>game has a dance button
Game has a dance button
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker arcade game was fucking GOAT.
>game has a stand button
Shovel Knight : Plague of shadow is pretty good
>game has a poetry button
Arguably the best feature in a game.
What game has the best dance moves?
Most likely
>Bayo Taunt
>game has a quack button
but the animations are terrible
>game has a doug button
>Game has a fart button
>be musician in RL
>GTA:San Andreas's hydraulics dance mini-game at the start of Latino's quest line is out of sync
>mfw I can't clear that mission cuz I can't purposefully move the vehicle out of time to the music
>indicators are on the screen
>following them stil gives passing grades
>still following rhythm because you have special needs
Just because you say "but muh musician education" doesn't mean you ain't a dum nigga
>game has a Doug button
Literally four posts above yours.
>game has a sing button
>it doesn't matter and never has a use
>Game has a button
>Game has a pose button
>game has a sit button