuation with them but it doesn't actually get you anything, storywise.
I wonder if we will ever see Obsidian actually finish a game. All of their games have evident cut content and rushed endings.
glad i pirated it

how can someone have taste this shit?
GM is Pallegina-tier of bad.

>game about getting stronger while serving an evil overlord
>shocked that they see you as a threat
really activates my almonds

Tyranny was a decent idea - gave me a bit of a Black Company vibe. It just didn't have the best execution and felt like it'd been rushed out the door.

Probably the most interesting title out of PoE/ToN/Tyranny.

Yes, that is how it ends.

As for Tunon, it's more like
>You have broken the law of Kyros. Do you have anything to say in your defense?
>So, I was like, hey, both sides are shit, Kyros is shit, everything is shit, you know? So yeah.
>Your words have shaken me to my core, I now realize my blind faith in Kyros has been wrong. Now that I am a changed man, let me bend a knee to you and serve you and your law for eternity, oh mighty player character.

Have Obsidian ever actually released a game that doesn't feel unfinished?

Pillars of Eternity.

epic shitposting.

I wish they would make turn based instead of RTwP.

Man, you're one of THOSE shitposters, huh

>diversity the shitshow didn't sell


The Black Company was a major inspiration.

It's a shame we don't have a real Black Company game though. Books of the North are top tier.


That blank slate faggot? Durance was the only companion worth a shit in that shitty game.

3/4 of those games are bad, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove

literally every other cRPG is turn-based
go play them

>Books of the North are top tier.

The only tier you mean. The not india books were fucking terrible


Yeah but PoE is the one that's good so it's a bit misplaced.
and those 3 were bad because they're just plain shitty productions, not because the genres are archaic.

It's almost like developers that can't ride on nostalgia have moved on to the superior system.

>shit games doesn't sell well
and people say the market is broken

>Yeah but PoE is the one that's good so it's a bit misplaced.

You mean Yooka Laylee - PoE is trash

>Implying Shadow Games isn't at least good and everything past it went downhill

I'm not gonna say I don't want more Black Company books and seeing if Croaker actually comes back, but I do think the setting of the North is utterly superior.

I just want more. Not that I don't appreciate that some people like RTwP and that games should be made for you also.

Genres don't become bad because of the entries that represent them.

I don't get all this drama, these games don't sell a lot because they are very niche and Tranny wasn't that good 2bh

PoE has universal critical acclaim, everyone hates laylee. Could it be that you just have shit taste?

I'll grant you it was good until not india

Damn it was just terrible, I couldn't even get past the first chapter of the last book.

>universal critical acclaim
no more than Laylee

PoE was shit and not nearly as good as other similar indie games like D:OS

I keep buying every new shitty CRPG but i skipped that and Pillars of Eternity because i got a whiff of SJW bullshit. I don't mind undesirables in my games, i just refuse to pay to be told what to think about them.

I don't even mind the fags and duckgirls, i just hate the mentality and expectation they have that i put up with it. Also niggers.

There is still a market for these games, it might be small but the fastest way to shun them is to inject SJW bullshit and neo-Bioware writing into the game.

How is Divinity? Worth buying it or 2 when it comes out?

reviews of poe count, but reviews of yooka laylle dont, somehow

yes? objectively it has gotten a much better reception than laylee.

who said this?

I actually enjoyed Sleepy, but Murgen was only okay. I thought Sleepy brought a lot to the party as Annalist, but felt Tobo was bit of a special snowflake and that more attention was paid to Murgen's love life than had been Croakers.

Sounds like you should stick to your safe space, snowflake.


What the fuck is this?

>he doesn't buy shit he doesn't want
>he must be a special snowflake that can't handle a REAL crpg like Tyranny!
Kill yourself niggerfaggot

>Pillars of Eternity is great
>Sells well
>Sequel gets successfully funded
>Tyranny is garbage
>Sells badly
Woah, really makes you think.

>Calling anyone else a snowflake when you need a spectrum of genders to feel special

This is clearly a case of gamers not wanting to play RPGs. They should definitely stop making any more RPGs since it's a dead genre.

That's quackin' crazy

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

>everyone who oppose me must be a crazy Tumblrina
I'm getting too old for this shit.


It's because they just have boring unimaginative plots for the most part.

Divinity Original Sin did pretty well. So clearly people still like RPGs if they have compelling plots.

This is the same argument levelled against Mankind Divided, that game flopped because the plot stank and it wasn't even complete.

>everyone who opposes me must be a crazy Sup Forumstard

Right back atchya, shlomo

Game was fine content wise, and as an oldfag im fine with the combat.

What I wasnt cool with was that it was marketed that you were evil, but you couldnt actually be evil. The writing was trash and the story, which started out (during character creation) being cool devolved totally into regular chosen one trash. I wanted to be a cog in a machine burning down villages, not making typical bioware "moral" decisions.

>people who cry about SJWs incessantly tend to be right-wing SJWs
More news at eleven.


>I dont understand

No, it wasn't. Compared to BK and the rest of Rare's catalogue, it was uninspired, boring trite.

I don't know what went wrong, but it's not a good game.

The slippery slope is real, in time, you will understand.

You mean the unfinished, poorly written, piece of trash game didn't sell?
Whoa, really made me think.

No game where Croaker narrates your choices and the Ten terrify the shit out of you.

Why even live?

>uninspired, boring trite.

meaningless blibber-blabber

I don't know why these developers think copying old games wholesale without bothering to update the gameplay to modern conventions or fixing decades old balance issues.
People dealt with those things back in the day because their tolerance for shitty unfun mechanics was much higher because you didn't get new games all the time. You got a new one occasionally, and you played through it to completion no matter how bad it was because it's what you had.

These days, if someone really wants the nostalgic 90s CRPG experience, they'll just go play Baldur's Gate or Fallout, they're not going to bother with some new age clone that failed to improve the formula or provide a new and memorable experience.

Wasteland 2 wasn't really an RPG. It was one of them tactical games, wasn't it? And it shared the same problem Fallout: Tactics did before it: not really appealing to the RPG crowd, but to a niche of a niche. Plus it looked fucking bad even by Unity standards. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO BROWN? IS THIS THE LEGENDARY NEXT GEN GRAFIX?

Hype for Torment was STRONG when people were nostalgia bonering over Planescape: Torment, but Torment wasn't Planescape: Torment. It was some dev studio tricking a lot of people with their "spiritual successor" hype, despite not having anything at all to do with PS:T. When it finally shipped--later than any other kickstarter-backed RPGs which were backed later than Torment--it was shipped missing a lot of promised features and apparently the developers had to have their bacon pulled out of the fire by Obsidian's intervention helping them get the game into a launchable state. No wonder it didn't do well when even the backers were negative towards it.

I bought this game but I got bored of it quite early on, much sooner than PoE. I thought the red and purple thing interesting but kind of disappointing. I won't be buying any more of these kickstarter RPGs I think.

>I don't know why these developers think copying old games wholesale without bothering to update the gameplay to modern conventions or fixing decades old balance issues.

Even worse, they hardly ever manage to capture what made those games work. So what we end up with is a game that has none of the modern conveniences the mass market wants, and doesn't appropriately scratch the itch of old grognards.

Worst of both worlds.

Tyranny wasn't Kickstarted, for the record.

Wasteland 2 is good for one playthrough, but has 0 replay value because of the way the game was plotted.

>mfw people shit on Arizona even though it's the most versatile part of the game
>then these same people praise the linear as fuck Los Angeles

I definitely like Los Angeles more because of the crazy brain eaters -- wasn't a fan of the mountain cult or the railway natives, but there were at least decent ways to solve them

>because you didn't get new games all the time
>wtf is Golden Age of rpgs

I kinda resent the implication that those games are loved solely or even mainly because of nostalgia.

There's plenty of stuff text-based does better than voice+video based, more efficiently too.

As with modern so called "QoL" changes in the MMO genre, there's plenty of modern things that are considered conveniences which can actually be detrimental to the greater general experience of a game.

Game are constraints. And sometimes things that felt like external technical constraints had a real game-related impact.

If all the game had writing like the opening sequence, I would've bought it. The actual game left me disappointed, and I dropped it after hearing it didn't get any better

>How dare they make an old style game
>All games need to be like CoD or Skyrim because that's what sells
>I mean, sure, they didn't make a loss because the games were completely funded before development even started, and sure a lot of people enjoyed the games, but STOP MAKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE