>Gearbox has been putting to much work on the current playerbase to get people to play this while they keep busy with updates that don't matter while the game has no playerbase. >Battleborn day was our event, they supported it but let's be honest, a day or weekend event is going to bring people in. >Gearbox needs to make the big step, make this game free to play. >And the only way Gearbox is going to do that is when it is absolutely the only way to bring Battleborn back, until then they are going to try and keep this game premium. >Which is stupid because the game is dirt cheap everywhere. >So be clear and tell them that you won't play battleborn until they make it free to play.
>You have it all wrong, SEGA robbed US, not the other way around. t. "Honest" Randy Pitchford
Gearbox will crash and burn and they fucking deserve it
Noah Nelson
Battleborn is my favorite kind of flop because it couldn't happen to a more deserving jackass. Here's hoping you tank Gearbox and get kicked out of the industry forever, Randy.
Christian Myers
Do you always run into the same person since not much ppl playing the game?
Ryan Cruz
Do they even have any IPs worth buying up by another company
John Green
But Randy isn't a clown, clowns are funny.
And don't forget >Gabe Newell ? Yeah, we're pals. He wanted to call his company gearbox, but I won the name in a game of poker, haha
Samuel Perry
Saw on Gearbox forums today.
>Idea for advertising battleborn >hey guys, any of you play no mans sky? well i was thinking we could name things in the game after battleborn. we could name planets "Try Battleborn" or whatever. hopefully their is no rule against this. thoughts?
Holy shit, what a genius.
Christian Campbell
>Less than 100 people are currently playing battleborn.
Anthony Sanders
That's too fucking funny
Isaiah Thomas
>these people are the reason Randy hasn't thrown himself off a bridge yet
Gavin Martinez
Their forum is just as clunky and shitty looking as their game design, art style & UI combined. >pic related >top text >The hero-shooter for every kind of badass!
Colton Stewart
>Gearbox needs to make the big step, make this game free to play. I don't think that even that would save Battleborn. Paladins is free to play as well and even though is still on beta it is already great and keeps getting better with the updates. Meanwhile Battleborn is the kind of game that you don't even need to play to see how poorly made it is.
Ryan Martinez
yfw not Randy Pitchford or Anthony Burch
Eli Bennett
Whats the point of selling a game at 5€ so you get almost no money from sales and you dont get the f2p crowd that would spend money in microtransactions?
Wyatt Turner
Watching idiots crash and burn is always funny.
Asher Butler
>gearbox >what's the point in not being in denial and making sound, good decisions
Nolan Brown
Julian Jenkins
>Few months ago: >"We need more new people to play our game! Let's start throwing matches and going easy on them so they stick around!" >Now: >Let's just stop playing until they fix things! This fanbase doesn't even know what they want! The game is a year old! It's not going to get any new players, even if it went f2p.
This shit reminds me of WildStar, except WildStar had better designs.
Blake Fisher
That looks like the shit I woulda done with my nearly non-existent html skills when I was messing around with it like seven years ago. Someone got paid to design this, what the fuck
Robert Torres
Kayden Anderson
>Hello, you may or may not know me. (great way to start this off amiright?) I am starting a new youtube series called: "The battleborn of battleborn" (name may change before launch) The concept is to introduce people to the real players behind battleborn, what few we may have are an amazing bunch of awesome people! Essentially it will be an interview style episodic series where I ask format'd questions about anyone who volunteers. Want to get involved? Simply have a discord account and reply below, and join the Battle Ready Youtube Community discord where I will be setting up this series!
Jackson Clark
>a year old
.. fuck, it actually survived (uuh .. it's till there i mean) a year when you look at this way.
And you know what ? When they had the open beta a year ago, if the game's price was 30 to 40$ instead of 60 and if they had a tutorial, they would have made it without that much broken bones.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Or Jake Rapp
Hudson Brooks
They better not do group interviews else this is gonna be a real short series
Jonathan Lewis
Someone explain to me who Randy Pitchford is and why I should be glad I'm not him.
Owen Hughes
Can't wait to listen to the average kid with throat cancer type of voice who enjoy games on life support to have something in common.
Colton Murphy
>game is being compared to the behemoth Blizzard is nurturing >instead of making it clear that it's different, try to butt heads with Blizzard
Gabriel Barnes
He's a person so awkward that I felt an uncomfortable chill just now trying to recollect some of the things he did so I could tell you
Ryan Morris
>"And what do you like about Battleborn?" >"IT'S BADASS!" >"Excellent answer! That's it for this week's episode's folks! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Also join our patreon where you can get badass insider Battleborn info before anyone else! And don't forget to have a badass day!"
Angel Taylor
You know, at least Brink had enough dignity to shut its serves down when the game was quickly dying, but Battleborn has no legs or arms and is still trying to wiggle towards the finish line. It can't get anymore pathetic than this.
Connor Ramirez
Kayden Reyes
>Taking a picture that's supposed to be artsy in a fucking bathroom with piss stains and hair shavings everywhere >haha its just a joke haha ;)
Dylan White
>SEGA gave them money >claims SEGA robbed them
What. Is he trying to take Todd Howard's crown?
James Anderson
Randy actually has some weird toilet fetish i recon.
Aaron Nguyen
i-is that a Digimon shirt?
Ryan Edwards
What the fuck is this picture and why did he let it exist somewhere unsecured
I feel a dark energy coming from it
James Wilson
Gearbox shouldve put more effort into a more charming character selection and overall layout of the game
Cooper Anderson
He has a piss fetish
Specifically pissing away other people's money on bad projects
Connor Bell
>implying it's not just randy on different accounts talking to himself on the forums while cackling like a lunatic behind the screen
Asher Green
>let it exist somewhere unsecured
He proudly posted it on his twitter, sans the JUST edit
Sebastian Cook
Borderlands That's all they are known only because of this and would be dead without borderlands 3
Noah Kelly
Its weird but its nothing compared to that song performance on stage. I mean what the hell, dont.
Austin Garcia
Never been in the loop, what has this meme man do to get so much hate? It's impressive
Tyler Martinez
I want to headpat that cat.
Logan Butler
Suddenly I want to play Paladins
Mason Ortiz
this shit writes itself really
Andrew Powell
I pre-ordered Battleborn with a bunch of friends after playing the Beta and having a good time, believing an experienced company like Gearbox would fix any of the issues the game had. Battleborn had a lot of promise but instead of any fix they just did nothing and gloated in interviews about how great the game is. Within a week of release 80% of all heroes were unplayable due to bugs with hitboxes and abilities, each map had various exploits and glitches people abused, balance was awful because they introduced maps/heroes that weren't in the beta which they probably never even played and performance was far worse than in the Beta. No fixes came, nothing at all of value in months of lousy developer support. They released a bit of pre-planned content they've been working on and couldn't finished in time for release, shuffled a few values related to balance around but never touched anything of importance.
So whenever I see anyone mention "how to fix Battleborn" then my only answer is - start actually updating the game with gameplay and technical fixes instead of adding meaningless fluff to a broken base game.
I highly suspect they had someone program the game and then fired them - or the contract expired - so the only people still working on it are a bunch of game designers merely capable of scripting a bit who have no idea how to tackle all the core problems the game has.
Would making Battleborn f2p get anyone play it? No, it's in a sorry state of neglect and anyone who tries it quickly leaves once the various issues become apparent. There are too many f2p games in a better state than Battleborn and as such there's no reason to play it over those.
On a somewhat related note - Battleborn was the last Gearbox game I ever bough - a company who sells bugged software and doesn't fix it is not worthy of my support.
Gearbox is responsible for three notable games: Borderlands (which is a good game) Duke Nukem Forever (i don't need to explain this) Aliens: Colonial Marines (i don't need to explain this) youtube.com/watch?v=88CvPKNl_xk